From the Mouth of Sauron Issue: E-23 Date: 07-10-94 First Word Greetings once more from elsewhen. In my mailbox yesterday was the most recent issue of "Whispers of the Woods," and rather than grouse about game 97, I thought I'd make a few comments on a couple of the articles in this issue. First of all, there is a long article dealing with game mistakes. Now, while we do not know that any of our "How I got screwed..." articles, letters, etc. in "From the Mouth of Sauron" did any good, the fact remains that Bill Feild (Hi Bill!) does get "The Mouth" and this article certainly addresses many of our loyal readers complaints and comments. I think that this article will clarify for readers how GSI handles mistakes, clears up errors, and deals with other problems. On the whole, reading an article like this makes me feel "upbeat" as it clears things up immeasurably. I'd encourage all to give this article a read through. It's nice to know exactly how they handle faux pas of various types, and to know that they are more flexible than my Grandfather's Buick. Also, in this issue is a new edition of the Oracle. About 20 of the questions answered here were right from 3x5 cards which I sent in to "Whispers..." See if you can guess what I don't know about... And, finally, we get the official announcement of the new me-pbm scenario. The setting is TA 2950, not 2940 as mentioned in our musings contained herein. It is worth mentioning at this point that if the circa is not "too circa" the Dwarves may have reclaimed Erebor. Despite it being set at "2950" they specifically state that Erebor is a ruin. Does that mean that Smaug is there? Official player positions are as described previously in "The Mouth." However, I do have one bone to pick. The three Free People elven positions are the Silvan, Sinda, and Noldo elves. Presumably, the Noldo is as they were in the 1650 scenario, with the Sinda being as they were in the 1650, less the Lothlorien population centers. My gripe is with the naming of the other as the Silvan elves. Again, I'm assuming that this is the Lothlorien position, but I find it ironic that the Silvan Elves are not led by a Silvan Elf, and that the Noldo Elves are not led by the most powerful Noldo elf. But then, hey, that's my problem. The announce new encounters, new artifacts, new riddles, new information (supplied to all), and a new rulebook. Wowzers! This sounds like fun! I can't wait until the August/September startup! See you in 1700 years in the near future. Brian Dragons Lomaw: Offer TEN thousand gold = dragon recruited for Dark Servants. Scatha: Offer TEN thousand gold = injured/killed for all allegiances. Thanks once again to all of you who keep sending in your information. Even if I already have it, it's good to see confirmation of the existing data. Encounters (From Tom: This is an encounter which might be a variation on old spirit encounters, or something else entirely. I've never heard of it before.) "As we crossed an ancient grave yard last night, the ground seemed to erupt with the dead! Rotting bodies, Skeletons, and Ghosts streamed out of their graves and moved towards our troops. Suddenly, however, they stopped, and a single Ghost moved forward. "Hail, warriors, We are the scouts who fell to a vile ambush many years ago. But I see that you are not the ones for which we search. You may pass." And with these words, the Spirits returned to their graves with a sigh of despair." This was in reaction to a Dark Servant force, which found mithril arms and armor in it's baggage train after the encounter. Thanks to Tim Garr for this info. Other Notes >From David Foreman Tom/Brian, One of your gentle readers sent this to me, and he may be too embarrassed to send it to you for submission in the mouth. Do with it what you will! Hello everyone! It is my great pleasure to inform you that Colin James Fitzpatrick was born on June 15, 1994, at 3:08 a.m., in the Universitaetsklinik in Frankfurt, Germany. He weighed 4120 g (9 lbs. 1 oz.) and was 59 cm (23 1/4") long. His mother, Michaele, is recovering nicely from the caesarean operation and will be home some time next week. Colin is healthy and happy and looks forward to coming home soon. The proud papa, Darin Fitzpatrick >From Jeremy Richman I've been enjoying the new-age speculations in the last two issues, thanks for doing the research. I'm very disappointed in GSI that the initial official games may be seeded with play-testers -- this will put pressure on everyone to step up efforts to become know-alls. Pity. I hope GSI learned from the present game to make PC locations and army-strengths at least slightly variable. I wanted to respond to your comments about Curses. I assume some of that is coming from game 70. I agree that Curses is quite powerful, and frustrating, to be on the receiving end of. I just want to point out how much effort has been put into this in game 70. I have something like 6 mages who are in the squad, most of them with a mage artifact because without a mage artifact each my net chance of killing someone would be less than 40%, since most mages of 70 or below tend to learn hard spells at 40-60% casting ranks, as I can attest from game 70. So think about the amount of effort I've put in, during the game, to get to the point where 6 of my characters can kill 2 enemy characters per turn. 1. 6 mages performing order 710 an average of 20 times each to achieve the necessary level. This is 120 orders that have no other benefit (unlike an agent who guards, or an emissary who improves loyalty or makes camps, where skill goes up and something comes out of it). 2. 6 mages learning Curses. 18 more orders. 3. 6 mage artifacts + 2 non-mage Spirit Mastery artifacts located and found and retrieved, one way or another. Including locating, visiting, investigating (or stealing), returning, handing off (and sharing SM artifacts around), call this an average of 6 orders per artifact or roughtly 50 more orders. 4. 6 mages learning 3 spells each is $18,000 gold. We are talking almost 200 orders here and my guess is I'm a little low, FOR NO OTHER BENEFIT than 20 turns later being able to kill 2 characters per turn. I don't mean to underplay how powerful this is, but look at what I've given up. If I'd retired my mages and named emissaries, think what 100 emisary orders (assuming they move each turn) would have accomplished for me ? Or 100 agent orders ? I might well have already killed the same number of characters with agents that I will kill with Curses, and much earlier. Of course, the main thing that Curses gives is the ability to kill otherwise unkillable characters. And my experience is that 80-pt characters are virtually immune to agents below 100 points of agent/stealth power. And remember, it is quite possible to forestall Curses squads by hunting down enemy mages, something I try to do in my games when possible. Moving off from game 70, I've formed Curses squads in games where the enemy had won the military fight and the game was becoming a character-war. I always wondered why, with the heat off them, the enemy never seems to locate my mages and send agents after them ? I'm so paranoid about this I frequently move my mages (more wasted orders, though I try to reduce this by putting them in a company) but they are findable. And there are ways to deal with a Curses squad. A squad is often very likely to hit front-line top commanders -- so set a trap and pile agents all around your armies. This may seem like a waste, too much of a shot in the dark, but considering how much effort has to be put into a SM squad it shouldn't be too easy to take apart. (BTW, please don't do this in 70(g)!). Form your own Curses squad for a counter-offensive (but don't go up against the enemy squad unless you have more mages than they do, so if they curse you you can still kill one of them). Another idea: just like dealing with high-level enemy agents, have lots of backup commanders. And/or withdraw your prized Marshal until the squad is dealt with, and staff your main army with loads of less-valuable commanders. Lastly, don't let a Curses squad be formed, if possible. Get to the artifacts first, even the enemy-aligned ones. Treat them as valuable as the Ring of Wind and other top agent artifacts. Steal their mage artifacts and collect the loose ones first, so their mages will have poor casting ranks. Guess that's it for Curses commentary. (From Tom: Actually my objections to curses can be boiled down into main items: 1. They completely non-historical. As this is supposed to be Middle-Earth we're playing in and not the random creation of a designer, this objection is actually significant. 2. There's no protection. Curses are automatic. There's no other order that has a 100% success rate - and is so devastating when employed successfully. I might overlook objection #1 if there was some way to protect a character against curses, or reduce the effects. But there isn't. As with dragons, you simply bite the bullet. I agree it's difficult to get a curses team together in the first place, and probably not cost-effective in the long haul (unless you're playing on a team). But my basic objections to having curses around to begin with, set up to act in the way they do, still stand.) >From Dave Rossell I didn't realize GSI was playtesting with general circulation Me-PBMers. How many playtests has GSI run? How many people did they involve? I'm all in favor of keeping information on the new game to a minimum, but will that even be an issue given the playtests? Someone mentioned their Woodmen nation creating five characters with the +20 challenge bonus. I've named nine characters in game 119, only one had any special ability at all--the +20 challenge bonus. Four of my starting characters had stealth, one had a challenge bonus. Needless to say, I was bitterly disappointed. From the description in the rule book, I had expected good agents and a decent chance at some nifty characters. As a result, I have a lot of 30 agents running around scouting for my fellow Freeps, but few of my characters with the strenght to do much interesting as agents. More info on rolls turning sour for the winning side: In game 119, the Freeps are walking over the evils at will. Once our lead became commanding, assassination/kidnapping rolls started to go sour. Examples: a 70 agent with 70 stealth killed kidnapping a 50 mage with no guards. Four other kidnap/assassination orders failed in the past 3 turns. Each order was executed against a 50-rank mage or commander with no guards. >From Holger Eichmann After I asked around about the difficulty of the order 'Improve Population Center' some friendly people sent me some data: Emissary Loyal. Popul. success rank 30 19 camp yes 30 35 camp yes 30 36 camp no 37 25 camp yes 44 19 camp no 44 30 camp yes 48 19 camp yes 51 45 camp yes 71 38 camp yes 54 36 village yes 54 47 village yes 40 35 town no 43 55 town no 61 40 town yes 65 52 town yes 60 75 yes 84 75 yes Special thanks to Michael Schwuchow, Darin Fitzpatrick, Paul R. Stratton, Brian Cash, Kai Pfingsten and Alexander Maetzing. Because these are too few data to make a rule out of it, has anybody some experiences with this order, which he could send me ( Thanks for your help! >From Jerry Clark Brian, I was reading the Witch-King article (which by the way is very interesting) and I noticed that you said to keep Murazor as a backup commander so that he is training and doing the mage thing, and keeping the challengers of the Noldo, Arthedain, and the Dwarves away. Please forgive my ignorance in this area, but does this mean that Murazor as a backup commander traveling with the army could issue challenge to Argeleb, if he is the primary commander of the Arthedain army, and kill him? If this is the case, I will become more enlightened by this fact. Secondly, let's say that Tarandor is the commander of an army and he sees that Ren is in a hex, but let's say that Celdrehing is there (basically Dragon Lord sees a challenge coming) also. You guessed it; Tarandor challenges Ren, but Celdrehing also challenges Tarandor (BTW, Celdrehing is not in an army in this scenario). Is Tarandor dead? I am really enjoying the article on the Witch-king, but I would like to add a twist to it and see what your strategy would be for handling this "little problem." Let's say Rhudaur attacks you on Turn #1. What would you do? (From Tom: as for Rhudaur, I'd curse the player for not playing a neutral like a neutral, then spend all of my energy wrecking his nation. Teach him a lesson!) >From Darin Fitzpatrick I am currently re-reading the LotR for the nth time. It is amazing how much clearer some of the scenes are after having played on the same ground for a while. I heartily recommend another read to anyone who hasn't looked at the trilogy since playing ME-PBM. Another result is that historical events that impinge on ME-PBM leap out. RE: The Rohirrim in 2950 Eomer's sword is Guthwine, which he may have from his father Eomund, or his father, whose name I don't know and can't look up at the moment. In order to reflect the advantageous trading position of Rohan, they might get a trade bonus, a la Northmen in 1650. This would allow fewer pop centers but still reflect their prosperity. I would certainly expect camps dotted around Calenardhon. They would give appropriate mounts and leather production, and reflect the horse-herders that roamed the land. A few mountain camps producing metals, especially gold, might add to the prosperity of the Rohirrim. I hope, by the way, that we won't start seeing a bunch of references to "the Rohan." Rohan, the Riddermark, the Mark, the Rohirrim. Thank you. RE: E-mail formats I don't know too much about other systems, being a newcomer to e-mail, but I always copy the Mouth into MS Word. With a normal font this screws up the spacing of the tables, but I then set the font to "Line Printer," which does not use proportional spacing. This irons out the spacing trouble, since each character takes up the same amount of space. My e-mail program also uses non-proportional spacing. I wonder if GSI prints out the e-mail turns in order to type them in? The game program runs on Macintosh, I believe, so that's probably what they use for e-mail, too. RE: Harbor destruction at Tol Buruth I was told by GAD that ships in a non-shore hex without a harbor are "still there, but not available." I took this to mean that you can't move a navy out of the hex. Sam Freeman seems pretty sure that you can. Does anyone have experience with this? (From Tom: you can pick up the ships and move out, but once you do you can't move back into the hex with those ships until the harbor is rebuilt. This keeps players from destroying enemy navies by destroying the port or harbor they happen to be anchored at.) News from the Net Post #1 ------------------------------------------------------- From: (Shawn M Glass) Subject: ME-PBM 141 Date: 14 Jun 1994 19:05:28 GMT Greetings Brian (Blind Sorcerer). I play the Dark Lieutenants in game 141. I will send you more info on the other DS players shortly. Doug (Corsairs), since you have e-mail access, expect a note from me also. Brian (Cloud Lord), talk to you soon. As Brian already asked, are there any other players (FP, DS, or Neutrals) with internet access in this game. Especially Northern Gondor...ha ha. The Mouth of Sauron Post #2 -------------------------------------------------------- From: (Holger Eichmann) Subject: MEPBM: Improve Population Center Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 10:27:53 GMT Has anybody some experiences with the order 'Improve Population Center'? Of which rank should my emissary be to have a good chance of success? How important is the loyality of the population center ? Thanks for your help Holger -------------------------------------------------------- Holger Eichmann new email address!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------- response from (Paul R. Stratton) -------------------------------------------------------- Higher the loyalty the better. A good rule of thumb is to remember that PCs start at various levels. camp 30 village 45 town 55 MT 75 City 90? Try to have the loyalty for the PC you want to upgrade as near as possible to the loyalty of the size you want. Higher level emmisaries are better. I've had a 71 upgrade a camp @ 38 to a village with no problems and an 84 emissary upgrade a MT @ 75 to a city. My guess is try to have the loyalty around 2/3 of of the starting level and use a 50+ level emissary. I had 65 emissary upgrade a Town at 52 to a MT without and trouble. Have fun Paul Stratton --------------------------------------------------------- response from (Brian Cash) --------------------------------------------------------- Some. 60 emis can turn a MT with 75 loyalty into a City. I had a 30 emis turn a camp to a village at 35 loyalty, but I think I was lucky. The emis rank is more important than the loyalty. I would use 50+ emis, so you don't waste too many turns. Brian /-|-\ "PS you can no longer give dragons artifacts" -------------------------------------------------------- response from (Ian Pearson) -------------------------------------------------------- I actually think it is quite simple. Add your pop centre loyalty to your emmisary rank plus the result of a 1-100 random chance. It seems to work for me, takinga large sample to produce an average. This isn't new. Read your rule book very carefully. Ian Pearson -------------------------------------------------------- Post #3 -------------------------------------------------------- From: (Samuel Freeman) Subject: MEPBM Artifact Powers Date: 21 Jun 1994 19:52:19 GMT I have some questions about secondary powers of certain artifacts. Some secondary powers are "latent" (bonus vs. dragons), and some give the holder access to certain lost spells. Now I've hear of Tarondor using the Ring of Axardil (access to Teleport spell) to teleport around Middle Earth. Can other secondary powers be used by non-mages? For example, can a pure commander use Durin's Axe to summon hordes? If so, is the # summoned dependent on the command rank or what? Also, if the artifact gives a character access to a spell, but the artifact is later transfered or lost, will the character still have access to that spell? For example, could a curses squad be made from one artifact with access to Spirit Mastery (one mage gets it, learns curses, then passes it to another mage, and repeat)? Sam -------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) --------------------------------------------------------- I don't know about several of these questions, but I do know that once a character learns a spell, they can pass on the artificat and still retain the spell. Yes, curses squads are easy to create once the right artifact is found. -------------------------------------------------------- Post #4 -------------------------------------------------------- From: (DAVE ROSSELL) Subject: ME-PBM Dragons and Artifacts? Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 17:12:00 GMT Did someone out there just post something about no longer being able to use artifacts as dragon homing collars? Can anyone out there confirm this? -------------------------------------------------------- response from (Samuel Freeman) -------------------------------------------------------- I can't confirm this personally, but the latest edition of the rulebook does say (under Transfer Artifact order description) that the recipient cannot be a hostage or NPC. Dragons are definitely NPC's, so the rulebook seems to imply that you can't give a dragon an artifact. Sam -------------------------------------------------------- response from (Brian Cash) --------------------------------------------------------- I put a side note on a reply. I have seen, personally, a turn that said "character not a valid target" or something to that effect. The loophole is closed. -------------------------------------------------------- Post #5 --------------------------------------------------------- From: Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) Subject: ME-PBM Dragon recruiting Date: 22 Jun 1994 19:58:48 GMT Anyone have information on how to recruit Scatha or Ando-Anca if one is a Dark Servant? --------------------------------------------------------- Post #6 --------------------------------------------------------- From: (KGiven) Subject: ME Recruiting Dragons yet again Date: 23 Jun 1994 00:41:03 -0400 An FP has just had Scorba appear in one of his mtn camps. I know Scorba is one of the two dragons the FP can recruit, but how? Also, what is the probability that he'll still be there, if a character has to move to the camp first. Thanx in advance Kevin -------------------------------------------------------- Post #7 --------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sheeyun Park) Subject: MEPBM #168 Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 19:31:18 GMT Is there anyone in game #168? Cloud Lord ------------------------------------------------------- Post #8 --------------------------------------------------------- From: (Arnold Mohamed) Subject: Middle Earth Riddle Date: 1 Jul 1994 21:42:48 -0400 Does anyone have any idea on the answer to this riddle? : The "secret shadow" The messenger of the dark a woman of the night a bird with a bite. Could it be Ungoliant? -------------------------------------------------------- response from (TomTG) --------------------------------------------------------- Nope The answer is Thuringwethil --------------------------------------------------------- Post #9 -------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: MEPBM #169 Date: Sun, 3 Jul 94 16:03:00 UTC Harad player in 169 seeks others in this game for diplomatic talks. There's a month until kickoff, after all! -------------------------------------------------------- (From Tom: please note that these posts are taken as a representative sample. We've already answered some of the questions put here and simply print them to give you an idea of what's going on outside of the Mouth. Also, I've recently (just two turns ago) seen a player collar a dragon with an artifact. If the loophole was closed, it was done within the last month.) GSI and Customer Service From Rochelle Newman Regarding GSI's fax machine and customer service: A friend in our game faxed in a turn, in which he wanted one of his characters to join a company led by Bain.... well, he got his turn back, and it said that he was ordered to join the company led by Gain, and, since Gain was not there, he couldn't join. Having Faxed in his turn, my friend still had his copy of the original, and went back to check --- he had written Bain quite clearly, so he assumed GSI had mistyped the info ("g" and "b" being so close on the keyboard). Since Bain hadn't moved the company anywhere, it wouldn't have been a problem for GSI to correct the mistake, and so my friend sent in a letter with his next turn explaining the situation and asking them to make the correction. GSI refused to do so; they responded instead that it looked like a "g" to them, and that if my friend suspected that his fax machine was garbling his characters, he should really go and have it fixed....... From Darin Fitzpatrick My personal experience with GSI has been limited: they sent me my setup and gave me GAD Games' address. I also called them once when GAD couldn't answer a question. I will nevertheless venture to comment on Bill Feild's letter. It seems that the biggest problems that customers have with GSI do not impinge in any way on the Game Master role. Such things as e-mail confirmation, extra service fees, availability of smaller copies of the map (including stickers, as suggested by Dave Foreman), etc. affect only the convenience of the customers, not the fairness of the game. There is no reason that these problems cannot be resolved satisfactorily. The numerous game improvements that have been suggested are a bit more difficult. I would definitely say that any changes in running games should be announced at least 3 turns in advance. Obviously, GSI is not going to implement each item on the "wish list," but it would be encouraging to see some of them in the new game. I would also like to see versions labeled, just like other software, so that the appropriate changes can all be implemented at one time and tracked. Listening to customer feedback is the single most important job of a service company, even an apparent monopoly like GSI. Bill may prefer his "Game Master" hat, but my GM buddies don't charge $6.50 a turn. Fairness as a game master dictates that players are not penalized for mistakes caused by inputters or program errors. GSI should make every effort to correct its mistakes - up to and including re-running an entire turn for everybody, at no charge. Another issue involving fairness is the answering of questions by GSI staff. Apparently the amount of information available to players is related to the persistence of the asker and the mood of the staff member. Information should not have to be wheedled out of GSI. Some things are known, and some unknown to players, and this distinction should be clear to all staff members. A standard response list might help matters. To comply with Tom's request for hard data: I had a setup and friendly note within 10 days of my request (includes overseas mail time.) When I called, I got a correct answer right away. And, just last week, I sent an e-mail to Bill requesting hard info on the new game. All my questions (regarding start-up time, team games, costs, etc.) were answered within two days, also by e-mail. Thus far GSI has a near-perfect record with me. Naming Less Than Ideal Characters by Darin Fitzpatrick While considering the possibilities of character creation, one question seems to crop up frequently: Should I name a character with less than the maximum potential skill rank? Of all the nations that can name 40-point Commanders and Mages, only Arthedain does not have the appropriate starting characters, and Mages are of secondary importance for that position. Thus the question is most interesting for those positions who can create rank 40 Emissaries and Agents, but do not start out with the appropriate skill levels to take advantage of this ability. These include the Dunlendings (40 Agents) and the Quiet Avenger and Northmen (40 Emissaries.) Nations who do not start out with 30 rank Emissaries (just about everyone) or Agents (all but one FP), but do not have an appropriate special ability, can use the "Name New Character" command to build a fresh 30-point character, who then typically names further 30-pointers. This costs bit more up front, but the earlier use of the characters more than makes up for the 5000 gold in almost every case. "NamChar" does not, however, allow creation of 40-point characters. The player of one of the above-mentioned nations is thus faced with the decision of when to name characters. Let's look at the results of two options, using the QA as an example. In the first case, Adunaphel names two Emissaries as soon as possible. In the second, she waits until she has reached rank 40 (or 39, which is close enough not to matter.) In both cases, all characters do "InfYour" whenever possible, resulting in an average increase of 3. (See "More Character and Skill Improvement," Tom Walton, Mouth #3.) Case 1 Case 2 Adunaphel Em #1 Em #2 | Adunaphel Em #1 Em #2 Turn 1: 30 30 -- | 33 -- -- Turn 2: 30 33 30 | 36 -- -- Turn 3: 33 36 33 | 39 -- -- Turn 4: 36 39 36 | 39 39 -- Turn 5: 39 42 39 | 39 42 39 So we see that by turn 5, both cases give the same result. In case 1, 10,000 gold is gone from the treasury by turn 2, vs. 3 turns later in case 2. By turn 5 maintenance has cost 3,860 more gold than in case 2. In exchange for this investment, case 1 results in 10 "InfYour" orders, vs. 4 for case 2. In case 1, 3 of the "InfYour" orders must be in the capital; in case 2, only 1 must be. One other factor comes into play. In case 2, luck plays a greater roll. The abilities of all 3 characters depend on the increases of the first one. If Adunaphel is lucky, she could have 40 points by turn 2. At the opposite extreme, she could still be at 35 by turn 5. In case 1, the random factor is uncoupled, and each character progresses independently of the others. The decision, then, is whether to invest gold in order to get orders and loyalty. (For agents, the added orders are guards, which are probably less valuable than loyalty increases, especially for the Dunlendings.) The new characters can also execute caravan transfers and buys & sells, since they are in the capital. This decision will vary somewhat from game to game, but I would suggest the following: For the QA, gold is somewhat limited at start, so it would probably be wise to conserve the treasury and wait a while. If, however, you like to risk creating camps with 33 Emissaries, you will want to get them in action as soon as possible. If bad luck strikes Adunaphel's increases, I would name Emissaries by turn 4 anyway and cut my losses. The Northmen have two different considerations. First, they are more likely to face massive theft. Second, they live or die by the market. I would therefore try to empty the treasury as fast as possible, before the Long Rider does. Unfortunately, the Northmen must name a 30-point Emissary first. I would probably even name two right away, just to get things moving all the sooner. The Emissaries can then issue buys & sells to keep the economy going, and having more gives security in case some get killed. The Dunlendings have a much more relaxed situation. They must also name a 30-point Agent right away, but I would then wait until he hits 40 to name further Agents. This could even coincide with turn 6, when 3 new slots open up. Dunland is not likely to see much thievery, and can marshal its resources for a few turns in peace. This decision obviously remains rather subjective, but I hope to have shed some light on the factors that influence it. I welcome any comments. On the Witch-King S&T Article From Paul Comber Liked the piece on WK srategy. Here is my tuppence worth. I am playing the WK in Game # 31 UK. Its turn 15 or so and we recently knocked out the FP. (4 were eliminated, the rest gave up) To be fair to them, although they were a team they were a new one and so didnt have access to encounter lists etc. Anyway, the strategy I used as the WK was as follows. 1. Recruit HI 2. RECRUIT HI 3. RECRUIT HI !!! 4. Use Murazor as an Emissary/Mage. By using him with the Pectoral I built up pop centres from towns to major towns and major towns to cities. This I feel gives several distinct benefits. a) MUCH more difficult to Threaten for the FP esp. the Cities. b) Higher defensive bonus, with good loyalty from Dragons the difference between a cities defense and a MT can be quite marked. c) Since you have high taxes you can get the money back for the building pretty quickly. Send Angulion south to Mordor ready to collect a backup capital if needed and meanwhile build safe pop centres in Mordor. 5. Scream at the other Mordor players ! such lines as, "I need help and I need it now , do you expect me to play for 12 turns and get trashed just to help you ? and you dont help me ?" often do the trick. The Mordor players MUST support the WK or he is dead meat. support must come in 2 forms. a) MONEY Mordor should be constantly badgered for cash, point out that you are facing at least 4 FP's while they deal with 6 between them. I regard a minimum of 10,000 a turn as acceptable. b) AGENTS. The only way to deal with the recruiting power of all those FP's is to knock some of them oout without using troops. The Cloud Lord must send at least 1 agent to help you, others should be encouraged to help. c) Swop of MT's . Never thought of this ourselves but it appears to be a very sound idea, I wish I had heard of it earlier. 6. Talk, Talk and talk again to the neutrals. Rhudaur is crucial . If he doesnt help then you are finished. Staying neutral is not good enough, he must be encouraged to actively aid you. Try to convince him that he is as dependant on you as you on him. (I believe this to be true) A scenario to paint is what happens to you when I am dead ? Rhudaur is small fry when compared to FP's . If they win he has no chance and must join them, then he will be one of many with no chance for individual victory. Offer virtually anything to get him, several combat artifacts is CHEAP ! In summation I believe this is NOT a military position. It , like the QA is a DIPLOMATIC one. You must get the neutrals on your side, you must get support out of your own team no amount of military skill will save you from competant opponents unless you achieve these things. A Lost Cause (or How the Ice King Bit It in 7 turns in Game 101) (or, Justifying the Early Demise of the Dark Servants in Game 101} by Nunya B. Sness - -----PRELUDE----- In response to Dave Holts article in The Mouth #19, I felt I would divulge a unique perspective on that game - a losers. Hullo, I'm the Ice Cream King of 101, or as the ladies called me, Whore-mew-wrath. Mine is a tale of woe, filled with heart throbbing anti-climaxes, and gut-wrenching sadness. Ohhh, if I were to do it all over again...but alas, now I hang by bound limbs, Saurons flame licking my arse in eternal torment. Boo hoo hoo... - -----GGB gee's----- The start of this game might warrant a separate article to be placed in the "How I Got Shafted by GSI" section, but anyway, let me tell ya what happened. With 3 games under my belt (2 completed and 1 ongoing) I thought I'd try being one of those famed game savers known as the standby. I'd great admiration for this player, you know the type, the guy that comes in out of the blue on turn 6 or so picking up that desperately needed dropped nation. The cavalry so to speak. Well, I thought I was going to be a hero-WRONG-. This was back in the good old days when GSI didn't list the standby's available on the turnsheets. You were put on some hidden sacred list held in the impenetrable fortress Dol Miami in that southern swampy wasteland of Floridiath. You can imagine the pride I felt, getting that long awaited (like 3 months I believe) communique that The Great God Bill was looking for a warrior. A gleeful man was I as I said: "Ohh Great God Bill, what nation is it that needs my guidance, my wisdom, the Noldo? Long Rider? Maybe the revered Cloud Lord?" I squirmed with anticipation at what was to be dealt to me; and then, in as monotone and uncaring voice as only The Great God Bill can muster he said: "We have an opening for the Quiet Avenger". Uproarious laughter filled my innards, could he be real. I sought a nation to lead, not a doormat to be cleaned from the Free Peoples boot wipings. In my most subservient voice, and trying to hide my innards laughter, I asked: "Oh Great God Bill, there surely must be mightier nations that I could do thy bidding. I mean not to judge your infinite wisdom, but I beseech thee, could there be something else available?" Reflecting back on the moment, I should not have been so cocky in my hasty statement; for as the traveled should know, the Great God Bill does not take kindly to having his authority questioned. In addition, the Great God Bill is quite cunning in his ability to hide his rage; thus he sprang upon me a literal Pandora box. Again the Great God Bill speaks: "Well, I do have an Ice King position available." The wheels in my head spin as I recall the lore of this nation...ah yes, 40 point agents, stealth, a dream nation...being traveled myself, I knew not to take the position without further question so I humbly asked: "What kind of condition is the nation in?" "PEON!!!" he roared as the Earth trembled, "YOU DARE QUESTION ME?! YOU IMBECILE!!! YOU KNOW I CAN NOT TELL YOU ANYTHING!! I WILL NOT ENDANGER THE INTEGRITY OF THAT GAME YOU FOOL!!!" Not wanting to bear any further anger from the Great God Bill, I quickly apologized and accepted his gracious offer. - -----SURPRISE--- About 2 weeks later I open my mailbox to find my new game. The past month I've planned numerous ways of how I was going to dispel the Free People scum from the face of Middle Earth. I rip open the monster envelope. Flail it aside. Unfold my turn. I look at the cover page...400 victory points...ok, so all's not lost right? I look down a see it's only turn 3 - cool, can't be that bad...I flip the cover page and........@#$#&$#@!?$*$##$! !$&%?$$!$!!$%^^ %@$$!$%^&&%# !@%$^&$# !#@$%% $%^^$@..."what the ?!! Two frickin' pop centers?!!" #$%@#$# #$%@##%$% $#$%#$!#@%$ $#@$%%?#$#@$@#$? (what followed was an extended cursing and wading up of my turn sequence, that is much too long and extended to describe here.) - ------THE NEXT DAY----- I search about the house for the ball of paper I recall being my turn sheet. Apparently one of the thrashings of the wad actually made it in the trash can. I remove it and try to smooth out the crumpled mass. After cursing a couple more times at having only two pop centers I looked the setup over. Apparently the position had not had anything done to it yet. Here's what I saw: Pop Centers -> Durthang (MjT), Kathund-akul (Cmp) Armies -> Baltab with large army Hukor with medium army Maintenance -> Army 14,400 Pop Center 1,500 Characters 6,800 Production -> Stores Produce Br 1096 274 St 1676 419 Fo 2500 Economy -> Tax Rate 40% Revenue 8200 (-14,500) Reserve 6497 Characters -> All starting with no increases Of course the most demoralizing factor of this setup was the map. There were 12 army icons on the map - 6 Free and 6 Dark. The only damage apparently done to the Freebies was that Ithil was a town. The current situation was FP armies at: both N. Gondor cities, Osgiliath, Ithil, Ungol, Morannon. DS armies at: Durthang, Morannon, Dur, Ungol, 3324 camp. I could see that my starting town had been captured and my starting camps burned. In addition, Thuringwathost was toast. - -----THE PLAN----- My first and foremost concern was getting my economy in order. My general plan was to sell as much every turn as possible (not much here with 2 frickin pop centers), steal as much as possible (less than above), retire some characters (cut maintenance minimally), and kill my troops first and foremost(BINGO!). In addition, I was going to grovel for what assistance I could from the other DS's - YEAH RIGHT - As so many games in the past have died, so did this one by the lack of player communication. I sent out cards every turn I was alive and only received something back from one other DS (which, by the way, he was so into trying to tell me how to run my nation I almost decided to try to change allegiance and slam his ____ }:] - -----THE ASS WHUPPIN'----- Here's how the rest of my game went: - ---Turn 4--- Cons : only retired Abdahkil. Should have dumped Virsh as well. Didn't move out army this turn. Wasted order scrying Osgiliath when had a scout area already there Pros : new 40 point agent has 10 mage. transferred all but 100 of Hukors troops to Baltabs army - gonna make an ass stompin' army. Highlights : - -Deficit has increased to -17,100, reserves at 11,234. - -Map shows additional FP army. Ithil DS army gone. FP army at Morannon bypasses and is at 3222 camp/fort. FP army at 3223, all others as above. - -TURN 5- Cons : Baltab army tried to force to Barad Dur to help Dk Lt but stopped at 3223 owned by S.Gond (should have gone for Osgiliath). Gaurhir tries to move/join Baltab at Dur. Tax rate tried to change to 75, only got 53. Moved emis to camp to increase to village, S. Gond there with army Pros : 3300 gold stolen from N. Gond. Another 40 point agent. Both mages in Baltab army Highlights : - -Deficit has increased to -18,725, revenue up to 9,175, reserves at 20,629. - -Ungol DS army gone, Ungol captured. FP army at Barad Dur. Osgiliath army moves into pass? FP army at 3028. S.Gond at my camp with med. army. - -TURN 6- Cons : Baltab army makes it to Dur, down to a town owned by N.Gond. Emis unsuccessful at influencing camp threatened by S.Gond. Pros : Baltab army threats 3223 successfully. N. Gond army only has 300 troops (see next turn cons). 2,750 gold stolen from N.Gond. Virsh dies from encounter. Somebody blows Osgiliath bridge. Highlights : - -Deficit has increased to -19,985 (this is going the wrong direction), revenue up to 10,275 (this isn't), reserves at 11,358(this is). - -Ungol/Ithil armies combine and are at 3425 - Ungol/Ithil undefended. New Osgiliath army. New DS armies (Fire K?) at 3225,3327,3426. - -TURN 7- Cons : Baltab dies from challenge from N.Gond-Hoarmurath gets army (he's only a 20 point commander). All mages in army waste orders for casting (combat) and prentice (from expected pop capture.) Turn 5 agent dies from encounter. Emis unsuccessful at camp creation. Lost 3223 camp to S.Gond. Pros : 7,944 gold stolen from N.Gond. Highlights : - -Deficit has increased to -21,485; revenue down to 8,875; reserves at 10,321. - -Ungol/Ithil still undefended. FP army at new Fire King cap. NG Dur army at my camp/fort. FP 3028 army combine with Osgiliath army. DS armies move to 1 hex of new Fire King cap. Neutral army at 2929. - -TURN 8- Cons : Hoarmurath tries to move to Ungol, stopped by S. Gond at 3323. Emis fails at camp creation. Lost 3222 camp to N.Gond threat. Osgiliath bridge rebuilt. Pros : Hoarmurath threatens Barad Dur successfully. 3,200 gold stolen from N.Gond. Highlights : - -Deficit has DEcreased to -16,455; revenue UP to 13,225; reserves at 4,082. - -FP armies stretch from 2924 to 3224. Fire K. new cap captured. Neutral army gone (actually has turned into a free.) - -TURN 9- Cons : Turn 4 Agent injured by S. Gond. Emis fails at camp creation due to insufficient gold. N. Gond ex-Dur army shows up at my capital. Tax rate auto-increase to 78%. Reports of FP armies running amuck in Cloud Lord territory. FP icon at Ungol is composed of 3 medium armies and a huge Corsair army. Pros : Gaurhir retires. No gold in N. Gond treasuries. Hoarmurath army wipes out S. Gond army taking 45% losses. Highlights : - -Deficit has DEcreased to -7,123; revenue UP to 14,400; reserves at 0 - -FP at Morannon, Durthang (see above), 3428, 3018, 3319, etc. (death is eminent) - -TURN 10- Cons : BANKRUPT! Turn 4 Agent captured by S. Gond. Hoarmurath army wiped out by FP armies. Hukor army disbanded by his death from personal challenge from N. Gond. Emis fails at influencing Dur. Pros : 4,676 stolen from N. Gond. Highlights : - -Deficit shot to hell; revenue shot to hell; reserves shot to hell - -not a single DS army on my map. Hasta! - -----GOODBYES AND SALUTATIONS----- My hats off to Freeps of this game; perhaps you would not have been so lucky if I was in here from the start and had a little cooperation from the other Darserv's. Who knows, anyhow, congrat's to you and yours. And as a final note, to all you Freep's who were so uptight as to not write back from my gag's, jabs, and pokes in my 3X5's and in WOW, I leave you with this as I burn in hell...."I'm your Ice Cream King; stop me when I'm passing see all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy!" Philip R Tripp ps. Oh yeah, couldn't just leave it at that, for those of you who don't get WOW in addition to this great e-mail mag, let me FINALLY close with the scores printed in Junes WOW for game 101 standings: #22 Harad - 1867 (I almost had this many vict pnt in my 112 Harad on turn 9. Pitiful #10 Noldo - 1800 Corsairs in 112, where are you now fool!? #7 S.Gon - 1750 Sorry, had to add that in somewhere.) Top Dark Servant: #11 Witch King - 667 Highest Challenge: Murazor/WK - 203 Highest Command : Ashdurbuk/WK - 142 Highest Agent : Din Ohtar/LR - 122 Highest Emissary : Angulion/WK - 100 Highest Mage : Murazor/WK - 170 Most Mithril : Dwarves: - 1429 Most Artifacts : Witch King: - 24 Most Kills : Dwarves: - 6 Admittedly a win is a win, but would you want to be a Freep with these guys running around. -PRT- Strategy & Tactics: The Northmen By Brian Mason (From Tom: Brian headlines this article as he dives into the S&T without the comments of his trusty co-editor. After reading what Brian had written, I realized that I agreed with him 100% and that an additional section from yours truly would just waste space.) I've been hesitant to take a look at this position for the simple reason that Jeremy Richamn is playing this position in game 131, and apart from knowing more about this game than I do, he is very familiar with this position. Nevertheless, I'll make a stab at it, and see what I can come up with. Basic Data How do the Northmen compare to other nations? At the start of the game they rank as follows (Allegiance Comparison Tables, Tom Walton, "The Mouth," #3): item for comparison among all among Free Peoples =================== ============== ===================== Total Tax Base tied for 8th tied for 5th Resource Base tied for 12th tied for 7th Combat Strength 12th 5th Character points tied for last tied for last Artifacts tied for last tied for last The Northmen have very good production in some areas, and abysmal production in other. Expected production (Population Center Development, Brian Mason, "The Mouth," #2) which has not been adjusted for climate for the Northmen would be as follows: material le br st mi fo ti mo go =========== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== === ===== production 1722 52 35 0 5464 103 384 799 Dealing with the Long Rider One of the biggest problems the Northmen face has already been outlined in a previous S&T discussion (issue 16). The siege which the Long Rider can put your capital under. While it is just as likely that the Long Rider may concentrate on the Eothraim (it is possible, given the much more precarious financial situation and the greater military strength that having the Long Rider concentrate on the Eothraim is the more effective course of action). However, the possibility remains that Din Ohtar and Lomelinde can make your capital a dangerous place to remain. There are a couple of ways to approach this problem: 1. Go on the offensive. Get a couple of good subcommanders in your capital army and train them (through both ArmyMan and TrpsMan) every turn. When somebody turns up, challenge them. Keep Dudannis (or a new 30 agent) around just to GrdLoc every turn. 2. Ignore it. Stay in your capital, play normal, and hope that the Long Rider doesn't come, and if he does, get out. 3. Run. On turn one get everybody out of your capital. Only go back when you know (or believe) it to be a safe place. Communicate with your allies often to keep track of the location of Din Ohtar and Friends. 4. Run faster. On turn one, sell all you can and Relocate your capital. He will eventually find you, but this may give you the time you need to get early nation orders accomplished (character creation, etc.). What kind of Characters? Invest the gold right out and get yourself a 30 emissary. Send him out have him place camps (the four unoccupied Iron Hills hexes are good choices on your map, as the forest around Rhubar off your map). When he/she is a 40emissary bring them back. Name lots and lots of them. You have one of the maps which shows the least to other players, so take advantage of this by building camps and upgrading them. Make yourself an economic powerhouse. When the emissaries get much above 50 form them in companies and send them out to ruin somebodies day. Assuming you name the 30 emissary on turn two, he moves off on turn three and begins creating camps on turn three he should be ready yo begin naming 40 emissaries when you get your turn six allotment of characters. If you were in Eriador, you'd have the best agent in the region. You're not in Eriador. You have a good agent, but a good agent is not adequate. Name and train. Name and train. Name and train. The other three slots (after naming the 30 emissary) should be filled with 30 agents (assuming you haven't lost commanders). Have them join armies and train them constantly. Only by training every turn can you even hope to slow down the Long Rider. What do you do with the rest? When you get a new camp send your mages to them and have them train there, out of the limlight so they will not be an obvious target. They can quickly get to an adequate level where they can begin learning good lore spells. Your armies have some rather obvious duties. The Rhun navy: At most, available transports can carry 600 more infantry. While this is the weakest of all Northman forces, it has the potental to do the most damage. Every turn one order should be spent on order 830 to patrol the Sea of Rhun. To intercept the Long Rider navy is the goal. Losing the Northmen navy is inconsequential if the Long Rider loses his capability to ferry troops from Tol Buruth to the shore. Carefully planned coordination with the Sinda can allow the maximum coverage of area. Combining the two armies at Esgaroth and Dale is a rather obvious first turn move, for good reason: it's a smart idea. Get the armies together, make them a lethal force and give each one a backup commander. Their objectives are a little more nebulous. Recruiting right away and moving them to a rendevouz point is a good first move but after that, the choices become a little less clear. Moving across the road on the North of Mirkwood towards Kala Dulakurth is an option, but if the Long Rider is successful in landing troops your other armies may not be sufficient to stop him. Prehaps the best starting plan is to have the armies combine at 3408/3509 to get them off the Dragon Lord map and you are able to coordinate strategy with the Eothraim, Dwarves, Sinda, and Woodmen. As to your capital army, where you move it depends a great deal on how you plan on dealing with the character threat. Further statements would be speculation. Other factors I've avoided discussing possibly the most important Northmen ability, that of making a tremendous impact on the market. I'm not going to get into the details, but I commend for your attention two excellent articles in past issues of "The Mouth." In issue 2, "Economics in Middle-earth" and in issue 8, "Emissaries in Middle-earth," both by Tom Walton. Also, Dave Rossell has some good comments in his "Strategy & Tactics: The Northmen and other comments" in issue 13 of "The Mouth." Speculations on player positions in the 2940 game: The Rhovanion Free positions: Woodmen, Northmen and Dwarves By Brian Mason Information on these positions is pretty sketchy in T.A. 2940, so, rather than list them seperately, we combined them into a regional group. I'm not sure exactly where to go with this. There are bound to be lots of changes in these positions, but most are in the Dwarves position, and most of those depend entirely on GSI. Probably the most specific and important difference is how exact it will be to the T.A. 2940 year. There were many important events that closely followed 2940 (many detailed in "The Hobbit" which is set, mostly, in T.A. 2941), specifically: 2941 - Bilbo find's One Ring, Smaug killed, Battle of the Five Armies, Erebor re-established, Dain II (Ironfoot) becomes King under the Mountain 2944 - Dale rebuilt, Bard becomes King So, how free and loose GSI is with dates (or how liberally they interpret "circa 2940") can have a great deal to do with how some nations, especially the Dwarves and Northmen, will be played. Careful reading of the nation descriptions (when these become available) will answer most of these questions. The Dwarves This position is has also seen significant changes. First, in 1981 Khazad-Dum falls, and in 1999 Erebor was founded. From 2000 to 2590 the Dwarves settle in Southern Grey Mountains but are driven out by Dragons, mostly to Erebor and the Iron Hills. In 2770 Erebor was taken over by Smaug, and the Dwarves fled to the Iron Hills. From 2793-2799 is the War of the Dwarves and Orcs and in 2845 King Thrain II lost the Dwarven Ring of Power to Sauron. The Dwarves will now possess several larger population centers in both the Blue Mountains and Iron Hills. The Dwarves of "The Hobbit" are all active characters in this time. Thorin Oakenshield is King. However, given how loose the chronology is, it is possible that the capital of the Dwarves IS Erebor (and therefore, Smaug is dead) or that it is not, and remains in either the Blue Mountains. With the loss of Moria and the destruction of some population centers to dragons it is reasonable to assume two things: one, the Dwarves are not as powerful as they are in the 1650 game, and two the holdings in the Blue Mountains and the Iron Hills are larger. There are many named characters, notably, Thorin II Oakenshield (probable stats: command = 50, emissary = 20 (though his actions in "The Hobbit" might lead you to give this a negative number)). If he is dead, the King would be Dain II Ironfoot. His heir is Thorin III Stonehelm, and at age 76 in 2940, certainly fitting for a character. Other Dwarves include: Balin (a Dwarf of some import who was in Thorin's Company and led the ill-fated expedition back to Moria that found Durin's Axe in 2994), other Dwarves of Balin's expedition (Floi, Frar, Loni, and Nali), other Dwarves of both Balin's expedition and Thorin's Company (Oin and Ori), those of Thorin's Company (Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Dwalin, Gloin, and Nori) and those of Thorin's Company that died in the Battle of Five Armies, and thus may not be characters (Fili, Kili, and Thorin). Gimli, Gloin's Son, of the Fellowship of the Ring is only 61 years old. In addition to most of the artifacts (with the exception of Durin's Axe and the Dwarven Ring of Power) from the 1650 game the Dwarves may also possess Orcrist and the Arkenstone may also be an artifact. The Mithril-Mail is also possible as an artifact. The Woodmen Using the method outlined in last issues article on the Imladris/Mithlond Elves, we can get a rough idea of Beorn's abilities. I suppose it is possible that he is an army encounter rather than a character, however, if this were the case I'd be very disappointed. Using the same technique as outlined in last issue's article on the Imladris/Mithlond Elves we can estimate the following characters: Beorn (berserker/shape changer from "The Hobbit") command = 50, agent = 20, emissary = 10, stealth = 15. Freobeort (Beorn's nephew) command = 30 Swiftwulf (possibly a Dark Servant character, but a Woodman, nonetheless) command = 30 It is implied that Maethelburg is no longer a thriving population center in T.A. 2940. Prehaps it has decreased while the Carrock has risen. This, and the status of other Woodmen population centers is uncertain. The presence of any artifacts is uncertain. The Northmen Like the Dwarves, exactly how the position starts depends on whether or not Bard is sporting Smaug-skin boots. If this scenario is "post-draconis" then Bard the Bowman is King Bard and just won a pretty terrible challenge. If not, he may have an artifact (namely, the Black Arrow mentioned in "The Hobbit") which can kill a dragon. It is also possible that both the Dwarves and Northmen may have the superior scout/recon abilities the Dwarves have in the 1650 scenario. However, many Northmen population centers have been lost to or have been destroyed by the Northern Easterlings, and Dale may or may not still be destroyed, as it was by Smaug (2770). Shrel-Kain may still exist, but this evidence is rather tenuous. Reference is made in "The Hobbit" to the wine served in the Elvenking's (Thranduil's) palace as coming from the region of Dorwinion. It is unclear whether this is that of 'their kinsfolk in the South, or from the vineyards of Men is distant lands.' The region of Dorwinion is not on the maps of "The Lord of the Rings" or "The Hobbit," however it is on the map drawn by Pauline Baynes Map of Middle-earth and is identified as the region along the northern shore of the Sea of Rhun. Given that the Northmen are desribed in the nation setup of the 1650 game as coming from "...the Dorwinrim [sic] region near the Sea of Rhun." In addition to Bard the Bowman (or King Bard) the Master of Esgaroth (unnamed in "The Hobbit") may be a character. Apart from the fabled "Black Arrow" there is no direct evidence for any other artifacts. Last Word From Tom Walton Some of you may have noticed that we were out of commission for awhile, about a month. In fact, many of you may have noticed, at least judging from the mail in my mailbox. It turned out that we initially started running a week late because of non-game activities, then Brian went on vacation, followed the next week by myself. When all is said and done, nearly four weeks passed between Mouth #22 and Mouth #23. This prompted a number of inquiries about why we didn't announce the closing of the Mouth. Which brings me to my next subject. The new game starts in less than a month. With that we really will be closing down the Mouth, at least for awhile. As it stands, it looks like issue #25 will be the last of the lot in this incarnation. Not a bad number, eh? If you want to get something into print, you still have two issues to do it in. After that, you're out of luck. So, all ye procrastinators, now's the time to get cracking on those keyboards. We promise to print EVERYTHING that meets our minimal standards on not trashing other players, no matter how large the Mouth becomes or how high my AOL bill is from the upload and mailout. But time is short, and getting shorter still. If all goes well, issue #25 will hit the electronic highway within 2 or 3 weeks. And that will be the last Mouth for perhaps a long, long time. That's all I have for this time around, Tom