From the Mouth of Sauron Date: 07-15-95 Issue: E-34 Note: all authors retain exclusive rights to their material. Reprinting is allowed for non-commercial game use only. The Mouth is edited by Brian Mason and Tom Walton. All correspondence can be sent to them at: Brian Mason - Tom Walton - Back issues of "From the Mouth of Sauron" and the general info files are available at via anonymous ftp. First Word ========== There has been a longer than usual delay with this issue of "From the Mouth of Sauron" and I must take the blame here. As many of you (at least those of you in games with me) may know, I was a bit of a slacker in June and left town for three weeks. I pent a week doing some astronomical observing on Mt. Wilson, took weeks vacation in Los Angeles and Banff, and then spent a week in an astronomical conference in Calgary. I had a great time! (If you're in Atlanta I'll show you the pictures and prove it!) While in Los Angeles, I took advantage of the time and had a fabulous dinner with one of my long distance teammates, Jeff Holzhauer and his lovely wife Donna. We had a great time, and I look forward to the next opportunity to meet another player. This is the second time I've met a player from a game, and, like I believe I mentioned in Mouth #18, it's a great experience which I heartily recommend. With the long hiatus between issues #33 and #34, the submissions have seemed to almost dry up. Hope you are flexing your fingers! Brian Encounter Information ===================== >From Robert Lepperr ------------------- I also had the following encounter in a 2950 game as a DS: ??? had just bedded down for a good nights rest when his eyes were arrested by a soft glow emanating from over the next hill. Deciding that he had better discover the source of this glow, he picked up his belongings and made his way cautiously over the rise. As he drew closer, he noticed that the glow seemed to be coming from a small cave set back into the hill. He entered the cave ready for anything but halted in amazement when he entered the central chamber. Inside was a large dark mirror with constantly shifting images of people, places, and ancient artifacts. It was from the mirror that the glow was emanating. Across from the mirror stood a skeleton of a giant humanoid decked out in an assortment of intricately carved armor an holding a giant sword in readiness. Finally, between the mirror and the skeleton was a stout door set into the wall and fastened with a stout metal lock formed by an ancient craft. Should ??? Touch the mirror and call out a name ________ (Character ID) Touch the mirror and call out a place _______ (Hex # ) Touch the mirror and call out an artifact ___ (Artifact #) {I tried, lost 42 health points} DESTROY the mirror Try to OPEN the lock on the door ATTACK the skeleton STEAL the armor and weapons from theskeleton FLEE I tried the third option and was injured from 100 to 58 health pionts. Anyone else have more experience with this one? I am still at the hex and have the encounter again. Thanks! Rob Lepper >From Paul Erik Lundstroem ------------------------- Various little things for the Mouth, all 1650 stuff: Encounters: Balrog: reported picked up by a Dog Lord army!! Just moved onto it, and then it joined! Fell Beasts: encountered by Cardolan army, but didn't kill troops or destroy food! Rhosgobel: this is new (to me at least!) - I haven't got the whole description, but here is the essence (Dwarf Character): Encountered a Hut, beatifully decorated with flowers (et.c., et.c.), heard Growling behind, turned around and saw a Werewolf (Yikes!). Then he fled the place. He didn't take any damage. I got this over the phone, but hope the guy will send the exact text to me. Then you'll have it, of course! Dragons: Woodmen Emissary Escaped Unharmed from Itangast by acting MEEK. About Rumours: Apparently you can get a Rumour (in the Nation Message section) about a Personal Challenge without it actually happen! A Cardolan character challenged Gontram of the Cloud Lord, but he wasn't present in the hex any more. However, South Gondor still had a Rumour about it. This might be old news for all of you, but I didn't know. It could have potential in certain situations... >From Samual Freeman ------------------- Here's some encounter info for the files and for the Mouth: The following is some data for a vampire encounter that I recently had in the Rhun area. Others have had it in Mirkwood and Umbar. My encounter occured on one of my pop centers, and no foreign characters showed up on the turn report, nor did any NPC influence the loyalty. The vampire probably has a challenge of 50-70. Defeating it gives you gems/gold. Most times the char escapes with 1 health. My char (challenge 21) died when he tried saying "Thuringwethil". The vampire's response was, "Your words have no power over me." "He is at a camp when a sudden chill passes through him and a shadow momentarily obscures the stars overhead. Alert and ready for action, he scanned the surrounding terrain but could see nothing. Then from out of the night he heard a hollow voice. "Little do I like others so near to where my errands take me! Speak, lest I silence you forever." (MISSING DATA). Note from Tom: the table was so badly scrambled it couldn't be reconstructed with any accuracy. Sam, if you resend it I'll gladly reprint it - assuming it comes across okay this time. People who provided the data: (1) (Holger Eichmann) (2) Ian Pearson ( (3) (DAVE ROSSELL) (4) (Jeff Holzhauer) (5) James. (6) (Dan DeYoung) (7) (KGiven): >"Sam, >I believe you've run into one of the rarer variants of a vampire >encounter (there are at least three). The voice is the female >vampire "Thuringwethil" (unlike the other Celgor vampire >encounterrs). As far as I know, there haven't been enough >encounters to confirm a "safe" response." I've been wondering for some time about nations messages. It seems that most agent activities, combats, and encouners get reported somewhere. Is there just one rumor per event, or do both sides ge the rumor? In other words, if a teammate gets a rumor of my theft attempt, do the enemy also get a report? >From David Hou -------------- I'm not sure how this works because I'm new to this. I would like to respond to Post #1 E-33 Re: Pukel Man. I was able to "Magically" able to defeat the Pukel Man with Khamul and a 120 challenge. Riddles ======= >From Andrew Jones ----------------- In tale his deed was of the heroic meter Told to lift the hearts of the young. In deed the tale becomes even sweeter And of his shot more and more songs are sung. (From Tom: I believe this is Bard the Bowman, later King Bard I.) >From Howard ? ------------- How about this riddle? 1650 (different game) Its air is sultry, dark and sweet and in its wake death and despair do meet for it brings surcease and terror all in one but by a fragrant plant it is undone. Here's another one: Deathless in name with a crown of stars he sat upon his own throne Even though he was not the same. (Tom's note: the answer to this riddle is in our database. It's "Durin".) Tenth by the first And tenth by the second. Third by the third Yet always thirty by all that reckon. Made by the darker Dark in ages gone by Quendi sired the tales did cry. In the dark out of the light of day They used numbers to keep the light at bay. Hey, I loved Phredd's web page! I can't wait for the riddles section to get up and running! Population Center Improvment (550) ================================== >From Brian Lowrey Until recently the sum of loyalty and emissary rank required to improve a population center was: 70 Village 90 Town 110 Mtown 130 City For over a year I never saw the above fail. Recently in 2950 game 16 half of my camp improvments with a Emis/Loyal totals of 70-74 have failed. Any thoughts? Notes from Chris Day ==================== Some info: I've had major towns and cities scout for me at 55 loyalty and over. As of this point, I've not seen any deviation from this. I'll let you know if that changes. Also, for 11,000 I recruited Angulion (total ranks 113) with a 70 emmissary. I failed to recruit him with a 68 offering 6,000. Kind Words for GSI ================== >From Mark Jaede Dear Brian and Tom, We often denounce GSI for screwing up orders or other mistakes. Maybe sometimes they deserve it. On the other hand, sometimes they do things right, and I think that deserves a mention as well. I have had two situations where, at least partly due to my own tardiness, there was something I needed from them on short notice. One was a change in mailing instructions; the other was a correction to a keypunch error (their error, but I was late in reporting it). Stuart and Harold, respectively, fixed both problems and notified me in less than 24 hours in each case. Concerning Bribes ================= >From Chelsea Wood I managed to recruit Hoarmurath with a even 40 emmissary with 25,000. I could afford to blow that kind of cash, though, being the CL. (VBG) In another game, I picked up Urzahil for 12,000 gold, but the emissary in question had a rank of 78. Those are the only two times I've bribed characters. Concerning Wes Fortin's Article =============================== >From David Hou This is in response to Wes Fortin's article on troop types. I like the idea of "differenciating" troop types, but I can see that it would give GSI fits to figure how they are going to change their program (g). I would like, however, to stick up for the LC. I agree that LI are pretty much useless, but LC do have a purpose. First of all it takes only one piece of leather per trooper vs. 2 for HC. The role that I would use LC is to be a highly mobile threatening army. LC is much more effective than Men at Arms and costs less than HC or HI. In the 2950 scenario, this use becomes even more important. Every nation has a very delicate economic base. Having a few towns or villages threatened away is very damaging, and the best way to deliver this is to strike with LC. Agents and the Cloud Lord Revisited =================================== An admittely DS biased article by "Amarthlinde" After reading the article on playing the Cloud Lord in an earlier issue in the Mouth, I used several strategies in it, and I wanted to make several additional comments to it. Most of it is probably old news to ME-PBM veterans. Both 30 pt agents at game start are wasted slots, all right. It takes 2-3 turns to get them to the point where they can effectively steal gold, so I had them sell something and retire on T1. Ar-Gular is another wasted slot, IMHO, and should be ordered to sell an product and retire. In my game, I had him explore a potentially dangerous artifact location - he bit it - so I named another agent... I was going to have Shoglic learn Divine Chars w/Forces to support my agents, but Celgor used him for a snack, so I just named an agent in his slot. I had Ji xfer the Helm of the Mumak-King and one of the +750 weapons to Aradagul, who also raised taxes to 59% on the first turn - the CL position can support the entire starting army at 59% taxes while running roughly a -2,000/turn deficit, which is VERY low for a DS. Then I had Aradagul MovJoin Grasty's army as it moved westward towards Tir Ethraid. Both 40 pt agents named agents in turn and moved out to steal gold. (The newly created agents name more agents in turn in the next turn, and so on.) I left two open slots for emissaries which I had Grasty name one on the first turn using the NamChar order. (I consider naming at least two emmies asap as a DS to be standard operating procedure for me) When I name agents, stealth is my preference over an agent bonus, as it is harder to spot agents with stealth, and I'm of the opinion that stealth does contribute to agent action success. Stealth, unlike agent rank, cannot be improved in game play, so that is why I baby agents with stealth and assign hazardous missions to agents w/o stealth in hopes of getting agents with stealth in their place! Those agents with stealth will eventually become my preferred agents for taking out FP army commanders. Speaking of army commanders - I believe DS agents are best used to support army actions. Several FP nations, notably the Eothraim are vulnerable to Dark Servant agents at game start, and if the DS work together as a team, they can speedily elimnate FP armies rather quickly via agent action. Case in point:In a game where I was fortunate enough to get very cooperative players at all the DS positions, we managed to find a very large Eothraim army of 3900 cavalry at the start of the game with five characters in it, and I sent over two CL agents, and the DrkLts sent over Tormog and the LR sent in Din Ohtar. Since Din Ohtar had the highest overall agent rank, the LR player agreed to take care of the army commander via Kidnap and suspected Eoth guards were targeted with assassination orders, and we nailed three of the characters, but Din missed the army commander and Uirdiks escaped kidnapping. But for some strange reason the Eothraim army didn't move the next turn and we managed to nail all the remaining characters. Result:Nearly 90% of the starting Eothraim calvary elimnated with the loss of just Thuringwathnost, and the starting DS forces untouched, which resulted in Rhovanion being overrun in short order. Meanwhile Aradagul did Trps Man and Recon while Grasty did ForcMar and Army Man until the army was one turn away from Tir Ethriad, and I had Grasty xfer command to Aradagul, who was by now a overall 78 commander and he was able to threaten away 3028 and 3026 the turn after that. (Yes, there were NO FP armies at all on the east bank of the Anduin). Those were basically my opening moves as the Cloud Lord. Agent actions: I always try to downgrade to Hated vs any nation's characters before agent actions against them at first opportunity, since if they don't downgrade and I do, I get a +5 bonus due to difference in relation to my agent actions, assuming this was a FP nation with Disliked towards me. If I did that against a neutral at Neutral relations to me with me at Hated towards him, I'd get a +15 bonus towards agent actions against him! Every little advantage helps to succeed, IMHO. I've successfully kidnapped and assassinated low level FP characters (10-30) with wet-behind-the-ears CL agents (read 40 pt agents with the +20 agent bonus) with a very high degree of success. Of course, they were usually the guards. My standard modus operandi was to use either a ScoChar if at all possible or get a Divine Chars w/Force spell cast on the army (both, if possible - I don't need the spell if I hit a FP recruiting center, since the miscellanous agent action Recon combined with a ScoChar will do the job.) For army commanders, I'd want my agent to be at least a natural 60 at the minimum if he's a CL agent, and then he'd only kidnap, with any supporting agents performing Assassinate against any potential guards spotted. For outright assassination of army commanders, I'd want the agent to be about 75 for a CL agent (count half stealth towards the agent rank.) My most recent assassination was against Osric with Waulfa guarding him with a 63 agent with 24 stealth - she injured Osric and took out Waulfa, who was an army commander. I believe the CL is MOST effective if the agents are placed in companies, allowing them to perform agent actions EVERY turn, without fear of personal challenge and movement. while the army commander lugs them from target to target. It's probably the most effective method against FP recruiting centers, like say, Minas Tirith, Pelargir, Linhir, Dol Amroth, etc. It pays to know where the FP will likely be recruiting or massing their armies. It pays to know where to place agents at chokepoints for FP armies...The Ithil Pass is an excellent place, as is Thuringwathnost at game start. And if the CL player can get a good QA or Dragon Lord agent in his company, plus place the RoWind or the RoCurufin on a major agent in that company, he can do alot of damage in a short period of time. As for enemy emissaries and doubling:This is another reason I favor new agents with STEALTH. If you don't know the name of the agent OR can't see him, he can't be doubled! As a result, none of the original CL agents in my game survive, except Ji Indur, thus making the starting character lists for the CL position *useless* in countering my agents. And all but four characters are agents, and I'm at my character maximum now. Second, doubling can be countered in the *very* same turn with a CounterSpy, which occurs before agent actions and after emissary actions. Another nice trick is what I call the "Russian roulette" artifact xfer which I sometimes use for major artifacts like the Ring of Wind. Basically what I do is have an agent carry it in a company, letting the FP track it via LA/LAT, and before a major character battle and FP emmies are present, I xfer the artifact to another agent in the same turn that agent performs an assassination or kidnap - usually one with stealth...w hile another agent (probably also with stealth) performs CounterSpy the same turn too. If I can't get agents into a company, I try to send them in pairs, so they can crossguard to improve their agent rank if they're in a empty hex - so the idea is to have them improve their agent rank continuously if at all possible. The Care and Feeding of Artifact Holders: I just have one cardinal rule for agents carrying major agent artifacts - Guard them ! The last foreign agent to try to steal a major agent artifact off an agent of mine got caught. A comment on agent artifacts:I notice many people overlook the Ring of Curufin and the Ring of Impersonation, which I consider to be a mistake. In the same game where I was the CL, the Haradwaith pointed out a foreign agent, which I promptly kidnapped and lo and behold, he turned out to be a SG agent carrying the Ring of Impersonation which had a +30 bonus, and I already had the Ring of Wind. Naturally, being the vicious indivual I am, I used the artifact upon South Gondor and North Gondor. In fact, all agent artifacts are worth picking up. In all, agents are very powerful tools, if used properly. True, they take alot of work and effort to use correctly with teamwork from other players, but if they are used right, the results can be devastating, particulary for the Dark Servants. I agree that sending agents after major FP characters while FP armies advance on DS armies and positions unmolested by DS agents is a *bad* idea, so I advocate using agents in support of military operations - if you can go on the offensive and elimnate recruiting armies at their source, so much the better. As for my CL game - well, we're working on assassination of a balrog and dragons, since the Freeps are essentially out of the game and we got all the agent artifacts. Should be interesting to see what happens with an agent with the RoW, RoI, RoC, Collohwesta, and up to two more agent artifacts can take out a full blown Balrog (spotted him at 2212 while setting up to make that place a charnel house) and maybe a dragon later on. >;) Amarthlinde aka Eric S. The 2950 Scenario ================= >From Colin Forbes The 2950 scenario is now imminent here. Rulebooks have been sent out (for what that's worth) and my general reaction is "Nice new artwork, but where are the rules changes?" A waste of the 15 start-up if you ask me. Still, I am avidly awaiting my first gamestart (game 1, Quiet Avenger). After 19 games of the 1650 scenario I'm looking for a little variation. What I, and a large number of people here are NOT looking forward to is the publication in this e-zine (& no doubt elsewhere) of the data regarding encounters, artifacts and so on, due I believe in number 36 (?) Whilst it is inevitable that such information will eventually leak across the Atlantic, it will to a large extent spoil the game for hundreds of players over here. Of course I'm a a hypocrite, as if the info becomes available, I'll use it. I just wish that the much touted simultaneous launch of the game on both sides of the Atlantic (or so we were assured by GAD last autumn) had actually happened. (Tom's note: actually, the entire nation database appeared on the newsgroup a few weeks after the 2950 scenario started in the U.S. So we aren't revealing much with our version, just making some corrections.) It just seems rather unfair to lose that sense of mystery which I'm sure we all remember from our first game of MEPBM. I myself will still play and play....but there will be those out there who (once again, as with the 1650 scenario) will realise that there are people with a slightly unfair advantage (ie access to the Net) and promptly drop. Not that I'm blaming the Mouth you understand, but GSI should really have thought of all this. But then it seems (if the 2950 "scenario" is anything to go by) that all GSI are interested in is making a fast buck, and to hell with making the game better, or in any way being considerate of the enjoyment and opinions of their players. (IMHO anyway! :-)) Game 5 (UK) - The truth is told... ================================== >From Colin Forbes Turn 67 and it's all over. The Free People's have finally won the war, and there is much rejoicing amongst the mountain Khazad folk and the peoples of southern Haradwaith. Despite a frantic scramble for the Ring over the last couple of months, all has finished satisfactorily. But things weren't always this happy, oh no, far from it. In fact game 5 was in many ways a classic example of how NOT to play a game of Middle Earth. It all started long, long ago in the dim and distant past, so long ago in fact that the turns have long since been consigned to the loft to gather dust and hide their shame from a curious world. But that all happened later, at the beginning of the war there was even some degree of Free People co-operation! The Dwarves joined in the fray rather later than most, the news of Saurons attacks coming late to the mountains (so, who WAS playing them before turn 4 anyway?) Initially there was much coming and going between Khazad-dum and the Sindar capital of Cerin Amroth. Great plans were hatched, and other nations began to co-opertae. The Noldor and Woodmen were staunch allies, as was South Gondor. Unfortunately that was really about it. Argeleb II of Arthedain was much involved in a war against the Witch King, and the wild Northmen were found to be unreliable at best, soon slipping into a state of civil war and inactivity. The mighty North Gondor seemed to have problems with their messenger service, and the horselords of the Eothraim had quietly slipped aboard an Elven ship and sailed over the sea even long before even the Dwarves entered the war. Nevertheless there were high hopes amongst the Free Peoples, and at first all seemed to be going according to plan. The Sindar and Dwarves sent armies down to Mordor, where they were surprised to meet with less resistance than had been expected. After a number of battles before the gates of Mordor in which the Dark Lieutenenants were about the only enemy nation to conduct themselves with honour and distinction, the way was openend into the enemy strongholds. Bain I (despite living in fear of enemy assassins) led a huge army of highly determined dwarven infantry through Morannon itself and down into the deserts of Mordor. Meanwhile the Sindar were having a few internal difficulties, but these were soon sorted out, and a new leader galvanised them into action once again, leading the fight against the Long Rider and Easterlings. Northern Mordor put up some stiff resistance, though of the Cloud Lord's fearsome agents there was no sign. The enemy's lot was made even worse by the unexpected arrival on the scene of the mighty Dwarven heavy cavalry. Although there are those that pointed out that axe-wielding stumpy maniacs on mountain ponies wasn't exactly in the tradition of the Eothraim, these cynics were disregarded and treated with the contempt they deserved. A further nail was driven in the Dark Lord's coffin by the arrival of Noldor troops, their feet sore from the long march east. Before long, most of northern Mordor had been liberated. Thus the first part of the long war drew to a close. Thereafter things would never been the same. The leaders of Haradwaith and the Esterling tribes decided, simultaneously, to bring their armies into the fray against the evil forces of Sauron. Unfortunately strategists in several Free People capitals noticed that this put the two aforementioned nations in a spectacularly strong position to win the war outright. For better or worse this put several noses out of joint, particualrly in the case of the opportunistic Easterlings, who had spent the war attacking Sindar and Northmen positions and had now performed an about face to avoid defeat! It did not take long for several Free People leaders (the Sindar, Noldor and Dwarves included) to make the fateful decision. A truce was offered to the three remaining Servanst of Sauron (Cloud Lord, Dragon Lord and Long Rider) and many efforts were directed towards eliminating the Easterling threat. This lead to a very peculiar year of unlikely alliances. With Harad and the Easterlings on the verge of winning the war, the Noldor hid the Cloud Lord capital with the Mantle of Doriath. Moreover the Cloud Lord even permitted none other than Elrond to escape unharmed from Kal Nargil! Further co-operation between the former enemies was on the cards with the Cloud Lord handing over an artifact to the Dwarves, and the Dragon Lord benefiting from being given the title to a dwarven mining community of some size in the Misty Mountains. All were united against the former Neutrals, never had Middle Earth seen such unanimity! Of course it couldn't go on. Eventually the Easterlings were beaten back, not to be seen again for many months, and the Haradwaith were welcomed as friends. A new Northman leadership had revitalised the resistance to the Long Rider, and A Sindar navy landed on Tol Burath at exactly the same time as Dunland emissaries succeeded in persuading the population of the town that they were fighting a losing war. Battle was clearly joined once more. Dunland had for some time now been making effective moves against the Dark Servants, and his efforts were largely responsible for the rehabilitation of Harad. However there was by this time little in the way of Free People organisation, and it was to be many months before an effective opposition to the enemy could be marshalled. During this time many nations went much their own way, building new cities in what must be the most incredible economic boom Middle Earth has ever seen. At one stage the merchants were offering to buy food at a price of over 1200 gold each! Most of the Free Peoples seemed loath to commit their leaders to the fray, when such an action could well result in their death, and the subsequent weakening of the whole nation. This situation of prevailing isolationist policies continued for many months, during which time the Dark Servants were not idle. By the time the Free Peoples (principally Dunland, Harad and the Dwarves, with aid from Arthedain and North Gondor) got anything organised, it was clear that the war would drag on for a long time. Even then, the plan was not a great success. Harad succeeded in driving the Cloud Lord out of southern Mordor, and the Long Rider was finally forced to admit defeat, but the Dragon Lord was being stubborn. The Free Peoples were all afraid of the terrible magic wielded by the likes of Khamul and Maben, for it was said they could kill you with only a curse from many miles away! However a strike by the Dwarves at the Dragon Lord capital north of the Iron Hills left the enemy in dire straits. The trouble is of course that the Free People's were about as organised as a Dwarf in an ale shop. If only we had know exactly how weak the Dragon Lord was. And if only we had realised that the Cloud Lord was still hiding out in the north. Yes, the Cloud Lord had sacrificed none other than Ji Indur to make the rest of the world think he had given up and fled into the darkness of Sauron's mind. But no, there he was, north of Mirkwood! Then of course North Gondor could have ended the Dragon Lord's war when a large army marched to the gates of the enemy capital in Rhovanion. But no orders were given to attack, and the army moved off, never to be seen again! Strategists are still perplexed... This sad state of affairs went on, and on, and on... Fortunately the Dwarves, Dunland and Harad finally got their act together at the same time as the Easterlings re-appeared on the scene. Together we were able to take out the remaining Dragon Lord major towns in no time at all. The reason for this could well have been the astounding news that the Ring had been found! Dunland mages located it in the southern Misty Mountains, so it seemed had the Easterlings. Before long there were mages of at least four nations in the area all searching the mountainsides on their hands and knees. But in the end it was all to no avail, and the Ring was destined to remain in its mountain bog for ever. My thanks go to all the players that made game 5 such an excellent (if, er, unusual) game. Especially to Dunland, without whom etc etc, and of course Harad - with whom I was proud to share a joint victory. There were many things that happened that were probably not in the spirit of the game, the cross-allegiance alliance for instance, and the internicine warfare between the Free Peoples. And I am still alleging that the accidental assassination of a Harad Lord Marshall was a mistake. Honest. Finally, those playing in the game will realise I've been avoiding something. OK. I'll admit it. The truth is I want to apologise to the Rhudaur player. Yes I, the Dwarves, did indeed assemble a huge army (8000 heavy infantry) with which to assault Dol Guldor. Yes I did order it to march the wrong way out of my capital. And yes I did decide to knock Rhudaur out of the game simply on that basis. Sorry. I will now run away and hide in embarrassment. Bain I, Lord of Khazad-dum, Barad-dur and other holiday resorts (aka Colin Forbes) Top 10 Middle Earth Blunders (UK) ================================= >From Colin Forbes My apologies to those involved - I should perhaps point out that I am trying to avoid responsibility for two and a half of them myself. Dwarves, game 5: Marching out of Khazad-dum to fight the Dragon Lord, but heading west by mistake, then killing Rhudaur and trying to pretend nothing had gone amiss. Noldor, game 20: Why did Elrond hide Metriath just after the Witch King took it? As if that wasn't enough he then hid Goblin Gate, thus raising the seige that the Dwarves were attempting. South Gondor, game 62: Attacking the Quiet Avenger capital on turn two, but forgetting that the fleet would sink when they destroyed the harbour. South Gondor, game 51: Why did they send 20,000 gold to the Blind Sorcereor instead of the Northmen? I hope the BS made good use of it.. Dwarves, game 20: It probably wasn't the best idea to guard Bain with 5 agents and also to challenge Ji Indur. The result? Seven dead characters in one turn. The Free Peoples, game 10: Why did they all drop, when they still stood a chance of winning the game? I don't think a simple mistake by the GM is a sensible reason. North Gondor, game 5: Not attacking a Dragon Lord major town, when it would have knocked the Dark Servants out of the game. The game continued for at least 15 more turns as a result. South Gondor and the Northmen, game 11: Attacking Haradwaith, and thus causing a total breakdown of Free People relations. Rhudaur, game 2: Picture the scene. Arthedain and Cardolan have dropped. Dunland are friendly. The Dark Servants are friendly. You attack Arthedain, right? Wrong, you just sit there and wait. Oh dear. Any game: Playing the Woodmen. Middle-earth Play-by-Mail Miscellaneous Information - 2950 Scenario ================================================================== Compiled by Brian Mason; data provided by the 2950-22 crowd (thanks, friends!) 1. Nations The following section lists data for each nation: the special advantages given to each nation, a list of population centers, initial forces, and starting characters. 1.01 The Woodmen Special Advantages (1) Characters have a better chance of having stealth. (2) Characters may have bonuses to challenge rank. (3) All Scout/Recon orders are doubled in skill level. (4) Woodmen armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving. (5) Woodmen armies force marching only lose 1-2 morale points (2-5 points without food). | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 90 90 95 87 85 85| |severe | 92 92 92 97 90 87 87| |cold | 95 95 95 100 92 90 90| |cool | 97 97 97 102 95 92 92| |mild | 100 100 100 105 97 95 95| |warm | 97 97 97 102 95 92 92| |hot | 95 95 95 100 92 90 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Buhr Widufiras 2711 Major Town* Fort Carrock 2609 Village+ Maethelburg 2508 Major Town Tower Sairtheod 2712 Camp Sarn Lothduin 2613 Camp Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2711 40 100 100 2508 40 100 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Beneoracer 30 10 15 31 Beoraborn 40 10 10 15 44 Beorn 40 20 10 15 46 Bork 20 20 15 22 Bornbeneor 30 20 15 32 Breaga 20 20 15 22 Grimbeorn 40 20 15 43 Waulfa 30 10 10 34 1.02 The Northmen Special Advantages (1) New emissaries can have a skill rank of 40. (2) Receive a 20% gold adjustment to all buys and sells. (3) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. (4) Can build ships for 750 timber. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 82 80 77 77 80| |severe | 90 90 85 82 80 80 82| |cold | 92 92 87 85 82 82 85| |cool | 95 95 90 87 85 85 87| |mild | 100 100 95 92 90 90 92| |warm | 97 97 92 90 87 87 90| |hot | 95 95 90 87 85 85 87| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Dilgul 4217 Town Harbor Elgaer 4415 Town Esgaroth 3109 Town Tower Harbor Lest 4017 Village Shrel-kain 4013 Major Town* Fort Port Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3109 30 100 100 4013 40 100 100 4217 20 100 5W, 3T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Bain 40 40 Bard I 40 20 42 Girion II 30 10 20 34 Koldana 20 10 10 24 Kynoden 30 22 Marcatio 30 30 Montieff 40 20 Swithwulf 20 10 21 1.03 Riders of Rohan Special Advantages (1) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. (2) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (3) Armies may force march with no loss of morale points. (4) Mages may learn the lost "Conjure Mounts" spell. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 97 87 77 82 77 77| |severe | 90 100 90 80 85 80 80| |cold | 92 102 92 82 87 82 82| |cool | 95 105 95 85 90 85 85| |mild | 100 110 100 90 95 90 90| |warm | 100 110 100 90 95 90 90| |hot | 95 105 95 85 90 85 85| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Aldburg 2321 Village Tower Dunlostir 2220 Village Edoras 2321 Major Town* Castle Hornburg 2121 Town Fort Stowburg 2520 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2321 40 100 2220 30 200 2121 50 200 2520 40 100 100 2421 20 100 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Elfhelm 40 40 Elfhild 10 40 41 Eomer 30 45 199 Eomund 50 50 Eowyn 20 10 21 Erkenbrand 40 10 41 Theoden 50 30 93 181,208 Widfara 20 10 21 1.04 Dunadan Rangers Special Advantages (1) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. (2) Armies without food lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching) (3) Fortifications are built at 1/2 the listed timber cost. (4) New mages may start with a skil rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 92 90 85 85 82 85| |severe | 92 95 92 87 87 85 87| |cold | 95 97 95 90 90 87 90| |cool | 97 100 97 92 92 90 92| |mild | 100 102 100 95 95 92 95| |warm | 100 102 100 95 95 92 95| |hot | 95 97 95 90 90 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Amon Sul 1609 Camp Castle Bree 1409 Major Town* Tower Caras Celairnen 0907 Village Tower Culwic 0707 Village Tower Tarmabar 1109 Village Tower Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 1609 30 200 1409 40 100 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Arador 40 20 10 45 Aragorn II 50 10 20 20 10 136 5,36,38,195,213 Elboron 30 10 10 33 Elladan 50 20 20 15 68 93,106 Elrohir 50 20 20 15 68 91,107 Encalion 50 50 Halbarad 30 10 20 36 Meneldir II 30 30 1.05 Silvan Elves Special Advantages (1) Ships only cost 500 timber to construct. (2) New recruits start with a training rank of 25. (3) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (4) Armies lose only 1-2 morale points when marching with no food (2-5 points if force marching). | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 90 87 100 87 85 85| |severe | 95 92 90 102 90 87 87| |cold | 97 95 92 105 92 90 90| |cool | 100 97 95 107 95 92 92| |mild | 102 100 97 110 97 95 95| |warm | 102 100 97 110 97 95 95| |hot | 97 95 92 105 92 90 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Aradhyrnd 2908 Major Town*+ Fort Caras Amarth 2608 Village Tower Veber Fanuin 2915 Camp Galadbrynd 2709 Village Tower Rhubar 4413 Town Harbor Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2915 30 100 100 2908 50 100 200 4413 30 100 5W, 3T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Argaldor 30 15 30 Camthalion 30 15 30 Dorlas 30 30 20 37 Legolas 20 10 20 21 Lindal 10 20 15 17 Ohtar 50 10 20 51 Ringlin 50 30 50 35,64 Thranduil 60 30 20 78 55,121,122 1.06 Northern Gondor Special Advantages (1) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) Armies without food lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). (3) Fortifications are built at 50% of the listed timber cost. (4) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 92 87 85 85 82 85| |severe | 95 95 90 87 87 85 87| |cold | 97 97 92 90 90 87 90| |cool | 100 100 95 92 92 90 92| |mild | 102 102 97 95 95 92 95| |warm | 102 102 97 95 95 92 95| |hot | 97 97 92 90 90 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Bar-en-Tinnen 3026 Village Tower Henneth Annun 3023 Camp+ Imdorad 2622 Town Tower Minas Arthor 2926 Town Tower Minas Tirith 2924 City* Citadel Harbor Osgiliath 3024 Town Fort Harbor Pelargir 2927 Major Town Castle Port Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2926 40 500 200 2924 50 200 600 2927 50 500 12W, 8T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Anborn 10 20 10 20 Argirion 50 50 Baranor 40 40 Boromir 50 10 66 196 Denethor II 20 30 20 28 Ecthelion II 60 20 77 29, 204 Faramir 30 10 10 51 63, 123, 197 Goromil 50 50 1.07 Southern Gondor Special Advantages (1) New recruits start with a training rank of 20. (2) Armies without food lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching) (3) Fortifications are built at 50% of the listed timber cost. (4) New mages can start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 90 90 85 85 82 85| |severe | 92 92 92 87 87 85 87| |cold | 95 95 95 90 90 87 90| |cool | 97 97 97 92 92 90 92| |mild | 100 100 100 95 95 92 95| |warm | 100 100 100 95 95 92 95| |hot | 95 95 95 90 90 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Dol Amroth 2227 City* Fort Port Ethring 2425 Village Fanuilond 2628 Town Tower Harbor Linhir 2527 Major Town Fort Harbor Minas Brethil 2626 Village Tower Morthondost 2223 Town Fort Rendul 2225 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2628 50 200 300 6W, 4T 2527 60 100 100 300 2727 50 200 300 6W, 4T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Adrahil II 60 10 71 85 Angbor 50 50 Duinhir 50 50 Finduilas 30 15 Golasgil 20 20 23 Imrahil 50 30 86 191,206 Lothiriel 30 30 33 Morwen 20 30 32 1.08 The Dwarves Special Advantages (1) Heavy infantry recruits start with a training rank of 30. (2) Armies force march with no loss of morale points. (3) Fortifications are constructed at 50% of the listed timber cost. (4) All characters may Scout/Recon at a skill rank of 50 or better. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 95 100 85 92 92 105| |severe | 95 97 102 87 95 95 107| |cold | 97 100 105 90 97 97 110| |cool | 97 100 105 92 97 97 110| |mild | 97 100 105 95 97 97 110| |warm | 97 100 105 95 97 97 110| |hot | 95 97 102 90 95 95 107| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Azanulinbar-Dum 3707 Major Town* Fort Barak-shathur 3607 Village Tower Belegost 0812 Village Fort Kheled-nala 3916 Village Tower Noegrod 0606 Village Tower Zarak-dum 2004 Camp Tower Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3916 70 300 3707 40 200 200 0812 40 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Balin 70 70 Dain II 40 10 20 56 210,211 Dis 20 10 22 Gimli 20 10 10 24 212 Gloin 40 40 Groin 30 30 Thorin Oakenshield 60 10 10 78 83 Thrain 40 40 1.09 Sinda Elves Special Advantages (1) Ships only cost 500 timber to construct. (2) New recruits start with a training rank of 25. (3) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (4) Armies lose only 1-2 morale points when marching with no food (2-5 points if force marching). | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 90 87 100 87 85 85| |severe | 95 92 90 102 90 87 87| |cold | 97 95 92 105 92 90 90| |cool | 100 97 95 107 95 92 92| |mild | 102 100 97 110 97 95 95| |warm | 102 100 97 110 97 95 95| |hot | 97 95 92 105 92 90 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Amon Lind 2115 Village Castle Caras Galadhon 2514 Major Town+* Cerin Amroth 2413 Town+ Edhellond 2325 Town+ Harbor Nanduhirion 2314 Camp+ Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2514 60 100 2325 40 100 2W, 2T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Celeborn 60 10 20 20 66 Feamire 10 10 20 20 20 41 126 Galadriel 20 70 70 25 208 12,163,164 Galandeor 30 20 30 Helkama 20 50 25 70 135 Tathar 30 15 30 Taurnil 40 10 10 20 44 Tharudan 20 50 20 53 1.10 Noldo Elves Special Advantages (1) All new recruits have a training rank of 25. (2) Armies can force march with no loss of morale points. (3) All characters may Uncover Secrets with a skill rank of 40 or better. (4) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 95 92 90 97 90 87 87| |severe | 97 95 92 100 92 90 90| |cold | 100 97 95 102 95 92 92| |cool | 102 100 97 105 97 95 95| |mild | 102 100 97 105 97 95 95| |warm | 102 100 97 105 97 95 95| |hot | 97 95 92 100 92 90 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Elostirion 0810 Camp Forlond 0408 Town Fort Harbor Imladris 2209 Major Town+* Mithlond-East 0710 Town Fort Harbor Mithlond-West 0708 Town Fort Port Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2209 60 100 0708 40 100 2W,2T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Ascarnil 40 25 50 201 Cirdan 40 20 40 50 25 82 40,51,59 Elrond 40 60 70 35 162 11,41,90 Erestor 40 60 25 90 26 Galdor 60 20 60 Gildor 30 20 20 10 25 38 Glorfindel 60 30 40 25 97 8,89 Pelnimloth 10 20 21 1.11 The Witch-King Special Advantages (1) New commanders may start with a skill rank of 40. (2) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food only lose 1-2 morale points when force marching. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Fearful Hearts" spell. (4) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Hordes" spell. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 90 90 85 82 82 87| |severe | 92 92 92 87 85 85 90| |cold | 95 95 95 90 87 87 92| |cool | 97 97 97 92 90 90 95| |mild | 100 100 100 95 92 92 97| |warm | 97 97 97 92 90 90 95| |hot | 95 95 95 90 87 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Lag-angren 1502 Camp Lag-lach 2311 Camp Minas Morgul 3124 Major Town* Castle Mt. Gram 2006 Town Fort Mt. Gunabad 2305 Major Town Fort Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2006 50 100 200 2305 50 100 200 3124 10 400 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Anglach 50 50 Angulion 10 20 30 30 43 157 Ashdurgnul 20 50 53 Blogath 40 40 Bolg 50 95 67,68 Guarthoth 40 40 Murazor 40 40 70 30 138 28,48,52,75 82,86 Rogrog 50 65 65 1.12 Dragon Lord Special Advantages (1) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (2) Mages can learn the lost "Teleport" spell. (3) All Scout/Recon orders are doubled in skill rank. (4) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 morale points when force marching). Armies with food only lose 1-2 morale points when force marching. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 82 87 85 85 80 80 82| |severe | 85 90 87 87 82 82 85| |cold | 87 92 90 90 85 85 87| |cool | 90 95 92 92 87 87 90| |mild | 95 100 97 97 92 92 95| |warm | 95 100 97 97 92 92 95| |hot | 95 100 97 97 92 92 95| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Dol Guldur 2715 Major Town* Keep Goblin-Gate 2409 Village Fort Lug Ghurzun 3822 Major Town Tower Ongushar 2518 Camp Sarn Goriwing 2809 Village+ Fort Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2715 20 100 200 2409 20 400 2518 10 100 200 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Duran 60 20 20 30 67 Gashbuz 30 30 Grashukh 50 50 Khamul 30 30 30 40 30 106 62,150,153 Maben 20 50 82 154 Ogrod 40 50 99 Rogatha 30 30 Skauril 30 10 30 1.13 Dog Lord Special Advantages (1) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. (2) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Mounts" spell. (4) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 92 87 80 85 82 85| |severe | 92 95 90 82 87 85 87| |cold | 95 97 92 85 90 87 90| |cool | 97 100 95 87 92 90 92| |mild | 102 105 100 92 97 95 97| |warm | 102 105 100 92 97 95 97| |hot | 102 105 100 92 97 95 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Lag-dagur 2921 Camp Lag-hundur 3321 Camp Lag-ulurikon 3421 Camp Morannon 3221 Major Town* Keep Ostigurth 2921 Major Town Castle Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3221 50 200 200 3624 40 200 2921 30 200 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Bulrakur 50 50 Daumdorut 30 30 Dendra Dwar 20 20 60 30 67 10,74,138 Gurthlug 30 20 32 160 Krusnak 30 20 30 41 2,43,148 Kruxtogg 30 30 Rashkuk 30 30 Tonn Varthkur 40 30 47 1.14 Cloud Lord Special Advantages (1) All Assassinate/Kidnap orders are +20 to skill rank. (2) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (3) All characters may Uncover Secrets at a skill rank of 40 or better. (4) New agents may start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 85 82 85 82 85| |severe | 90 90 87 85 87 85 87| |cold | 92 92 90 87 90 87 90| |cool | 95 95 92 90 92 90 92| |mild | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| |warm | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| |hot | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Barduath 3428 Major Town Carach Angren 3222 Camp Fort Kal Nargil 3630 Major Town* Castle Nurumurl 3528 Village Rul 3626 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3630 40 300 3222 20 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Araudagul 40 20 40 Errenis 30 20 23 Gulthum 10 20 21 Ji Indur 20 40 40 30 72 56,104,109 Lairathim 30 22 Shoglic 30 30 Uthlug 20 30 27 Zaken 30 22 1.15 Blind Sorcerer Special Advantages (1) Ships never suffer storms or are lost at sea. (2) Mages can learn the lost "Summon Storms" spell. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Hordes" spell. (4) All new mages may start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 87 85 80 85 80 85| |severe | 92 90 87 82 87 82 87| |cold | 95 92 90 85 90 85 90| |cool | 97 95 92 87 92 87 92| |mild | 102 100 97 92 97 92 97| |warm | 102 100 97 92 97 92 97| |hot | 102 100 97 92 97 92 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Burch Nurn 4025 Camp Tower Luglurak 3929 Major Town* Castle Harbor Orduga Aivaisa 4126 Camp Urlurtsu Nurn 3627 Major Town Virk Ulgath 3829 Camp Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3929 30 300 4025 20 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Akhorahil 20 20 60 30 80 73,66 Ethacali 10 40 42 Leardinoth 10 30 32 Magergoth 20 20 20 30 30 41 Naldurgarth 50 50 Storlaga 20 10 50 20 131 7,22,140 Uthcu? 30 30 Vulmek? 20 20 20 28 1.16 Ice King Special Advantages (1) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (2) New agents may start with a skill rank of 40. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Summon Storms" spell. (4) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 92 90 90 85 85 90| |severe | 95 95 92 92 87 87 92| |cold | 97 97 95 95 90 90 95| |cool | 97 97 95 95 90 90 95| |mild | 100 100 97 97 92 92 97| |warm | 100 100 97 97 92 92 97| |hot | 97 97 95 95 90 90 95| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Barad Perras 3123 Town Fort Durthang 3122 Major Town* Castle Katund-akul 3223 Camp Lag-orod 2214 Camp Lag-scara 3022 Camp+ Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3123 30 300 3122 30 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Abdahkil 30 30 Gaurhir 10 30 30 56 25 Gorthog 10 40 32 Hoarmurath 30 20 50 30 91 50,80,141 Kathog 40 50 20 Lugronk 30 10 31 Muranog 40 20 42 Ulzog 30 30 1.17 Quiet Avenger Special Advantages (1) All Scouts/Recons are doubled in skill rank. (2) All characters may 'Uncover Secrets' with a skill rank of 40 or better. (3) Emissaries may start with a skill rank of 40. (4) Commanders may start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 87 90 82 87 77 80| |severe | 92 90 92 85 90 80 82| |cold | 95 92 95 87 92 82 85| |cool | 97 95 97 90 95 85 87| |mild | 102 100 102 95 100 90 92| |warm | 105 102 105 97 102 92 95| |hot | 102 100 102 95 100 90 92| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Jug Rijesha 3533 Major Town Harbor Kul Dinbar 3335 Camp Tower Lugarlur 3034 Major Town Castle Harbor Tir Harn 3437 Camp Tower Wathduin 3234 Camp Tower Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3533 30 400 200 3034 30 500 5W, 3T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Adunaphel 30 30 40 30 66 97,143 Ashturg 30 10 31 Fuinur 30 20 20 37 Herumor 30 20 20 37 Malezar 10 10 40 43 78 Shebbin Vur 10 20 12 Thergor 30 22 Zokhad 10 20 17 1.18 Fire King Special Advantages (1) Armies are hired at no cost. (2) New armies have a morale of 40. (3) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points if force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. (4) Mages can learn the lost "Fanaticism" spell. (5) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Hordes" spell. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 87 82 87 80 85| |severe | 90 90 90 85 90 82 87| |cold | 92 92 92 87 92 85 90| |cool | 95 95 95 90 95 87 92| |mild | 100 100 100 95 100 92 97| |warm | 100 100 100 95 100 92 97| |hot | 100 100 100 95 100 92 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Barad Ungol 3424 Major Town* Castle Barad-wath 3426 Town Lag-digturmarr 3225 Camp Lag-vrasfotak 3327 Camp Lag-zajarzot 3324 Camp Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3426 50 400 3224 50 400 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Nazog 30 22 Ren the Unclean 20 20 50 30 73 54,111,112 Rozilan 20 30 32 Shagrat 30 30 Skargnakh 30 10 10 44 84 Uklurg 40 40 Uthmag 40 40 1.19 Long Rider Special Advantages (1) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Mounts" spell. (3) All new recruits have a training rank of 20. (4) Armies can force march with no loss of morale points. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 92 87 77 85 80 85| |severe | 90 95 90 80 87 82 87| |cold | 92 97 92 82 90 85 90| |cool | 95 100 95 85 92 87 92| |mild | 100 105 100 90 97 92 97| |warm | 97 102 97 87 95 90 95| |hot | 97 102 97 87 95 90 95| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Buth Ovaisa 3017 Village Lagari Orath 4425 Village Olbamarl 3329 Major Town* Castle Orduga Harmal 4433 Village Tol Buruth 4125 Village+ Castle Harbor Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3017 30 200 400 4433 30 100 500 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Din Ohtar 30 20 10 30 50 78 Giordia 20 20 17 Hargrog 30 20 43 198,203 Lomelinde 30 10 48 71,72 Morlammen 30 30 Mornadak 30 30 Uvatha 60 20 20 30 78 53,79,92 Viosiol 30 30 1.20 Dark Lieutenants Special Advantages (1) New Commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) New Mages may have a skill rank of 40. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Fearful Hearts" spell. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 85 82 85 82 85| |severe | 90 90 87 85 87 85 87| |cold | 92 92 90 87 90 87 90| |cool | 95 95 92 90 92 90 92| |mild | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| |warm | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| |hot | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Barad-dur 3423 Major Town* Castle Carvarad 3621 Camp Lag-lithlad 3323 Camp Minas Durlith 3622 Town Castle Thuringwathost 3120 Camp Tower Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3423 40 300 3622 40 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Azgurath 40 40 Bolvag 20 50 10 73 46,117 Carrog 20 20 30 30 36 Celedhring 30 30 50 138 155,156 Gothmog 70 30 95 118,119 Grishnak 40 40 Tormog 20 40 35 Urzahil 20 40 70 121 3,37,45,58 1.21 The Corsairs Special Advantages (1) Navies never suffer storms or are lost at sea. (2) Ships can be built for 750 timber (3) Characters may have bonuses to Challenge rank. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 87 85 82 85 80 77| |severe | 92 90 87 85 87 82 80| |cold | 95 92 90 87 90 85 82| |cool | 97 95 92 90 92 87 85| |mild | 102 100 97 95 97 92 90| |warm | 102 100 97 95 97 92 90| |hot | 100 97 95 92 95 90 87| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Ardumir 2039 Town Fort Harbor Caldur 2137 Town Fort Harbor Caras Tolfalas 2430 Town Tower Harbor Havens of Umbar 2438 Major Town* Castle Port Kas Shadoul 2734 Town Fort Harbor Methir 2730 Town Fort Harbor Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2438 30 400 9W, 6T 2438 30 600 9W, 6T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Allurac 30 30 Alukhor 10 20 17 Bragolmaite 20 10 37 202 Earnil II 30 30 37 Gedron 20 10 23 209 Sangarunya 50 30 53 Telkurhao 20 10 21 Vargaelas 40 40 1.22 Rhun Easterlings Special Advantages (1) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) Characters may have bonuses to their Challenge ranks. (3) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 92 85 80 85 77 77| |severe | 90 95 87 82 87 80 80| |cold | 92 97 90 85 90 82 82| |cool | 95 100 92 87 92 85 85| |mild | 100 105 97 92 97 90 90| |warm | 97 102 95 90 95 87 87| |hot | 97 102 95 90 95 87 87| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Askhiri 3220 Camp Ilanin 3713 Village Lar-Huz 3605 Village Mistrand 4318 Town Harbor Riavod 4014 Major Town* Fort Harbor Urah Lanna 3319 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 4014 40 200 200 3319 30 200 4318 30 600 8W, 4T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Hesnef 30 10 31 Hurdriak 30 20 32 Huz III 40 10 30 45 Juganoth 30 30 Kav Makow III 20 20 23 Meonid Ito 30 30 Rof Paku 30 30 200 Usriev 30 30 1.23 The Dunlendings Special Advantages (1) Characters may have a bonus to Challenge rank. (2) All Scout/Recon orders are doubled in skill rank. (3) New agents may start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 92 85 85 85 92| |severe | 90 90 95 87 87 87 95| |cold | 92 92 97 90 90 90 97| |cool | 95 95 100 92 92 92 100| |mild | 100 100 105 97 97 97 105| |warm | 97 97 102 95 95 95 102| |hot | 95 95 100 92 92 92 100| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Angren 1720 Camp Cillien 1916 Camp Enedhir 1420 Village Freawul 1922 Major Town Larach Duhnan* 1817 Major Town Tower Wularan 1917 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 1817 40 300 300 1922 40 200 400 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Aonghas 40 10 41 Calmuad 10 30 16 Enion 60 60 Jeroibha 30 10 31 Sibroc 40 30 Solofhen 40 40 Tunghaib 50 65 24,137 Urdrek 40 10 41 1.24 White Wizard Special Advantages (1) Armies are hired at no cost. (2) New Men-at-Arms recruits have a training rank of 25. (3) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (4) Characters may have bonuses to Challenge rank. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 90 92 92 85 82 85| |severe | 92 92 95 95 87 85 87| |cold | 95 95 97 97 90 87 90| |cool | 97 97 100 100 92 90 92| |mild | 100 100 102 102 95 92 95| |warm | 100 100 102 102 95 92 95| |hot | 95 95 97 97 90 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Angrenost 2119 Major Town* Citadel Arailt 1918 Village Tower Lag-sharak 2118 Camp Lag-thrugrim 2215 Camp Tower Nin-in-Eilph 1715 Camp Treforn 2017 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2119 30 800 1918 30 400 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Bill Ferny 10 20 12 Bugrug 40 40 Durbuhuk 20 10 22 Grima Wormtongue 30 15 Lugdush 30 22 Mauhir 30 30 Saruman the White 70 90 20 128 17, 30, 162 Ugluk 40 40 1.25 Khand Easterlings Special Advantages (1) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) Characters may have bonuses to their Challenge ranks. (3) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 92 85 80 85 77 77| |severe | 90 95 87 82 87 80 80| |cold | 92 97 90 85 90 82 82| |cool | 95 100 92 87 92 85 85| |mild | 100 105 97 92 97 90 90| |warm | 97 102 95 90 95 87 87| |hot | 97 102 95 90 95 87 87| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks An Karagmir 3538 Village Khand Amu 4228 Major Town Laorki 4430 Village Neburcha 4324 Camp Ovatharac 4335 Village Sturlurtsa Khand 4133 Major Town* Castle Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 4133 30 200 200 4430 20 600 4228 20 200 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Avas of Igath 20 10 21 Curuband 30 30 Gorovod 10 40 41 Itana Ovan 30 30 Kionid II 20 20 22 Ovatha IV 60 75 76,146 Urdrath 10 30 32 Urig 20 20 22 2. Other Nation Data 2.01 Map Ranges Below are two sets of map ranges: those that detail what hexes are covered by the regional map of each individual nation, and those that detail 'blind' hexes (hexes that aren't on the regional map of any nation). Note that the blind hex ranges aren't complete, but can be filled out simply by overlaying the regional maps of each nation. For the regional maps, the numbers refer to map corners. The regional map of each nation is the same size. Nation ULeft URight LLeft LRight Woodmen 2405 3205 2417 3217 Northmen 3409 4209 3421 4221 Riders of Rohan 1915 2715 2727 1927 Dunadan Rangers 1003 1803 1015 1815 Silvan Elves 2505 3305 2517 3317 Northern Gondor 2319 3119 2331 3131 Southern Gondor 2023 2823 2035 2835 Dwarves 3105 3905 3117 3917 Sinda Elves 2309 3109 2321 3121 Noldo Elves 1405 2205 2217 1417 Witch-King 1501 2301 1513 2313 Dragon Lord 2607 3407 2619 3419 Dog Lord 2915 3715 2927 3727 Cloud Lord 3221 4021 3233 4033 Blind Sorcerer 3523 3535 4323 4335 Ice King 2717 3517 2729 3529 Quiet Avenger 2727 3527 2739 3539 Fire King 3119 3919 3131 3931 Long Rider 3017 3029 3817 3829 Dark Lieutenants 2915 3715 2927 3727 Corsairs 2027 2527 2039 2839 Rhun Easterlings 3309 4109 3321 4121 Dunlendings 1313 2113 1325 2125 White Wizard 1813 2613 1825 2625 Kh. Easterlings 3527 4327 3539 4339 2.02 Starting Nation Characters Nation Comm Agent Emis Mage Stealth Chal Woodmen Beneoracer 30 10 15 31 Beoraborn 40 10 10 15 44 Beorn 40 20 10 15 46 Bork 20 20 15 22 Bornebeneor 30 20 15 32 Braega 20 20 15 22 Grimbeorn 40 20 15 43 Waulfa 30 10 10 34 Totals 250 70 60 30 105 274 Northmen Bain 40 40 Bard I 40 20 42 Girion II 30 10 20 34 Koldana 20 10 10 24 Kynoden 30 22 Marcatio 30 30 Montieff 40 20 Swithwulf 20 10 21 Totals 150 60 80 40 233 Riders of Rohan Elfhelm 40 40 Elfhild 10 40 41 Eomer 30 45 Eomund 50 50 Eowyn 20 10 21 Erkenbrand 40 10 41 Theoden 50 30 88 Widfara 20 10 21 Totals 250 20 50 40 347 Dunadan Rangers Arador 40 20 10 45 Aragorn II 50 10 20 20 10 136 Elboron 30 10 10 33 Elladan 50 20 20 15 68 Elrohir 50 20 20 15 68 Encalion 50 50 Halbarad 30 10 20 36 Meneldir II 30 30 Totals 280 50 60 150 40 466 Silvan Elves Argaldor 30 15 30 Camthalion 30 15 30 Dorlas 30 30 20 37 Legolas 20 10 20 21 Lindal 10 20 15 17 Ohtar 50 10 20 51 Ringlin 50 20 50 Thranduil 60 30 20 78 Totals 230 30 40 80 145 324 Northern Gondor Anborn 10 20 10 15 Argirion 50 50 Baranor 40 40 Boromir 50 10 51 Denethor II 20 30 20 19 Ecthelion II 60 20 62 Faramir 30 10 10 32 Goromil 50 50 Totals 260 30 60 90 319 Southern Gondor Adrahil II 60 10 71 Angbor 50 50 Duinhir 50 50 Finduilas 30 15 Golasgil 20 20 23 Imrahil 50 30 86 Lothiriel 30 30 33 Morwen 20 30 32 Totals 230 20 120 60 360 Dwarves Balin 70 70 Dain II 40 10 20 56 Dis 20 10 22 Gimli 20 10 10 24 Gloin 40 40 Groin 30 30 Thorin Oakenshield 60 10 10 78 Thrain 40 40 Totals 320 30 30 20 360 Sinda Elves Celeborn 60 10 20 20 66 Feamire 10 10 20 20 20 41 Galadriel 20 70 70 25 213 Galandeor 30 30 30 Helkama 20 50 25 70 Tathar 30 15 30 Taurnil 40 10 10 20 44 Tharudan 20 50 20 53 Totals 210 50 90 220 175 547 Noldo Elves Ascarnil 40 25 50 Ciridan 40 20 40 50 25 87 Elrond 40 60 70 35 162 Erestor 40 60 25 90 Galdor 60 20 60 Gildor 30 20 20 10 25 38 Glorfindel 60 30 40 25 96 Pelnimloth 10 20 21 Totals 190 40 200 310 180 604 Witch-King Anglach 50 50 Angulion 10 20 30 30 43 Ashdurgnul 20 50 53 Blogath 40 40 Bolg 50 95 Guarthoth 40 40 Murazor 40 40 70 30 138 Rogrog 50 65 Totals 150 40 70 240 30 524 Dragon Lord Duran 60 20 20 30 67 Gashbuz 30 30 Grashukh 50 50 Khamul 30 30 30 40 30 106 Maben 20 50 82 Ogrod 40 52 Rogatha 30 30 Skauril 30 10 30 Totals 210 30 70 170 70 447 Dog Lord Bulrakur 50 50 Daumdorut 30 30 Dendra Dwar 20 20 60 30 67 Gurthlug 30 20 32 Krusnak 30 20 30 41 Kruxtogg 30 30 Rashkuk 30 30 Tonn Varthkur40 30 47 Totals 260 20 40 120 30 327 Cloud Lord Araudagul 40 20 40 Errenis 30 20 23 Gulthum 10 20 21 Ji Indur 20 40 40 30 72 Lairathim 30 22 Shoglic 30 30 Uthlug 20 30 27 Zaken 30 22 Totals 80 130 40 110 50 257 Blind Sorcerer Akhorahil 20 20 60 30 80 Ethacali 10 40 42 Leardinoth 10 30 32 Magergoth 20 20 20 30 30 41 Naldurgarth 50 50 Storlaga 20 10 50 20 131 Uthcu? 30 30 Vulmek? 20 20 20 28 Totals 130 50 40 280 80 434 Ice King Abdahkil 30 30 Gaurhir 10 30 30 56 Gorthog 10 40 32 Hoarmurath 30 20 50 30 91 Kathog 40 50 Lugronk 30 10 31 Muranog 40 20 42 Ulzog 30 30 Totals 140 70 30 150 60 362 Quiet Avenger Adunaphel 30 30 40 30 66 Ashturg 30 10 31 Fuinur 30 20 20 37 Herumor 30 20 20 37 Malezar 10 10 40 43 Shebbin Vur 10 20 12 Thergor 30 22 Zokhad 10 20 17 Totals 150 60 100 120 30 255 Fire King Nazog 30 22 Ren the Unclean 20 20 50 30 73 Rozilan 20 30 32 Shagrat 30 30 Skargnakh 30 10 10 44 Snaga 30 30 Uklurg 40 40 Uthmag 40 40 Totals 180 10 40 130 30 311 Long Rider Din Ohtar 30 20 10 30 50 Giordia 20 20 17 Hargrog 30 20 43 Lomelinde 30 10 48 Morlammen 30 30 Mornadak 30 30 Uvatha 60 20 20 30 78 Viosiol 30 30 Totals 120 120 60 80 60 326 The Dark Lieutenants Azgurath 40 40 Bolvag 20 50 10 73 Carrog 20 20 30 30 36 Celedhrin 30 30 50 138 Gothmog 70 30 95 Grishnak 40 40 Tormog 20 40 35 Urzahil 20 40 70 121 Totals 240 120 60 200 40 598 The Corsairs Allurac 30 30 Alukhor 10 20 17 Bragolmaite 20 10 37 Earnil II 30 30 37 Gedron 20 10 23 Sangarunya 50 30 53 Telkurhao 20 10 21 Vargaelas 40 40 Totals 220 40 30 40 258 Rhun Easterlings Hesnef 30 10 31 Hurdriak 30 20 32 Huz III 40 10 30 44 Juganoth 30 30 Kav Makow III20 20 22 Meonid Ito 30 30 Rof Paku 30 40 Usriev 30 30 Totals 180 30 60 60 259 Dunlendings Aonghas 40 10 41 Calmuad 10 30 16 Enion 60 60 Jeroibha 30 10 31 Sibroc 40 30 Solofhen 40 40 Tunghaib 50 50 Totals 130 70 30 90 268 White Wizard Bill Ferny 10 20 12 Bugrug 40 40 Durbuhuk 20 10 22 Grima Wormtongue 30 15 Lugdush 30 22 Mauhir 30 30 Saruman the White 70 90 20 128 Ugluk 40 40 Totals 140 50 100 100 20 329 Khand Easterlings Avas of Igath 20 10 21 Curuband 30 30 Gorovod 10 40 41 Itana Ovan 30 30 Kionid II 20 20 22 Ovatha IV 60 60 Urdrath 10 30 32 Urig 20 20 22 Totals 160 20 40 100 258 2.03 Starting Population Center Summary Hex Name Size Fort Harbor Hidden Capitol Owner 0408 Forlond Town Fort Harbor Noldo 0606 Noegrod Village Tower Dw. 0708 Mithlond-West Town Fort Port Noldo 0710 Mithlond-East Town Fort Harbor Noldo 0810 Elostirion Camp Noldo 0812 Belegost Village Fort Dw. 1420 Enedhir Village Duns 1502 Lag-angren Camp WK 1720 Angren Camp Duns 1715 Nin-in-Eilph Camp WW 1817 Larach Duhnan Major Town Tower Yes Duns 1916 Cillien Camp Duns 1917 Wularan Village Duns 1918 Arailt Village Tower WW 1922 Freawul Major Town Duns 2004 Zarak-dum Camp Tower Dw. 2006 Mt. Gram Town Fort WK 2017 Treforn Village WW 2039 Ardumir Town Fort Harbor Cor. 2115 Amon Lind Village Castle Sinda 2118 Lag-sharak Camp WW 2119 Angrenost Major Town Citadel Yes WW 2121 Hornburg Town Fort Rohan 2137 Caldur Town Fort Harbor Cor. 2209 Imladris Major Town Yes Yes Noldo 2214 Lag-orod Camp IK 2215 Lag-thrugrm Camp Tower WW 2220 Dunlostir Village Rohan 2223 Morthondost Town Fort SG 2225 Rendul Village SG 2227 Dol Amroth City Fort Port Yes SG 2305 Mt. Gunabad Major Town Fort WK 2311 Lag-lach Camp WK 2314 Nanduhirion Camp Yes Sinda 2321 Edoras Major Town Castle Yes Rohan 2325 Edhellond Town Harbor Yes Sinda 2409 Goblin-Gate Village Fort DrgL 2413 Cerin Amroth Town Yes Sinda 2421 Aldburg Village Tower Rohan 2425 Ethring Village SG 2430 Caras Tolfalas Town Tower Harbor Cor. 2438 Havens of Umbar Major Town Castle Port Cor. 2508 Maethelburg Major Town Tower Wood. 2514 Caras Galadhon Major Town Yes Yes Sinda 2518 Ongushar Camp DrgL 2520 Stowburg Village Rohan 2527 Linhir Major Town Fort Harbor SG 2608 Caras Amarth Village Tower Silvan 2609 Carrock Village Yes Wood. 2613 Sarn Lothduin Camp Wood. 2622 Imdorad Town Tower NG 2626 Minas Brethil Village Tower SG 2628 Fanuilond Town Tower Harbor SG 2709 Galadbrynd Village Tower Silvan 2711 Buhr Widufiras Major Town Fort Wood. 2712 Sairtheod Camp Wood. 2715 Dol Guldur Major Town Keep Yes DrgL 2730 Methir Town Fort Harbor Cor. 2738 Kas Shadoul Town Fort Harbor Cor. 2809 Sarn Goriwing Village Fort Yes DrgL 2908 Aradhyrnd Major Town Fort Yes Yes Silvan 2915 Ceber Fanuin Camp Silvan 2921 Lag-dagor Camp DgLo 2924 Minas Tirith City Citadel Harbor Yes NG 2926 Minas Arthor Town Tower NG 2927 Pelargir Major Town Castle Port NG 3017 Buth Ovaisa Village LR 3022 Lag-scara Camp Yes IK 3023 Henneth Annun Camp Yes NG 3024 Osgilath Town Fort NG 3026 Bar-en-Tinnen Village Tower NG 3034 Lugarlur Major Town Castle Harbor Yes QA 3109 Esgaroth Town Tower Harbor Nor. 3120 Thuringwathost Camp Tower DkLts 3122 Durthang Major Town Castle Yes IK 3123 Barad Perras Town Fort IK 3124 Minas Morgul Major Town Castle Yes WK 3220 Askhiri Camp RhEas 3221 Morannon Major Town Keep Yes DgLo 3222 Carach Angren Camp Fort Cloud 3223 Katund-akul Camp IK 3234 Wathduin Camp Tower QA 3319 Urah Lanna Village RhEas 3321 Lag-hundur Camp DgLo 3323 Lag-lithlad Camp DkLts 3329 Olbamarl Major Town Castle Yes LR 3335 Kul Dinbar Camp Tower QA 3421 Lag-ulurikon Camp DgLo 3423 Barad-dur Major Town Castle Yes DkLts 3428 Barduath Town Cloud 3437 Tir Harn Camp Tower QA 3528 Nurumurl Village Cloud 3533 Jug Rijesha Major Town Harbor QA 3538 An Karagmir Village Khand 3605 Lar-Huz Village RhEas 3607 Barak-shathur Village Tower Dw. 3621 Carvarad Camp DkLts 3622 Minas Durlith Town Castle DkLts 3624 Ostigurth Major Town Castle DgLo 3626 Rul Village Cloud 3627 Urlurtsu Nurn Major Town BS 3630 Kal Nargil Major Town Castle Yes Cloud 3707 Azanulinbar-Dum Major Town Fort Yes Dw. 3713 Ilanin Village RhEas 3822 Lug Ghurzun Major Town Tower DrgL 3829 Virk Ulgath Camp BS 3916 Kheled-nala Village Tower Dw. 3929 Luglurak Major Town Castle Harbor Yes BS 4013 Shrel-kain Major Town Fort Harbor Nor. 4014 Riavod Major Town Fort Harbor Yes RhEas 4017 Lest Village Nor. 4025 Burch Nurn Camp Tower BS 4125 Tol Buruth Village Castle Harbor Yes LR 4126 Orduga Aivaisa Camp BS 4133 Sturlurtsa KhandMajor Town Castle Yes Khand 4217 Dilgul Town Harbor Nor. 4228 Khand Amu Major Town Khand 4318 Mistrand Town Harbor RhEas 4324 Neburcha Camp Khand 4335 Ovatharac Village Khand 4413 Rhubar Town Harbor Silvan 4415 Elgaer Town Nor. 4425 Lagari Orath Village LR 4430 Laorki Village Khand 4433 Orduga Harmal Village LR 2.04 Abandoned Fortifications 1108 Fort 1407 Fort 1410 Tower 1411 Tower 1614 Fort 2013 Tower 2135 Fort 3107 Fort 3108 Tower 3. Artifact List 3.01 Command Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 5 Ring of Barahir +35 Command G Ran. 46 Robe of the Orc Priest +15 Command E Dk Lts. 56 Helm of the Mumak-King +25 Command N CL 58 Helm of the Dark +15 Command E Dk Lts. 65 Angbor +10 Command N WK 67 Ulukai +35 Command E WK 160 Collar of Command +30 Command N DgLo 207 Gulthalion +30 Command N 38 Silver Rod of Andun +25 Command G Ran. 140 Red Robes +20 Command N BS 159 Skull Helm +20 Command E DgLo 52 Morgul Plate +15 Command E WK 54 Helm of Sen Jay +15 Command FK 59 Gaerennon +15 Command N Noldo 206 Foam-Light Armor +15 Command N SG 208 Horse-Lord's Shield +15 Command N Rohan 66 Bracers of Chennaca +10 Command N BS 210 Boots of Iron +10 Command N Dw. 3.02 Agent Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 45 Cloak of the Abyss +40 Stealth N Dk Lts. 70 Ring of Binding +30 Agent E LR 64 Bracers of the Mist +30 Stealth N Silvan 44 Collohwesta +25 Stealth N 124 Robes of Aman +25 Stealth G Gand. 123 Wood-shadow +25 Stealth N NG 39 Miramarth +20 Agent E 43 Cloak of the Heaven +20 Agent N DgLo 173 Daecollo +20 Stealth N Daeron 213 Cloak of Valacirca +20 Stealth N Ran. 72 Cloak of Duvorn +20 Agent N LR 53 Listening Helm +10 Agent N LR 209 Rat Gauntlets +10 Agent N Cor. 211 Cloak of Protection +10 Agent N Dw. 55 Helm of Shadow +10 Stealth N Silvan 212 Cloak of Hiding +10 Stealth N Dw. 3.03 Emissary Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 157 Pectoral +30 Emissary N WK 37 Voice of the Dark Tower +20 Emissary E Dk Lts. 3.04 Miscellaneous Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 28 Palantir of Minas I Scry Area N WK 29 Palantir of Minas A Scry Area N NG 30 Palantir of Orthanc Scry Area N WW 32 Palantir of Elostir Scry Area N Noldo 40 Gaergil Open Seas as coast wateN Noldo 41 Mantle of Doriath hide a pop center G Noldo 120 Amulet of Sea Mast Open Sea as Coast N 3.05 Mage Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 11 Vilya +50 Mage N Noldo 12 Nenya +50 Mage N Sinda 15 Tinculin +40 Mage N 163 Mirror of Galadriel +40 Mage G Sinda 7 Nazguaga +35 Mage E BS 26 Mallorn Staff +30 Mage N Noldo 35 Orb of Seeing +30 Mage N Silvan 154 Ring of Bleeding +30 Mage E DrgL 3 Ring of Iron Magic +30 Mage E Dk Lts. 48 Thologaer Ciry +30 Mage N WK 62 Dragon Helm and Armor +30 Mage E DrgLd 156 Maranya +30 Mage N DkLts. 2 Ring of Stargazing +25 Mage N DgLo 10 Wolor Priest Ring +25 Mage N DgLo 25 Staff of Bronze +25 Mage N IK 50 Ovir Crown +20 Mage N IK 71 Talisman of Absorpt +20 Mage E LR 63 Deepwood Bracelet +15 Mage N NG 51 Ossanna +15 Mage N Noldo 8 Lorglin +10 Mage N Noldo 20 Staff of the Serpen +10 Mage N IK 36 Bone Ring +10 Mage N Ran. 69 Corantir +10 Mage N 3.06 Good Combat Weapons # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 164 Tintelpe +1750 Combat G Sinda 181 Herugrim +1000 Combat G Rohan 121 Troll Slayer + 750 Combat G Silvan 122 Orc Slayer + 750 Combat G Silvan 126 Anarmacil + 750 Combat G Sinda 192 Maikarama + 750 Combat G 193 Raukambar + 750 Combat G 194 Darlachiel + 750 Combat G 195 Shards of Narsil + 750 Combat G Ran. 197 Forest Blade + 750 Combat G NG 199 Guthwine + 750 Combat G Rohan 91 Gordur + 500 Combat G Ran. 93 Gurthdur + 500 Combat G Ran. 201 Runya + 500 Combat G Noldo 3.07 Neutral Combat Weapons # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 155 Taurin +2000 Combat N DkLts. 162 Glosvagil +1500 Combat N WW 90 Helkaluin +1250 Combat N Noldo 89 Macrilomen +1000 Combat N Noldo 118 Skull Flail +1000 Combat N DkLts. 148 Sickle of the Heave +1000 Combat N DgLo 205 Sulhelka +1000 Combat N 24 Ghostbane + 750 Combat N Duns 74 War-dancer + 750 Combat N DgLo 76 Usriev + 750 Combat N Khand 82 Romoquenaro + 750 Combat N WK 83 Orcrist + 750 Combat N Dw. 109 Cloud Bow + 750 Combat N CL 117 Hatred Curse + 750 Combat N DkLts. 119 Moon-Axe + 750 Combat N DkLts. 135 Elenruth + 750 Combat N Sinda 137 Bloodrunner + 750 Combat N Duns 138 Air Cleaver + 750 Combat N DgLo 143 Night Piercer + 500 Combat N QA 153 Water-skimmer + 750 Combat N DrLd 191 Aercrist + 750 Combat N SG 196 Mighty Blade + 750 Combat N NG 202 Sword of Cleaving + 750 Combat N Cor. 204 Steward's Blade + 750 Combat N NG 17 Ring of Angrenost + 500 Combat N WW 73 Yellow Hammer + 500 Combat N BS 79 Stormless Bow + 500 Combat N LR 80 Snow Hammer + 500 Combat N IK 84 Ongrum + 500 Combat FK 85 Navorn + 500 Combat N SG 92 Horsetamer + 500 Combat N LR 106 Cubragol + 500 Combat N Ran. 107 Curaran + 500 Combat N Ran. 111 Believer's Bane + 500 Combat FK 112 Burning Bane + 500 Combat FK 138 Air-cleaver + 500 Combat N DgLo 141 Hue Changer + 500 Combat N IK 146 Horse-slayer + 500 Combat N Khand 200 Mace of the Huntsma + 500 Combat N RhEas 203 Spear of Following + 500 Combat N LR 3.08 Evil Combat Weapons # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 22 Rauzgnagli +1750 Combat E BS 158 Thunder's Edge +1250 Combat E DgLo 75 Vasamacil + 750 Combat E WK 86 Nallagurth + 750 Combat E WK 97 Fire's Edge + 750 Combat E QA 104 Dawnsword + 750 Combat E CL 68 Thrakurghash + 500 Combat E WK 78 Sword of Soul Reducing + 500 Combat E QA 99 Elfhewer + 500 Combat E DrgL 150 Stinging Tongue + 500 Combat E DrLd 198 Flail of Horseslayi + 500 Combat E LR 3.09 Known Secondary Powers # Name Owner Align Secondary Power 15 Tinculin N Access to Spirit Mastery 24 Ghostbane Duns N can assist in encouters with undead 135 Elenruth Sinda N Allows access to Spirit Mastery 137 Bloodrunner Duns N can allow casting of Major Heal 194 Darlachiel G Allows access to the spell minor heal Last Word ========= >From Tom Walton Given the incredible size of this issue, just a few notes: When submitting, please don't indent from the left margin. Don't use tabs. Use regular block text as you see it in the Mouth (flush with the left margin). Separate your paragraphs with an extra line. The reason is that depending on the line length limitations, I may or may not have to erase all of those extra spaces that form the indentation, and that's a royal pain the butt - because then I have to recut the lines (the hard returns in ASCII screw up the formatting when you start shifting things around). Also, don't submit tables unless you do them in ASCII text and know exactly what you're doing and how to send it via your reader without it being converted into a different format. If you send a table and it gets messed up in transit, I often have no way of telling which number or result goes in which column. Try to find some other way to log the data if you aren't clear on how your tables are going to turn out. In response to a rather persisten myth: a tax rate of 59% is no different than a tax rate of 60%. The break point lies between 60% and 61%, not 59% and 60%. This has been true ever since I started playing ME-PBM, though for some odd reason people still hang on to the incorrect numbers. The actual tax category wherein loyalty generally remains constant ranges from 40% to 60%. The tables included here in the Mouth re the new database for the 2950 game may come in ragged' on your mailer. Though WP 6.1 assures me that the columns are even by the positioning of the page, they look fairly bad on my end. You can tell where everything goes just fine, it just doesn't appear as it should. I did most of the Mouth in 5.2, then upgraded' (I use the term very loosely) to 6.1 prior to finishing it. Very bad move. The dweebs at Novell made some changes which I thought were bone-headed in the extreme, so much so I may dump the previously easy-to-use WP for the less flexible, but more internet-happy, Write or Word. If it comes in so bad that you can't read it, drop me a line and we might be tempted to remail the thing after being properly formatted in a different wordprocessor. And this is the last time I'm doing this, let me tell you. Lastly, I apologize (once again) for the lateness of this issue. It's a monster. We had 90% of it completed prior to June 30th, but then had to wait for the final info because just about everyone and their brother went on vacation. That's it for me. Tom