From the Mouth of Sauron Date: 05-15-96 Issue: E-43 Note: all authors retain exclusive rights to their material. Reprinting is allowed for non-commercial game use only. The Mouth is edited by Brian Mason and Tom Walton. All correspondence can be sent to them at: Brian Mason - Tom Walton - Back issues of "From the Mouth of Sauron" and the general info files are available at via anonymous ftp. First Word ========== From Tom Walton I actually have a couple of things to say in this editorial. Are you waiting with baited breath? First off, I apologize for the enormous size of this issue. The inclusion of the data set and a whopping News from the Net' pushed the Mouth well beyond any reasonable standards of length. That combined with intense procrastination, of course. (Well, actually, Brian and I have been more than a bit busy in our personal lives, so the Mouth was constantly being put on the back burner due to lack of time. Sorry about that.) The second bit of business is a bit more on the serious side. It has to do with writers, publishers, and rights to material. Here's how it goes: most articles and pieces of fiction are sold on a per publication' basis; it's less common to sell them with an unlimited republication option. In fact, it's usually a foolish thing to do; it'd allow the publisher to use the piece in a hundred different ways without having to compensate the writer more than once. In real terms the writer would be giving up all rights to the piece to the publisher, who would then own it from that point on. In the mag business, per publication' is the norm. That's how we do it here at the Mouth, mainly because there's no reason to do it any other way. Besides, even if we wanted unlimited ownership of your stuff, why should you give it to us? I mean, it's not like we're gonna *pay* you or anything. :-) Now, per publication' gets a bit tricky when it comes to electronic media. In our particular case, it means that the article can appear in the Mouth, which could be sent to subscribers via email, set up at an ftp site, or converted into HTML for the web. But once the article is slapped into an issue and distributed, that's considered to be the publication. While we could redistribute that Mouth with your article in it again a year later (and, in essence, we do this by putting the Mouth up at Brian's site), we aren't allowed - under any circumstances - to publish the article in any other form. We can't pull it out of the Mouth and use it separately at a web/ftp site; we can't even make substantial modifications to the Mouth that it appeared in. In essence, it can *only* appear in that version of the Mouth, and nowhere else, unless you give us permission to do otherwise. Doesn't matter what format the Mouth itself is in (mail, ftp, or printed paper), but the Mouth itself must remain as it was at the time of publication (aside from technical adjustments, like correcting spelling). So that means when you get your Mouth, the same applies to you. Our disclaimer at the front of the Mouth already says that you can use items in the mag for personal use (which is, in essence, the definition of non-commercial game use'), so cutting out an article for your own files is fine. But you couldn't, for example, gather your favorite strategy articles together and put them up at your web site without first getting the permission of *each and every* writer. Why? Because by taking the articles out of the Mouth and making them publicly available in a different forum, you're republishing' the article itself. Stealing from the author, in other words, even if your intentions are good. You couldn't even put the Mouth up at a web site that *also* advertises commercial goods. Or offers services for sale. In this case, you'd be linking something that you have access to strictly on the terms that you don't use it for monetary gain, to something that you're using for monetary gain. Following me so far? We labor under the same restrictions; if someone offered to *pay* us for the Mouth, or to use the Mouth, we'd have to refuse for the same reasons. In fact, we'd have to refuse any compensation at at all, monetary or in-kind. This may seem pretty uptight, but us author-types really hate to get ripped off, even unintentionally. If we put in a disclaimer (which usually appears as "do as you please with this so long as you don't change it" in most Usenet groups) that's all well and dandy; but here at the multi-story megaoffices of the Mouth, we don't require any such thing from our contributors. What's theirs is theirs and appears in our mag out of the goodness of their hearts. If they want to make money off their efforts at a later date, more power to em. So when people request that we put together compilations of article types, realize that such a thing is damned near impossible. In order to do this, we'd have to track down every author of every article and beg/plead/whine for permission to republish. That's a lot of work for the (unpaid) editors, a bit beyond the limits of our altruism. And even if you think it'd be a great idea to do just this on your own site to help out the newbies, think again - cuz *you'd* have to do the exact same thing. If you were to republish on a site, or distribute a document of this nature without getting said permission, you could be sued - and you would lose - in a court of law. You could repost the Mouth in it's entirety (within the previously-laid-out restrictions), but that's about it. Not that any of our writers would sue you, but lots of us are hackers and we'd find other ways to torture you. Suffice to say that your web/ftp site would *never* be in operational order (eg). In any event, given some interesting violations I've witnessed (and been subject to) of late, I thought I'd outline all of this for both writers and afficionados alike. The laws on this essentially follow basic rules of respect and decency, and if you operate from that point of view you can't go wrong. Encounters ========== From Darin Fitzpatrick ---------------------- In response to a request in the R.G.PBM newsgroup, which was copied to the Mouth: Encounters seem to happen very near the end of the turn. Thus I would think that moving characters into an army would allow them to benefit from an encouter with Sauron, or anyone else who boosts characters with armies. I base this deduction on an encounter with Woses in 2950, in which I and an ally moved into the same hex. His army showed up on my recon (but not my army report), but encountered Woses and was destroyed. Thus the encounter must have happened after order 925, which is after 870. If all encounters work similarly, then moving/joining should work. I wrote an article on encounters for the Mouth (& Whispers) a few months back. Check it out. From Mike Poidinger ------------------- I had a Noldo Elf encounter the ghostly army (fist vs eagle). He commanded them to stop, but they ignored him and got injured. To be precise he was hit from behind and knocked unconcious. When he awoke the armies had vanished. He lost 26 health From Payton Turpin ------------------ Several players are mentioning the 2950 encounter that seems to be fairly common at the sites of powerful artifacts - the one with the mirror, the skeleton and the locked door. I have no more answer to this encounter than anyone else. In the interest of gradually accumulating data on it, I did have a Corsair (FP) character with Command 60, Emis 60, Challenge 80 react to it by trying to open the lock on the door. He failed, but nothing bad happened to him. The skeleton did not react. I good agent might be the best one to take this encounter. I was too chicken to attack the skeleton. From Camaleon ------------- Well, thanks again for the last issue of the MoS. Here is some more info. About my last encounter with a dragon, Khamul encountered LEUCARUTH in the Goblin. He demand obedience to him, but as always, he fought with him and live him with 25 HP. The same turn, Khamul, with an Em grade of 62, he made and improve pop center He did it. The Goblin had 100 loyalty, now it is a city!!! Now, the spring is coming, I do not have any armies, well, actually one, but it is in a fight with other 3, so, next turn I will not have any :) I want to rise my economy building camps and improving them to villages. The last MoS will be very usefull for me. Thanks again and good gaming. Miscellaneous ============= From Brian Lowery ----------------- That group of bad guys you played against in #204 is looking for another match from the FP side this time. They have posted to rec.arts.pbm and have asked me to drop the mouth a line. All starting Dark Servant players from #204 will be same excluding Steve Latham and Brian Lowrey who are unfortunatly to busy. Have 12 FP experianced players looking for 13 experianced DS players to challange us in a pre-alligned 1650 game. The the Dunland and Harad would be FP, and the remaining neutrals would be alligned with the Dark Servant nations. P.S. Brian as you and I know the above group is a quality group of players, If you or anybody out there is looking for a challenging 1650 game THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU! From Sheldon Campbell --------------------- I've just indulged in an orgy of reading the Mouth of Sauron, having let my subscription lapse during the hiatus and then downloaded roughly a megabyte of good stuff. I wanted to comment on a couple of things. - ----- My experience as the WK in 1650:168 and as the DS Duns in 1650:180, (a flaky game if ever there was one), suggests that dragons go to the army of the commander with the highest total skill ranks, probably exclusive of artifacts. This has never failed me. It would also explain why all the dragons go to the same army no matter how many you recruit. Those of you who're puzzling over the dragon issue might reanalyze your data and see if it's consistent with this scheme. I'm not completely certain about whether artifacts matter or not. - ----- Mark Parker's special abilities article (MoS 40) was interesting, but I'd refine his model slightly in a couple of areas. First, the varying strengths of the character types in ME make the ability to name 40 point characters more or less valuable depending on the character type.40 point commanders can do little that 30 point commanders can't, and I'd make this ability a D at best. I haven't played a nation with 40 point ems or mages, but 40 point agents are a definite B. In any case I think that the ability should be downgraded a level (to a C) for nations that start without a 40 point character who can name more. You just don't get the jump on the other nations if you have to wait until turn 6 to use the ability. As the Dwarves in 2950:17 I'd downgrade the 'all characters scout/recon at 50' ability to a B. It's nice but just not quite good enough to rely on, particularly for scochars. A 50 point scochar just isn't reliable to find the powerful enemies you need to detect in the character war. And scopop/scohex/scoarea/recon have their uses, but again the level is low enough that you miss important information. It's a good ability, but not an A. Definitely make hire free an A in 2950. Lucky FK! Another reason the FP have such an uphill struggle in this scenario. Finally, all stealth isn't the same. My experience is that certain nations with stealth (elves) get a LOT more stealth than others (CL, IK). You could modify the power of these special abilities based on the % of stealthy characters you get. My very limited experience suggests that the CL, DoLo, and IK get ~10% of their new characters with stealth (a C ability), that the DrLo gets ~25% (a B), and that the Elves get ~50% (an A). No data on the Woodmen. In my games as Duns, Dwarves, and WK it's 5% or less. This would be a really good Mouth project -- what percent of characters named by each nation come with stealth? Shouldn't be hard to get the data together, it's hardly a rare event. The stealth% could be added to the setups too -- would help people thinking about the different nation strengths. From Richard Hutchinson ----------------------- OK, This is about the hopeful rendezvous site for MEPBM players on telnet. I hear there's been some problems, here's the simple way to log into the system. Using a TELNET program type in as the host name (or IP address) > then type, >bbs at the prompt. and follow the on screen prompts, read whatever comes up in front of you thoroughly and you will need to establish an account here- this is completely free though! just a formality. The place to list your middle earth game is on one of the bulletein boards -called > RPGChat post your details there. once in mail me (SAURON) and tell me your account name and we can organise a chat sometime. you meet all sorts of wierd and wonderful ppl there, but look out for a bloke called DELIRIOUS he's a nasty man (and you can quote me on that). From Raul Olivares ------------------ I send you this message for pointing out a few things I've noticed in game 1650 and I think could be of interest... (I've never read about them in Mouth or Newsgroup...) First, playing South Gondor we've used the next tactic... Since the size of the navy is given by the number of warships, we transported 5000 HI in a 20 transport navy, without any warship. The result was that the enemy reports were that a SMALL navy was there. Of course, Fire King 400 HC army was overrun though I suppose he thought that his small army would be enough. Second, I don't know if you read a post I sent requesting for information about PC location changes from game to game. The fact is that WK PC at 2703 was not displayed in my dwarf maps. My distributor told me that there were a few erratic PC. Any comments? Third, and last. I also don't know how often you update the files with info we ftped at But if you're interested I can confirm that DEMAND OBEDIENCE let freeps recruit Scorba. Well, that's all. I hope you find these comments interesting, and could help you (if you didn't know them yet :-)) See you Raul From Paul Erik Lundstrom ------------------------ If managed to get all the data in a Dragon-army-defeat battle and thought it would be interesting to everybody. It's from game 70 at Allsorts and courtesy of Soeren Krasilnikow (Arthedain) and Steve Lewis (Wk). The Dragon in question was Uruial, and I've calculated it's Damage amount to 35595. That's not quite as much as everybody thinks - but could correspond with the idea of Dragons in several (or three) levels of strength. To make it a little bit tricky, the Arthedain Army Commander (Argeleb) did in fact carry Ring of Barahir. Personally I don't think Ring of Barahir affects army combat, but it could be something that was worth checking out. In ICE's puplication's Uruial is an extremely old and stunted Red Dragon, that has been cripled by a Noldo Arrow in the First Age - that could acount for it being in a lower damage group. For those of you would like to do your own calculations here are the actual armies that met: It was on Cold plains. Arthedain: Witch-king: Tactics: Flank Charge Relations: Hates the Witch-king Dislikes Arthedain Command: 53(118) 85 Morale: 16 36 Troops: LC HI LI HI # : 600 3634 300 1900 Training: 31 23 33 10 Weapons: 40 10 40 11 Armor: 30 15 30 0 Combat Artifact: 0 500 So get your pocket calculators up :) Cheers! From Lawrence G. Tilley ----------------------- Many thanks for the Mouth 42, especially your diary of your Arthedain/Cardolan game. It interests me that American players always talk about the sending of cards. With Allsorts, a list of players addresses is sent out on turn 0, even when it's not a "team game". This means that there's no question of anyone "refusing" to communicate, you can always phone them if they don't reply to your letters. Also of course, you've spoken to everyone before the game starts. This must make a fundamental difference to the atmosphere of the American & European games. News From the Net ================= ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kevin J. Brown) Subject: MEPBM 2950 - Strategies? Date: 15 Feb 1996 21:07:37 GMT Does anyone have a list of strategies that have been tried in the 2950 games. Successful and unsuccessful? Does anyone have a list of the results for the games that have been completed? Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Darren L Frechette) ------------------------------------------------------------------- No list here, but the general consensus is that economics are critical in the early going. I'm on turn 25 of game 8 now, and there are still about half the nations in the game, with most failing due to bankruptcy after a series of small losses or too much inadvised recruiting. It's definitely been a less military-oriented game until recently, and we've tried several different strategies. I'll probably sum up the game and what strategies we've tried when (if) the game ends. I was also a neutral-turned-good in the ill-fated game 32. Our freep team fell apart due to irreconcilable differences even though we seemed to have an edge. It ended after only about 10 turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Kevin Barry ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- To Darrens comment I would like to add the importance of good communications between team members. You need good communications to coordinate the transfer of resources to keep the team economies afloat. ME 32 was the first PBM game I have played where all of us (the DS team) had access to email. It was an invaluable for formulating strategies, making sure everyone was headed in the same direction and fighting off bankrupcy. Unfortunetly, the FP team did not seem to be communicating very well. As to the Freeps having the edge....naw. By turn 5 we had the North Gondor player effectively out of the game and by 10 the Silvan Player was gone. After that the FP team dropped en mass. The game actually went on until turn 15 while we hunted down the last FP (special service) player (the Dwarves as it turned out). It was fun while it lasted. -Former ME 32 Long Rider Player ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from "Laurence G. Tilley" ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreed, it seems to be even more of a team game than 1650. You need at least a couple of nations who will build up economies rather than armies, to fund the efforts of the front line nations & survive the first winter. This will usually be BS or Noldo, then perhaps LoRi & Dwarves, because they can develop camps far from the action. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Nacho Mas) Subject: Mepbm question Date: 15 Feb 1996 23:00:09 GMT Hi, fellow players of MEPBM. Here are two questions I'd like to ask: - When you give and order of Capturing a pop. It becames sieged just in the moment the battle finish or at the end of the turn?. Does it happen even if you don't win the battle and your army is destroyed? - If you change your capitol, does the map changes acordingly or it remains centered in the same place?. Thanks very much for your help and good gaming... ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- The popcenter becomes sieged from the moment of battle until the end of the turn. The popcenter is sieged even if the sieging army is destroyed. It is not sieged the following turn unless it is attacked or sieged again. Changing your capitol has no effect on your map. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Mike Poidinger) Subject: MEPBM dragons Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 01:10:10 GMT A question about dragons.... How high does a characters PC need to be to effectively kill a dragon? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I assume you mean by to kill by a challenge. The "generic Dragon in lair" is reputed to have a challenge of approx. 100. All the named dragons are reputed to be much tougher. Characters with challenges around 150 have been known to lose and characters with challenges around 250 have been known to win. I don't have much better info that that. If we assume that a dragon is at skill level 100 in all four classes, then his challenge = 156. So someone with a challenge over 180 might have reasonable odds, but you are risking a heck of a character doing it. If you do such a challenge, please post the outcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Mike Poidinger) Subject: MEPBM Ghostly army Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 01:13:00 GMT Yet another... I have a FP character who has encountered the Eagles vs Fist ghostly armies. Is there any update on the best response? Interestingly, the encounter occurred in one of the Corsairs pop centres. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kgp8d@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) Subject: MEPBM Advice Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 14:45:19 GMT Well, I'm about to send off for the startup packet, and I'd appreciate advice on which scenario to play. 2950 seems to possibly be better for a new player, since it's slower to develop, and there will be fewer players around who have hoarded up a vast array of knowledge through playing previous games. 1650's time frame and politics just interest me more. Which do you all suggest. Oh yeah. Who should I say referred me to the game? KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I would not count on there being less knowledge about the 2950 game than the 1650. The skill orders work the same, and the starting positions are available on the web. Regular players who are not on the net will know someone who is, so the info should be available. I would say that the 1650 game starts with a heavier emphasis on military matters, and the 2950 game starts with a heavier emphasis on economic management and growth, but after 10 to 15 moves or so, the early emphasis is less significant. In the 1650 game, the initial armies are used up, and in the 2950 game the survivors have stablized either economies. My own preference is for the 2950 game, but that is because I like the challenge of trying to get the most out of limited resources. Use the 3x5 card option (described at the bottom of page 1 of the rule book) to get in touch with your teammates and neutrals as soon as you have your initial setup. I include my name, phone#, address and email. Posting here can be used to quickly find others who read this group. My guess is that 10-20% of MEPBM players read this group regularly, and twice as many have email. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from "Laurence G. Tilley" ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1650's time frame and politics just interest me more. It's actually more a case of which nation you should play, rather than which scenario. You should avoid those which are in the front line from turn one. Avoid: Dragon Lord, Witch King, Woodmen, N.Gondor, Fire King, Ice King, Quiet Avenger. Avoid the neutrals, because you need your team. Best choice would be Blind Sorcerer, Noldo, Long Rider, Sinda(not 2950), Arthedain - all these are fairly safe in the first few turns, whatever happens in the war, you can afford to make mistakes and still recover from them. Don't let your company (is it GSI or Allsorts?) start you with one of the tricky ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Cleavr) ------------------------------------------------------------------- A good way to go your first time in the game is to find someone else and join a game together. If they are experianced, so much the better. You will get more enjoyment out of having someone to bounce ideas off of, and thus the game will be more fun. As to your question of which scenario, its really a matter of personal preference. Players having 'vast sums of knowledge' is a fact of life in both scenarios, riddles and encounters being the main exception (but catching up fast in 2950). Another reason to join as a team is that your game will generally experience fewer dropped positions, since groups of players tend to support each other through rough times. Its an empty feeling when you are doing ok, and you realize 3 or 4 of your opponents stopped playing a few turns ago -- now you know your team will win, it doesn't matter how well you play from here on out, and you are going to spend $6.50 a turn to play out an already decided fate. If the 1650 scenario interests you slightly more, choose that one and give it your best shot! As a veteran of more than 15 games completed, I think you will find fostering cooperation among your teammates as much (or more) fun than running your own turns......Good luck and good hunting! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Laurence G. Tilley" ( Subject: MEPBM Gladden Fields encounter Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 20:47:58 +0000 Does anyone have information more up to date, or complete on the following encounter?: >From mepbm.165 file =============== 4.11 Gladden Fields Description: a wizened old man or woman offers to show the character a scroll which contains the secret of the golden band. He/she offers to take the character back to his/her hut to view the scroll. [Tom's note: the details are in the Mouth info file, no need to repeat them here.] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Laurence G. Tilley" ( Subject: MEPBM 2950 Ring of Impersonation Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 20:52:49 +0000 In 1650 the Ring of Impersonation #4 begins I think as a SG artefact. In a 2950 game, I have just collected it from the finger of a dead Noldo. On checking my 2950 startup data, I find it listed as neither a startup artefact for SG or Noldo. Does it start as a "lost" artefact then in this scenario... or is there a hole in my records? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (August Tischer) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I believe it is unowned at game start in the 2950 scenario. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "S. Bahrke" ( Subject: ME PBM 2950 Dragon Encounter Question Date: 29 Feb 1996 02:02:28 GMT Hello fellow ME PBM fans. I am playing a Dark Servant in a 2950 game, and I have an encounter with the dragon Smaug. The enounter message and actions do not match the one posted on Phredd's home page. Should I: Speak SAURON's name ... APOLOGIZE for the intrusion... ATTACK the dragon... Tell a STORY ... OFFER money or artifacts... BOW down before the dragon... FLEE I know it is neither FLEE nor BOW. Merely guessing gives me a 1 in 5 chance, but I hope somebody can help. Someone suggested acting MEEK, but that is not an option. OFFERing money may be the right answer. I would appreciate any help that you can offer. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ("Mark Seward") Subject: ME-PBM Riddle c1950 Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 00:09:02 GMT Can anybody solve my riddle for me? Home to both sea and land, it could be seen by one on the holy height, built for those who left and came home again, it was known from afar by the great white sight. Any offers? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- My database suggests Avalonne. It was a signal to the returning elves (those who left and came home again), and could be seen from the Meneltarma in Numenor (the holy height) (Source: The Silmarillion). Please let us know if that response works. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Lagace) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't know for certain but I would say a lighthouse. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Jan Eikeland) ------------------------------------------------------------------- >: Home to both sea and land, A lighthouse sends waves both thoward sea and land. >: it could be seen by one on the holy height, Hm,what does this mean ? Is it something from ancient times when people made fire on top of high points near sea ?? But holy ??? >: built for those who left and came home again, I left and came home :) >: it was known from afar by the great white sight. Sure,u see the life-giving rays in bad weather.Love the sight of it. >: Any offers? >Don't know for certain but I would say a lighthouse. Your'e right. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Yale University Public Cluster User ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- I am in favor of Avalonne as an answer. The description fits it perfectly. Home to both sea and land seems to indicate Avalonne's importance as an Elvish harbor. It could be seen from Meneltarma, the mountain in the center of Numenor on which holy days were celebrated, by those of keen sight. Likewise, those elves who had left Aman in exile and eventually returned some time after the first age settled in Avalonne. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Darren L Frechette) ------------------------------------------------------------------- How about Alqualonde? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Peter Manger) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounds like the planet earth. Or what ever world you are on. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from ("Mark Seward") ------------------------------------------------------------------- The correct answer was Avallone. Now I have another one from the c2950 scenario which needs an answer:- In Dark secrecy they were made, By secret blend, Strength and fear were the cornerstones laid, When they came about near Third Age end. Offers please ? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Jason M Retzlaff) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Olog Hai? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from kgp8d@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ...or for that matter, Uruk-Hai? KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from ("Mark Seward") ------------------------------------------------------------------- The correct answer is 'Uruk-hai'. Many thanks for the help. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: me2950 #45 - Players vs. GSI Date: Fri, 01 Mar 1996 16:23:10 GMT Hello all - As some of you may be aware, there's an unusual team game of Middle-Earth PBM currently in the early stages. A team of experienced players challenged GSI employees & associates to a game. Challenging the deities to a game of chess, as it were? Anyhow, I'm one of the GSI associates on the DS team, playing Corsairs & QA (what a lovely combination). I'd be interested in contact or comments from players on the Freeple side, or anyone who's interested. What better place than here for a bit of banter? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (August Tischer) Subject: MEPBM: spider encounter Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 04:27:20 GMT In a MEPBM2950 game I had the following encounter: He was travelling down a shadowy ravine, when he came about a sharp bend and stopped. An involuntary gasp escaped as he took in the horrifying scene before him. Stretched across the ravine, no more than a few strides from where he stood, was a large web. The ground beneath the web was littered with bones of Men, Elves, Orcs and creatures he did not wish to guess at. No sooner had he decided to leave (and quickly) than he felt a terrible presence approaching. Just as he turned to look, around the bend came a great Spider, as large as a horse and clearly intent on having him for dinner. ATTACK the spider Say ___(one word) Offer the Spider FOOD COMMAND the Spider to stop FLEE The character only has a 47 challenge. This encounter in the 1650 game lists all Dark Servant responses as combats. I have also heard that saying the name of various spider gods as well as fleeing has resulted in death of other DS characters. I did hear of a character with 51 challenge attacking the spider and winning. Are there any other success stories out there for the 2950 scenario? Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: MEPBM: dragons & mumakils & bears, oh my Date: Fri, 08 Mar 1996 20:02:41 GMT Okay, so maybe not bears. Does anybody have estimates on battle damage potential for the various dragons, and/or packs of Mumakil recruited into armies? How long do they typically stick around? Any help would be greatly appreciated. cheers, james ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people have gathered such data for some specific dragons/balrogs/etc, but I don't have any detailed listing. Even the smallest of dragons can eliminate more than 1000 HI in a single round of combat and I have heard that the typical dragon strength is in the 20-30,000 range. My impression is that they stay round 4 to 8 turns, but I don't have good data there either. Armies with dragons tend to go into battle quickly (use it or lose it), and there their commanders get killed by enemy agents or the army gradually gets whittled away a little at a time. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Cabai) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Well bears are there!!!! (somewhat) I play the woodman, and Beorn does have some good tricks. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Geoffrey Allbutt) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, post some details!! Inquiring minds want to know. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #13 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cary Stephan ( Subject: Middle-Earth: Encounter list? Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 13:41:50 -0700 Hi, Does anyone have an encounter list for 2950 they could e-mail to me or refer me to? Thanks in advance! ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Chelsea Wood ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Try This should also show the whole series of the Mouth of Sauron ezine listings. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #14 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Walko ( Subject: MEPBM Riddle Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 17:33:49 GMT Came across this one...can anyone help? "Defless in name, with a crown of stars, he sat upon his own throne even though he was not the same" Any help is appreciated.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Jaede) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Surely this is Durin, known as "the deathless." ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from kgp8d@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Morgoth perhaps. I don't particularly understand what "Defless" refers to, but he did have a crown of Silmarils (one of which became a star). He did have a throne, and as far as being the same... Well, he wasn't the same after he stole the Silmarils (in any number of ways), and he also was changed after his battle with Fingolfin (he was wounded and in constant pain). Good luck. KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from kgp8d@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) ------------------------------------------------------------------- > Surely this is Durin, known as "the deathless." > > > > > Mark > > I agree. But "defless?" KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Chelsea Wood ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Durin the Deathless - there were seven stars in his crown, one for each Father of the Khazad (Dwarves) So, the correct response is "Durin" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #15 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tracy Scott ( Subject: MEPBM 2950 encounter Date: 23 Mar 1996 17:47:11 GMT A weak Dark Servant emissary had an encounter I'm not sure how to respond to: Zorlog came over a small ridge line only to hear screams and cries for help in the valley below. Moving cautiously forward, he peered from behind some bushes to see a small farming villiage had been raided by some ten to twenty mounted Orcs and Wolves. The women have already been taken hostage and the few remaining men are being hardpressed by the Orcs. The captives are to one side with only a few guards. It is obvious to Zorlog he will be seen if he leaves his place of concealment. Should Zorlog: FREE the captives ATTACK the orcs and save the farmers JOIN the Orcs in pillaging the village - I'm leaning towards this one GO immediately for help WATCH from hiding to see the outcome FLEE I would welcome any suggestions. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Kevin Barry ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- I believe either join or watch produce a favorable outcome for DS characters. The flee option will get you away from the encounter with no other involvement. I'm not sure what happens when you free or attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Benjamin H. Diebold) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I had a Woodman emissary who attacked and was killed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Tracy Scott ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I got my result today. I tried to JOIN the attack on the villiage, but the orcs chased me away as a "thief". Maybe WATCH would have been a better option? I escaped uninjured (sole consulation). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #16 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: MEPBM 1950 Questions???? Date: 24 Mar 1996 15:23:54 GMT Hi everybody... I'm playing 1950 games 6 and 14 in Spain, and got some questions for you... 1) Does anyone know if Gandalf keep on enhancing emissary levels from turn to turn if the emissaries remain in the same hex and so does Gandalf, or does the encounter take place just once? 2) If I transfer troops from navy to navy and I exceed the transport capacity I suppose the navy becomes army, but... Can the Comander of this army transfer ships to the navy that transfered the troops? Thanks on advance Raul Olivares ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (BLASCO FELIP) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey man!!!!! 1950 its the new version? :) 1950 == 1650 Me alegro de ver a un companyero, no de partida pero de juego en Espanya. Si quieres hablar para intercambiar info, escribe. Ta luego. Camaleon. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #17 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ("Mark Seward") Subject: ME-PBM Riddle Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 00:50:18 GMT I have a riddle which needs answering. Can anyone help? It points south from the inner side of the high ground, with its own high heights and lower than low places, it is known from afar that by greater magics it is bound, and that it awaited the return of its lord's dire graces. Could the answer be "Barad-dur". ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Darren L Frechette) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I can confirm that Barad-dur is the answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: MIDDLE EARTH 1650 NEW MAP AND ENCOUNTERS INFO Date: 26 Mar 1996 12:48:10 GMT HAS ANYONE GOT A LIST OF ENCOUNTERS FOR THE 1650 GAME OR A COMPLETE LIST OF POPULATION CENTERS? iF YOU DO DROP ME A LINE c ya laytah ALLISTAIR ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #19 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Niels Lademark Petersen) Subject: Gostir encounter in MePBM Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 17:06:15 GMT Hello Net In one of my 1650 games I have had an encounter with Gostir (a rarely encountered dragon). The only reply recorded in my Info file (the one compiled by Brian Mason and Tom Walton from is that act MEEK will mean recruit/escape? for a DS. Now I do not play a DS but one of the FP, so my character is probably a soon to be Dragon snack. If anyone out there know a safe FP reply I would appreciate it. Post it here or mail me at I will post the result of this encounter as well as all the specifics when events warrent it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #20 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Nacho Mas) Subject: Mepbm 2950 encounters info... Date: 28 Mar 1996 09:04:42 GMT Here is some info about some encounters I have had playing as Saruman in MEPBM 2950. I think some of the info can be really interesting: - Saruman (M 90, E 77, Cha 144) encounters Leucaruth, and being a neutral Reacts acting MEEK. Result: he escapes with one health point and thanks... - An Emisary 38 finds Itangast also being neutral. Acting MEEK he comes out with full health. - A mage 57 steps into this artifact: --- had just bedded down for a good night's rest when his eyes were arrested by a soft glow emanating from over the next hill. Deciding that he had better discover the source of this glow, he picked up his belongings and made his way cautiously over the rise. As he drew closer, he noticed that the glow seemed to be coming from a small cave set back into the hill. He entered the cave ready for anything but halted in amazement when he entered the central chamber. Inside was a large dark mirror with constantly shifting images of people, places, and ancient artifacts. It was from the mirror that the glow was emanating. Across the mirror stood a skeleton of a giant humanoid decked out in an assortment of intricately carved armor and holding a giant sword in readiness. Finally, between the mirror and the skeleton was a stout door set into the wall fastened with a stout metal lock formed by an ancient craft. Should you Touch the mirror and call out a name ______ (Character ID) Touch the mirror and call out a place ______ (Hex #) Touch the mirror and call out an artifact ______ (Artifact #) DESTROY the mirror Try to OPEN the lock on the door ATTACK the skeleton STEAL the armor and weapons from the skeleton FLEE He reacts giving an artifact number, the one he was looking for in that place, and he is almost killed by the mirror. He gets no second option. This is all I have for now. When I get more encounters I will post them with what I did. I also need some help with this riddle I have just received: Abhorred, cruel, and Captain he was known The seeds of his life from good to evil were sown. Seated in power in a land of depeest black he was destroyed ere again and ere again did he come back. I was thinking about Morgoth but I am afraid that the riddle will kill my character even given the correct answer. Any help? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from kgp8d@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Without any research I would guess Sauron (after all, Morgoth wasn't really a "Captain"). Mordor is land o' black. Sauron was (not-quite) destroyed by Isildur. And Sauron was one of the Maiar who were (presumably) good to start. Good luck. KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Cary Stephan ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sauron ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #21 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Carol Callahan) Subject: riddle help 1650-MEPBM Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 12:14:10 GMT Water made from rare and set with white was kept in the second from everyone's sight Soon will its power be shown as real when it is set to make the land heal suggestions? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Jaede) ------------------------------------------------------------------- This sounds to me like Nenya, the water ring, hidden in Lothlorien, made of white metal, and a source of the power that healed the shire. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from kgp8d@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yep. It's one of the three elven rings of power, but I'll be damned if I can remember which one it is right now. Narya is fire. Nenya and Vilya are the others (but which is adamant and which is water I don't know). KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Cloudshape) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Try "Nenya" ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Carol Callahan) ------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks everyone! even the Email! Carol ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #22 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kgp8d@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) Subject: GSI MEPBM Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 22:36:02 GMT Hi. I'm waiting on GSI to start up a new game of 1650 with the three week turnaround. Anybody else out there waiting? It's been over two weeks now, and I haven't heard anything yet. How long do these games usually take to get rolling. I assume I'm waiting for the game to fill up. Thanks, and maybe you all should join up for this game right now! KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Jaede) ------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a huge variation in startup times. If you are looking to play a neutral in a 2-week game you can sometimes start in 2 weeks or so, depending on current demand. On the other hand, there are sometimes gluts of requests for positions on particular allianes in particular scenarios. I and some friends waited about 10 weeks as an FP team in 2950. I think the 3 week option is a bit less popular. This could work for you if you are the one person they needed to fill out a game, but more likely you will wait a few weeks. I would give them 2-3 more weks before bugging them for a status report. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- My impression is that games are taking a little longer to fill up due to the many options now available (1-week-all-email, 2-week, 3-week, 1650, 2950, individual, team, grudge) That is a total of 18 different game types, even if you don't take into account Free vs Dark preferences. I would not be surprised at a 6 week delay in game start if you happened to join a game early in the cycle of getting the totals together. Considering that a good game could run much more than 20 turns, cultivate a patient frame of mind. :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #23 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Saruman the White ( Subject: ME-PBM: What is the address of Brian Mason's FTP site??? Date: 31 Mar 1996 03:29:57 GMT The title says it all, can anyone help me find Brian's FTP site?? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Jaede) ------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Login as "anonymous" and enter "cd mouth" and there you are. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Dennis DeYoung) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop him a note and ask! His E-mail address is: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #24 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: MEPBM 1650 Population Center changes??? Date: 2 Apr 1996 15:39:55 GMT Hi everybody!!! Can anyone tell me if there are changes in PC locations or characteristics from game to game? In a game in Spain Kala Dulakarth (WK at 2703) was not displayed in the Dwarf map (hex 2703 is included). I suposse that it is hidden or its location has changed. Any comments? Thanks on advance Raul Olivares ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from "Laurence G. Tilley" ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- No, the start up pops are the same. This is very strange. Are you sure that your new game is not 2950? The pop at 2703 exists in 1650, but has gone by 2950. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from ------------------------------------------------------------------- The distributor told me that there a few erratic PC in the game. He assured me it was not a computer mistake, so that I decide to post it for seeing if someone else has noticed the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #25 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (DAVE ROSSELL) Subject: MEPBM new web page! Date: 3 Apr 1996 17:52:36 GMT Jason Cody has kindly established a new web site with most of the information formerly contained at Phredd's old site. I looked at the page a week or so ago, and everything worked fine. The address is: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #26 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jon Hanson) Subject: me 2950 Date: 5 Apr 1996 06:45:21 GMT Can anyone tell me a web site that contains a listing of all the artifacts in the Middle Earth scenerio 2950. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #27 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: MEPBM riddle Date: Fri, 05 Apr 96 17:11:54 PDT Guys. Anyone help me out here? A Noldor of the first A fate uncertain had this elf lord One son tortured by blade and thirst One confined in pit by evil horde Any takers...... Cheers, Paul. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- My answer book says: Guilin Let us know how it comes out. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #28 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pete Brown ( Subject: MEPBM 2950 new encounter Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 12:21:43 +0100 I have a high level character who has just investigated the usual 'dark hidden cave'. I know that a high level artifact is there and have received the following encounter which I haven't seen before. Can anyone help? It was during the afternoon that he first noticed the small passage leading into the mountain. It was partially hidden behind some boulders and it was only blind luck that he stumbled onto it. Wondering where it led he stepped into the opening and followed the twisting passageway deeper and deeper into the mountain vastness. Finally, a small light seemed to shine ahead and he slowed his pace. Looking through a hole in the wall ahead, he held his breath as the chamber beyond held hundreds of pieces of gold and a further chamber promised untold riches. Creeping forward to the edge of a gigantic stone chamber, he could see what looked like glowing objects and jewels of all types heaped in glorious piles reaching to the top of the cave. Worriedly, he stopped to listen, but all he could hear was the sound of a small wind echoing through the caverns. Nothing was moving but he was undecided on what to do. Should he... EXPLORE the caverns using whatever stealth he has GATHER the coins in the outer cavern and leave hurriedly STEAL as much treasure as he can carry and lug it back up the tunnel CALL out to see if anyone is present in the cavern SEEK out any occupants of the cavern and immediately attack SEARCH the glowing objects in the next room to see if they are ancient artifacts FLEE I forgot to mention I am a Dark Servant. My stealth is 40 so the first option would probably guarantee a certain reward however I really want the artifact so will probably go for the SEARCH option. Has anyone else had this encounter before? Can you reply by Email if poss ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Tom Walko ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- That encounter sounds like a classic dragon hoard. However, I am not sure. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #29 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ajm@MCS.COM (Alan Miller) Subject: ME-PBM 2950 riddle and site? Date: 16 Apr 1996 16:40:50 -0500 First, a 2950 riddle from someone without net access: To many it is fate, But to others the symbol of hate. I believe "death" has been tried. Second, is there a site archiving 2950 information? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Lucinda Gainey ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- I just finished putting up the starting info for 2950. Here's the URL: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #30 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Darren L Frechette) Subject: ME-PBM GSI email turns Date: 17 Apr 1996 01:42:01 GMT Phredd's old MEPBM Website had some info. on GSI corrupted email turnfiles. Could someone post that info please? If anyone can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, I'd sure appreciate it. I save the email into a file, download it to my PC, then uudecode it using WinCode. WinCode tells me I have an improper ending, that I should check the encoded file. What is this crap? I've tried decoding at my unix host and downloading the binary file. I've tried removing the headers before decoding (that worked on the test file). I am stumped, and any experienced GSI guinea pigs who can help me would do wonderful things to my psyche at this point. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Cloudshape) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I've had some trouble with e-mail turns. However. It may not be your fault. Check to see if your UUencoded file has an end statement. If it does not and just ends ypu have not received the complete file. Let GSI know if this happens. [Although they kept sending me the same incomplete file] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #31 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Carol Callahan) Subject: MEPBM 1650 ghostly army encounter? anybody have any success with the encounter where two parties are about to fight one carrying Eagle banner and the other a fist banner options attack Command to stop Attack men eagle banner attack fist allegiance offer a truce say flee ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from ("Mark Seward") ------------------------------------------------------------------- I vaguely remember offering a truce gave a pfofitable response but don't use it if you have something a little more conclusive. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #32 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Walko ( Subject: A riddle for MEPBM 1650 Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 10:04:18 GMT Found this one while encountering an artifact. Perahps someone can enlighten me, 'cause I can't find it on any lists. "Fire from fire, It the 16th of the 2nd, set with one, to all it did beckon, yet from shipwreck to grey, grey it went, but rarely its power spent." Sounds like it may be an ocean-going artifact, but you all know better then me. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Jose Maria Fernandez Lopez) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I think it is Gandalf's Ring (Sorry, I don't remember it's name: Vilya, Nenya or Narya). Gandalf's ring was the ring of fire, was made at the same time that The One Ring, in the Second age: 16th of the 2nd. In the beginning, Cirdan had it, but later he gave it to Gandalf (..from shipwreck to grey...), and Gandalf the Grey got it until the end. Only a few knew that he got it (.. but rarely its power spent..) I hope that this helps you.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from kgp8d@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Gandalf had Narya, the Ring of Fire. KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Tom Walko ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the answer. Believe it or not, I searched through about 10 web sites of Tolkien information, not finding anything. Then, an obscure little teenie sight yielded what I think may be the answer. And I agree. I believe the answer is Narya as well. My thanks for your dilligence and help. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #33 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ("Mark Seward") Subject: c2950 encounter Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 15:00:19 GMT At 3632, my character has encountered a glimmering pool of water set in a small, shallow basin. Looking into the water, there are pictures of people, places, battles all passing too quickly to recognise. Options are:- DRINK, WATCH, LOOK away STEP into the basin, DESTROY the basin, CAST a spell, say one word. Anyone have any good results on this one ? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- This encounter looks similar to the Mirrowmere and Enchanted River encounters, but I've never heard of this particular one. Given the location, the outcome is probably not alignment related. With those options, I would guess that there are interesting possibilities. DRINK will probably make a random gain of skill or loss of health. WATCH might gain information. STEP into the basin might be a random teleport DESTROY the basin seems like a wrong choice to me. Let us know what you try and how it comes out. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #34 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kevin Barry ( Subject: MEPBM Email Turns Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 22:27:05 -0400 Hi, I'm interested in hearing from anyone who has successfully gotten their turns from GSI through the Internet. They've tried sending me .PDF and uuencode attachments, but so far its been no good. I'm running Netscape 2.0 and have tried Eudora light. So, if you done it, please let me know how. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Tracy Scott ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been receiving my turns via e-mail for a few months now. I downloaded Adobe's Acrobat reader from their website, and I've had no problem receiving pdf files. I just receive the files into Eudora the open Acrobat and access the pdf file from the Eudora folder. What problem have you had? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Kevin Barry ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- When I try to run Acrobat, I get a message that the file does not begin with ~.pdf. If you have the time, could you post or email me the steps that you take to receive your turns. I may be doing something wrong but I have had no trouble receiving other email files. One other thing, the files I've gotten from GSI were not attachments they were embedded in the email itself. so the last one I received into eudora was split into 2 parts. I don't know if that helps any. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #35 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DiBenigno ) Subject: MEPBM-back issues of newsletter Date: 23 Apr 1996 22:44:05 GMT I'm trying to find all the back issue of the MEPBM newsletter, I believe its "Whispers in the Wood" for the 2950 game. I'm about to send away for my setup and I want as much background info as possible. Can anyone please let me know if there is an ftp site or web page that has these? Or can I get them directly from GSI? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #36 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: MEPBM 2950 encounter Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 11:18:10 GMT Any encounter wizards out there can help with this one? Character attracted to cave by glow..."Inside was a large dark mirror with constantly shifting images of people, places and ancient artifacts. Acros the room stood a skeleton with armour and sword. Betwen mirror and skeleton is a stout door fastened with metal lock." (I know there is an artifact at this location) Choices; Touch the mirror and call out name/place/artifact Destroy mirror Try to open door Attack skeleton Steal armour and weapons from skeleton Flee Any ideas ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Lucinda Gainey ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- I just ran into this one. I couldn't afford to lose that character at that time so I chose FLEE. I got away just fine. I'd be interested in hearing the results if you choose a different option. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Tom Jones ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm in my first game (49), but I think I recall reading something similar in one of the Mouths. Its to bad there wasn't a place we all could go to look up these encouters.(hint..hint) My one encounter in our game was a glimering pool of power which I decided to DRINK. I felt very good but the result was nothing. If we all save our encounters and forwarded them to you would you post them on your WWW? Ofcourse not util the game ends.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Lucinda Gainey ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Such was my plan (9). I've even started creating the pages already. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #37 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cary Stephan ( Subject: MEPBM 2950 Encounter Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 10:07:45 -0600 Here's one that's new to me: "During one day's trek, a small rustic cottage was found along the side of a flower-filled meadow. Entering the cottage, he found a very comfortable habitat filled with flowers and green growing thing. Upon staying for more than a few moments, however, an unnatural feeling of fear begon to creep into the bones of his body. He began to edge toward the door and, as he reached it, he heard an unearthly deep growl from the back of the cottage, which he now knew to be Rhosgobel. Turning quickly, he bolted from the door and successfully made his escape away from that fearful beast." -- Okay, so my guy did the "Brave Sir Robin ran away" bit but does anyone know what Rhosgobel is? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- According to "The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth" by Robert Foster, Rhosgobel is the dwelling place of Radagast. Given your response, I suspect that you're playing a Dark Servant or Neutral. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Jaede) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhosgobel is the home of Radagast the Brown, one of the Five Wizards. A disappointing encounter, I know. I understand Radagast used to hand out cash to all the Good little boys and girls who visited him. I guess even Wizards run short eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Yale University Public Cluster User ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Not necessarily! I got the same response as a Freep. Pete Maksym ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Jaede) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Not necessarily. I got the same encounter as the Sinda. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from kgp8d@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU (Keith G. Parker) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhosgobel is the home of Radagast the Brown. A wizard. So I guess you're DS eh? KP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #38 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: MEPBM: OFFICIAL GSI WEB-SITE Date: 29 Apr 1996 20:29:42 GMT Does anyone know something about an offricial GSi web-site... Its supposed address is WWW.GAMESYSTEMS.COM Bye Raul ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Todd Jenner ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, that's the right address, but it seems to be down right now (Monday around 10:45 CST). Maybe they're finally getting it ready... => ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #39 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff ( Subject: MEPBM 2950 Riddle Posed Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 22:28:51 -0500 Ok riddle-meisters... here's the latest. I'm convinced I know the answer, but thought I'd let you tell me how screwed up I am. :) "There is a small subterranean cave where the passage of time has seemed to stop. There is a sense of power about the place. On one wall you see enscribed in runes and glyphs of power: It is said that from a dying golden tree This was the last of its fruit, Set to be seen higher and higher, Strong and beautiful was the heart of fire. The essence of the power seems to await just a one or two word answer to the riddle... What word(s) or name will you say? (if no response, your character is assumed to have fled)" My guess: The Sun! Also, how do I physically enter this info onto my turn sheet? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Jaede) ------------------------------------------------------------------- You are right. Enter the React to Encounter order with "sun" on the first line of additional info. I tried being clever the first time I got this and entered "vasa," which is technically a more precise answer (check your Silmarillion) but the narrow minded computer didn't buy it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Jeff ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- YEESH! I actually used the word ANAR. That's cause the S reads "Then Anar rose in glory...", and another time "...Anar the Firegolden, fruit of Laurelin..." How panic-moded should I be? The riddle seems to ask for what the fruit's name is, not what it became... Oh, well, that's always been a problem with JRR based quizzes, hes got 3 names for everything (at least)! Creative help is appreciated at this point. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Mark Jaede) ------------------------------------------------------------------- No, very mundane help needed. Just answer "sun." That's what I did on my second try and I got the artifact. BTW, "vasa" is given as the elvish word for the sun which means "heart of fire," which is part of the clue. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #40 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tom Walko ( Subject: MEPBM 1650 : Agents ability to kill Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 03:17:19 GMT I figured you all would be the ones to ask. So here goes.... I got a 67 agent. Can he successfully kill off a commander of approximately 60? I figure his challenge rank, at most, is 65 (includes some latent agent skill). What do you think? ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- It might work, but it is not a sure thing. I know, you already knew that. :-) I've heard a general rule of thumb is that agent orders are harder against characters who have agent skill, and emissary orders are harder against characters with emissary skill. It makes sense, but I have no hard evidence. Another factor is the target nation's relations with your nation. If he hates you, it is harder for your agent orders to succeed against him. On the plus side, I know that some people recommend shifting agents from stealing gold to killing in the lower 60's, so the odds can't be too bad. Agents will skill over 70 seem to succeed most of the time, even against tough targets. It would take a lot of careful data collection to get a more precise answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Saruman the White ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a common misconception that Kidnap is easier than Assassinate. This is not true according to Stuart at GSI. It is actually the other way around. The biggest modifier in the above problem is if the commander is in command of an army. If he is, you stand a good chance of being injured by trying the Assass order. If he's not in charge of an army, I would write it, but don't be surprised if it fails... ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Darren L Frechette) ------------------------------------------------------------------- It would not be a good bet. I assume you are talking about the assassinate order here. I would try kidnapping; you can always execute later if he doesn't escape. If the target is guarded though, forget it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from ------------------------------------------------------------------- It would be really interesting to collect data about assasinate/kidnappe orders... ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from ------------------------------------------------------------------- A rank 55 DS agent assassinated Balin of the Khazad (rank 70 commander) with only light wounds. Oh did that hurt! Seems like you have a reasonable chance. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Chelsea Wood ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- No. I prefer to have at least +20 to +30 difference in base rank for a successful assassination. Also, it depends on if he's an army commander or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #41 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Martin Milan Cinke) Subject: MEPBM Encounters question Date: 30 Apr 1996 15:28:50 GMT Quick question: I have an encounter with a dragon with one of my characters. However, I want to use both of his orders. I have another character at the same location. Can he be the one to react without anything happening to the first character? I know any character can react to a riddle and stuff, but I was wondering if a dragon encounter might be character specific. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Saruman the White ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond with any character in the hex. I've done it many times... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #42 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nacho Mas ( Subject: MEPBM 1650 Dragon Encounter... Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:27:00 -0700 Hi, fellow MEPBM players: Does anyone know how can I recruit a dragon called Klyaxar?. The info I have on him only show combat results, so... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #43 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (AandN100) Subject: MEPBM - 2950 - Kidnapping Dragons/Elf Bombs Date: 4 May 1996 21:19:35 -0400 1. Are dragons permitted targets for kidnaps ? 2. Having kidnapped Galadriel is it possible to release her on top of an evil army and await the result ? Thanks in Advance Andy Irvine ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Kevin Barry ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- No, I don't think so. Dragons are NPCs and as far as I know, you cannot kidnap an NPC. On the other hand...if anyone has I'd love to hear about it. I must be missing something here, but why in Sauron's Name would you want to let her go after kidnapping her ? Evecute her now while you have the chance and before she escapes by herself. More on Marc Parker's Article ============================= From Ken Lee This is a reply to the article in The Mouth - 41, 'Special Abilities of Middle Earth' by Marc Parker and The Mouth - 42, Reply form Dennis. I agree totally to Dennis' changes. Naming 40 points Mage is not as useful as 40 points Commander, Emissary or Agent MOST of the time. The change in ranking is deserved. The chance of stealth is really really useful but doesn't happen all the time or enough even if your nation have a better chance of stealth (5 out of 23 in one game and 3 out of 21in another). There is a way to beat the chance that it end up on the wrong character if you have the gold. Ranking of B is right. One thing in Dennis article I did not agree on is the ability to scout when you hit 50. The one most important thing to do before you do anything to the enemies pop cnt is to scout for characters. Doing this safes you from assassination, kidnapping, Pcing, doubling.....and help you to do everything mention. I can't be sure since I have never played the Dwarves, but when your dwarven agent hit 50, can't you use Scout for Character as a miscellaneous order instead of agent order (does anyone know)? If they can, then their agents are twice as dangerous. One thing to remember is that even a 50 to 79 point scouting is still not a very good one most of the time. I had 4 agents above 50 and below 79 and one 80+ scouting at the same place some time, and the 4 agents all missed one character that the 80+ character found. Back to Marc Parker's article..... I agree with almost everything Marc had written with the exception of the following........ TYPE III - Army Morale a. All armies begins with morale of 40. (Marc - D. Me -B) d. Armies force march with no morale lost. (Marc - F. Me - C) TYPE IV - Troop Bonus a. All new recuits start with a training of 20 or 25. (Marc - D. Me - C) TYPE V - Learn Lost List Spell Conjure Mounts (Marc - C. Me - B) Teleport (Marc - ?. Me - C) TYPE VII - Other b. Hidden pop centre. (Marc - B. Me - E) I have changed Type III and IV because if you are heavily dependant on you army or if you are facing an army with a dragon (which you will certainly want to destory that army as soon as possible), any help is welcome. Also, if you can force march every turn without worrying about loss of morale, you certainly will. Force marching helps you catch up and get away. Able to learn Conjure Mounts helps your economy as long as the prices for mounts don't drop below 4 which is unlike but possible. Also, for the Dog Lord, they don't make leather at the start and it is good for bargaining. Teleport is a good spell for the Dragon Lord (if they survive). It means one less artifact to look for and since the Dragon Lord's character are good, they can teleport - PC - teleport - PC...... Lastly, hidden pop cnt have almost no effect in the game at all. If your opponent don't know where your hidden pop cnt are, then that mean your opponent don't have access to any information from The Mount of Sauron at all, then that means you should beat them hands down with or without hidden pop cnt. Although Reveal Pop Cnt is a hard spell, it is easy for your direct opponents to reveal due to high ranking mage and artifacts..... Sinda Elves have the Dragon Lord's mage to reveal theirs. Dragon Lord have the Sinda Elves' mage to reveal theirs. Noldo Elves have the Witch King's mage to reveal theirs. Long Rider have the Sinda Elves' mage close by to reveal theirs. It will only take a maximum of three turns for any of these nation to learn the spell. Anyway, that is how I feel and any comment is welcome. Ken Lee On Troops in Middle-Earth ========================= From Martin Read ---------------- This may seem a little pedantic, but, I felt I had to point out the mis-use of the term "Men-at-arms" in the MEPBM set up, and in Fantasy works in general. In the Middle Ages a man-at-arms was a fully armoured cavalryman, what in general modern usage would be termed a knight. The man-at-arms could be a knight (a social rank) or an esquire (a rank immediately below a knight in the pecking order) or simply anyone who could afford (or whose lord or employer could afford) the expensive equipment of a fully armoured cavalryman. The least effective medieval soldier corresponding to the MEPBM definition of man-at-arms, was the peasant with a weapon thrust in his hands, with little or no training or inclination to fight. In French they were termed the "Arriere-ban"(the last to be called up), in Latin the "Pedes" (foot) or ,disparagingly, the "Pueri" (boys). On a more game-oriented point, why in the game are archers such poor quality soldiers? After all in the Hundred Year's War English archers consistently defeated the flower of French chivalry. The strength of archers should be between that of heavy infantry and heavy cavalry, to reflect their long distance hitting power, but their constitution should remain quite low (on a par with light infantry) to reflect their necessary mobility and light armour. A simple adjustment to these values would make archers a valuable troop type and relieve the tedium of all heavy infantry armies. Reply From Brian Mason ---------------------- I am obviously not as familiar with the Men-at-Arms of the Middle-ages as you obviously are! Since the me-pbm "men-at-arms" come equipped with bronze and leather I've always assumed them to be mercenaries (and some (Cardolan comes to mind) are explicitly stated to be mercenaries). If you look at the troop descriptions you'll see that the DS "men-at-arms" often are slaves. So, I think the low ranking is justified because of their low (or questionable) loyalty. The major problem then is in the use of the term "men-at-arms." Possibly a more correct descriptor would be "unmounted scum" or "cannon fodder." As to the archers, you're certainly correct in pointing out the devastating effect of archers. As I pointed out in Population Center Combat, II ("From the Mouth of Sauron," #39), archers are as effective in combat as heavy infantry (and certainly more economical) versus a static target (i.e., a population center). Are GSI's archers underpowered compared to where they should be? That is more uncertain. In your "Hundred Years War" example, remember that the English had some quantity of mounted troops to act as a screen to protect the archers. In GSI combat, the damage is done against all troop types equally which does not allow the battlefield tactics used by the English. However, in me-pbm, if you are facing a cavalry force which is bent on charging, the effects of an ambush can be devastating! The unknown factor in GSI combat's is the tactic vs. tactic modifier which takes this into account. Another point is that, while longbowmen are archers, not all archers are longbowmen. While I haven't looked into the escriptiors for the troops of various nations (how are Dwarven Cavalry described?), at least some of them have crossbows. Thanks for the input! Response From Martin Read ------------------------- Brian, Thank you for your amazingly prompt and detailed response to what was essentially me venting my spleen about a fairly obscure bit of terminology. I recall some comments in The Mouth about the limitations of the game regarding troop types, recruitment and their use in battle. As someone more attracted by the strategic and military than the "role-playing" aspects of gaming I would agree with many of their comments. The tactics available to armies seem particularly limited, especially penalizing armies composed of more than one troop type. Historically a "well balanced" army would consist of a solid core of heavy infantry, supported by archers, and flanked by a shock force of heavy cavalry with some light cavalry for skirmishing. In the game such a force would be impossible to use effectively. I admit that arranging orders and combat calculations to allow armies to use different tactics for the various troop types it was composed of might be difficult; but surely not impossible. As the game stands it is fine for strategy but is definitely defficient in the tactical apects of generalship. I still think that the offensive value of archers is too low. If the strength of archers were increased to about 12 while keeping their constitution at the level of light infantry, archers would be much more attractive. The low constitution would have a compensating effect, however, giving them a high mortality rate in battle. Although there are a number of different types of archer, using longbows, crossbows and eastern composite bows, the variations in rate of fire, range and penetrating power could be considered to even-out their ultimate effectiveness. On another topic completely, and one that is probably well out-of-date, I remember there being some question in The Mouth over who wrote the signs on the west door of Moria. I think the translation of the complete inscription ran "The Doors of Durin in Moria. Speak Friend and Enter. I Narvi made them. Celebrimbor of Eregion drew these signs." Yet More Editorial Comments From Tom Walton ------------------------------------------- If there's one thing I've learned by now, it's that GSI isn't going to mess with the basics of its game system. So long as it continues to sell, and said sales pay the bills, I think the attitude is pretty much "it ain't broke, so don't fix it." Let's face it: the operational/tactical side of ME-PBM is non-existent. Choosing tactics during battle is a guessing game wherein you might as well have the computer pick a random number. Troop deficiencies in terms of heavies/lights have always existed, despite the glaring contradiction with historical accuracy (or game balance, for that matter). The same goes for archers (as pointed out above) and men-at-arms (which were either trained soldiers or mercenaries, and mercenaries were almost always the best troops on the field until the modern era). Those of us who pine for a wargame are looking in the wrong place; despite the emphasis on conflict, ME-PBM isn't a wargame and never will be. It's a character game more than anything else, with war a secondary by-product of character actions. The entirety of war consists of a) raising lots of troops and getting them together in one place, b) marching said troops to the target side without falling to assassination, and c) destroying/capturing the target. There is no room for varying troop mixes or tactical strategems in an attempt to outmaneuver and/or outthink your opponent. The point is especially driven home when you watch 5,000 HI melt away because the army commander took a dagger in the back, or when some damned dragon shows up and eats your strike force for lunch. So are the representations of archers and men-at-arms inaccurate? Sure they are. But a more appropriate question might be: what part of the combat system *is* accurate? And does a game which focuses on characters and ignores the realities of war so completely have to have any realism at all in this regard? Now I, personally, might wish for an entirely different combat system more suited to my tastes and abilities (which are martial in nature), but I don't recall that GSI ever billed their game as belonging to the military simulation genre. So ultimately I'm getting what they advertised and despite my unhappiness with combat I haven't been short-changed. If I had, I would've stopped playing after my first game more than three years ago. Contemplations of a New Guy =========================== By Darrell Shimel I have read many articles, in this great ezine, about how to improve MEPBM. There are as many opinions as players. My article is not about how improve MEPBM. It simply asks WHY, about many of the current rules. 1) WHY do you have to get your citizens permission to raise taxes? Could you imagine the Morgul Orcs telling the Lord of the Nazgul that they don't want to pay higher taxes? I completly agree with the loyalty reduction, but how do they say no? 2) WHY are Archers on the front lines with the infantry? Wouldn't the archers stay well behind the infantry, pelting their enemies with arrows from afar? Shouldn't an army have to defeat the infantry before attacking the archers. Calvary could charge through the infantry to get at the archers, or Light Infantry could flank an ambush to reach them. Imagine making the Tactic vs. Tactic actually meaningful? 3) WHY don't armies defending a fortified pop. center fight from inside the fortifications? I sure would like to be able to say, "Stay inside boys, make them come in and get you.". This one has several sub-questions: 3a) WHY does army combat occur before the Attacking Army overcomes the fortifications?. Shouldn't the attacking army have to get inside (Overcome the fortification defense) before it fights the defending army? 3b) WHY does an army come out of it's fortifications to fight a battle it can't win? An army that is too small to get inside the fortifications, can defeat a defending army. 3c) OK! Maybe Infantry and Calvery can't fight without being toe-to-toe with the enemy army? What about archers, hiding behind the parapit of a tall wall? Shouldn't they get a BIG constitution bonus? 4) WHY does moral effect Attack Strength instead of Constatution? Low moral wouldn't prevent you from swinging that sword at the enemy who is attacking you, but it may prevent you from standing there for a second swing. While I'm on the subject of moral; I doubt my moral would go up if my army won a battle, but suffered 75% casualties. 5) WHY does the terain of the starting location not effect movement? Certainly moving an army down a narrow and winding mountain trail into the plains would take longer then moving it across the plains. If the Army is assumed to be in the center of the Hex, (It most be since direction has no effect.) shouldn't the "moving from" and "moving to" terain costs be averaged? I won't even get into the size of the baggage train effecting movement. 6) WHY can't you prevent a neutral nation from joining your alliegance? Enough said. 7) WHY can an Agent reduce the fortifications of a Pop. Center? If the logic is that the Agent is using explosizes to blow a hole in the wall (as the orcs did at the battle of Helm's Deep), why do you have to completely rebuild the castle? Shouldn't patching a hole be cheaper then initial construction? More on Team Dynamics ===================== By Quico Gil First, I would like to present myself. I'm an spanish player (in Allsorts UK and in the spanish version by Central de Jocs), and I have played Woodmen (#109 in Allsorts), I'm currently playing Dog Lord in a grudge game (#3), Northmen-Northern Gondor-Eothraim in a Hard Game (no neutrals,positions are assigned forming two-three countries teams) (#16) and Arthedain (#24), and I'm waiting to start another grudge game as the Sinda. Moreover, I have followed several more games on which some friends were playing. This wants to be an "append" to the article "Team Dynamics" by Wes Fortin (issue 39). I must admit I spent a very good time reading it (specially giving names to certain prototypes of players), but I think that actually the most common organization of a team (especially the freps) is (and I think it's fine) a mixture of both "pack" and "hive" behavior (say "hiving packs of players"). Let's see what happens, for example, if I am given Arthedain. Of course I don't want my armies to be moved by some other player (I suppose that after all I'm basically a "pack" player...), but obviously I MUST get well coordinated with, at least, Cardolan (and perhaps with a non-autist Noldo). The same can be said of the teams Sinda-Dwarves-Woodmen, Eothraim-Northmen and the Gondors (other non-natural teams can be found, but I think these are the more evident ones). Common experience shows that THIS is what really happens. After two or three turns, the freps get organized in "teams" of two-three countries, more or less (let's say less) interested on what happens to the other packs. Of course, some gold goes from the Noldo (if non-autist) to other countries, or some timber can be transferred, but real coordination on army moves, agent missions or emissary deployment is only found (and MUST be found) between the members of the teams, that is, we find three or four "hives" coexisting on the same side. A clear example of what I say can be found on MoS issue 42 (Tom and Brian's Reunited Arnor. What did you know about the rest of the game?). My oppinion about all this is that hiving packs are the best approach to a normal game of ME-PBM (in a grudge game, any dynamic different to a hive is nearly suicidal!). You must concentrate on what you and your hive mates are doing, on your real enemies (if I'm Arthedain, what the hell do I care about the DkLts? I have enough troubles myself...) and do your best to clear your area of those nasty dark kids by coordinating forces. Team play between hives gets reduced to a friendly exchange of information and resources and never to a global war plan. Advantages of Hiving Packs: - -Less effort of coordination. You only have to know deeply about two or three positions. Better (but not essential) if you have info about the rest. - -No need of a "Big Brother" watching you. Consequence of the previous. You get coordinated but don't have the feeling that there is one position controlling all. It's a "distributed", not "centralized" coordination. - -Creation of medium size "war theatres" instead of a big one or little ten ones. Army moves and collaboration are more effective and attritive. You can maintain three or four permanent objectives (the Cloud Lord isn't Iluvatar so can't be always everywhere). - -In my oppinion, reduced risk of drops. A team of two or three gets more involved (possibly even a good friendship can be a result of this) than one of ten or ten stand-alone players. In a big hive some positions may feel exploited (I must transfer him gold again? It's the sixth time in five turns...) or ignored (Let's see... here we must count with 5000 South Gondorians... Go and give the order for him...). On the other hand (packs), some newbies (or even veterans) get really bored or disconcerted if they can't find enough and quick help. Disadvantages of Hiving Packs: - -The real hard times are very difficult (as they are for the packs). If one team gets smashed, the whole area will be lost (the Eothraim giving a MT to the Northmen is of no great help because it's in the same troubled area), but it's always better than the packs dynamic. - -If a team hasn't at least one competent player, or some position drops very early (why the Woodmen armies don't move?), things get really bad for you (but not worse than in a packs play). - -Deppending on the team you are, some parts of the game must be forgotten (Eothraim or Northmen with artifacts? Must be a joke...). Well, that's my oppinion about all this. I honestly believe that there are no extremists after playing two or three games, and the team dynamic tends to be what I have exposed before. I think that a discussion about this could be of great interest for all of us. Beating a Dead Horse, or Team Dynamics - Yet Again ========================= By Tom Walton The previous article by Quico Gil encouraged me to expand on the hive/pack dynamic - quite frankly because I think the analogy, and the description of how teams function (as originally described by Wes Fortin) to be somewhat off-target. From my admittedly self-centered point of view, there're two types of team players - those I get along with, and those I don't. Whether they're hive-like', pack-like', or semi-organized anarchists only vaguely interested in trivial things like victory conditions (such as moi) is beside the point. What it really boils down to is: do you think the person on the other end of the phone/computer is a jerk or a nice guy? Here's how I distinguish between the two, with the caveat that I play the game *for the game*, not out of any obsession with coming in first (or heck, even being on the winning side): - anal retentives need not apply. Call it my inherently chaotic nature, but vast quantities of information interest me only abstractly (as in what strange obsession caused you to waste all your time collecting this data? Can I write you up in a psych journal?'). Someone demanding that I hand over every scrap of info I can gather every turn - or worse, that I waste orders I'd rather apply on more immediate concerns finding out things for them - really irks me. Information is power? Sure, I don't dispute that. So long as the information is *relevant*. And the gathering of said information doesn't detract from the fun I'm having. If you want to put together a digest of how many times Ji Indur has shown up in Minas Anor over the last 40 turns, go right ahead - but don't expect me to look over a couple of hundred pages of turns for rumors and character reports in support of your efforts. Or even to read your report when you're done (yawn). - megalomania, the most common of delusions. You can guess what I'm going to say here. Any player who goes off on just how much better they are at the game, or how much more experienced they are, or how x' number of team members agree with them, etc. etc. ad nauseum, qualifies for asshole of the year' in my book. My general response is something I won't print here in the Mouth, but it amounts to "blow it out your ear". It might even be that the player in question *is* better than I am at the game, but am I paying $6.50 a turn to be disparaged? To have someone else run my nation for me? I don't think so, buddy. Hey, as much as you might think I suck at this, it's *my* bank account the fees are being drawn from. Nuff said. - bureaucrat-wannabes and forty different ways to lose your appetite. Players who demand that a team submit to some central authority (usually them, wouldn't you know) can kill the joy in gaming quicker than you can say Federalist!'. Usually arguing that we're all going lose because you're being so selfish' (translation: If we lose, I'm gonna blame my mistakes on you'), these players harp, rag, and wring their hands every time you do something that isn't Approved by the Central Authority. Snort. I *work* for government; central authority impresses me only in how fast it can collectively lower the IQ of any group into the double-digits. It's an axiom you can live by: strongly organized groups are always dumber than loosely-associated individuals. - "gee, once again the Noldo manage to avoid exposing themselves to danger." Hmph. I can't tell you how many times I've seen this. A player, marshalling arguments right and left about how a certain course of action is the best option available, somehow manages to keep his nation intact, healthy, and well into first place while his teammates go down in flames before the enemy. No amount of argument to the necessary will convince him to take the same risks as everyone else; he simply won't allow it. In fact, he'd rather the team *lose* than his own nation take a few hits, or (gasp) drop out of first place. Later, after his teammates have abandoned the game in disgust, he will of course blame everyone else for the failure, pointing to his own success' as proof of his skill (gag, choke). I could go on...and on...and on...but suffice to say that I don't like having other people trying to seize control of my position, whatever the method. And I don't like people who refuse to gamble their nations to save the bacon of their neighbors - I write these players off the moment they exhibit this behavior and I won't ever again trust them in a future game. "Oh, you want 20,000 gold, do you? Funny, I remember asking for a little agent support in game xx when the Cloud Lord was dancing on my head - what was your response? Too dangerous? Loan DENIED!" Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to get a group of 10-13 people together who like to play loose and fast. By definition, they aren't much into teams (well, duh, they're anarchistic after all). So if you *do* want to play on a team you usually have to put up with one or more of the forms of crap listed above. Which is why I gave up team games altogether. I'd rather have fun. So what does any of the previous have to do with team dynamics? Simple, really; whether a team works or not really has nothing at all to do with playing styles. My best allies have often had vastly different methods from my own. It has to do with whether or not the person you're working with is a Nice Guy or Gal. Nothing more, and nothing less. If your teammate is personable, willing to let you run on your own steam, and there when you need him or her, then that's all you need for great play. You'll find that the sum of your nations is greater than can be accounted for by examining the individual parts. Will a team of likable people win more often than hives/packs/whatevers? Maybe, maybe not - but that isn't what's important. The fact is, whether you win or lose you *enjoy* the losing almost as much as the winning. And this being a game, after all, isn't that what it's all about? If you disagree, then you know who *not* to invite when you form your next team. Besides, I'll be too busy having fun at the side of someone like Brian - losing with style and pizazz, if we can't win. The hordes are coming, our doom is sealed in Shadow - and damn, ain't it a blast? (grin) In memory of the First King of Reunited Arnor Argeleb the Brave Never again shall Middle-Earth see his like Writing Turn Reports, Part 1 ============================ by Sheldon Campbell Disclaimer: What you are about to read is true, all of it. Every single word. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty, or to conceal the fact that I made most of it up. And I've only played an FP nation twice, and the Elves have been fine. Really. ----- Whether you talk with your teammates by Email, letters, 3x5 cards, the Psychic Hot Line (my favorite), or phone, one of the critical elements in your performance is coordination. If you provide your teammates with the information they need and vice versa, your chances of vaporizing that inbred mob of vicious swamp dwellers on the other team improve. A lot. Here are 10 reasons to provide thorough turn reports: 1. To tell people that you're still alive. Dropped positions are the ultimate in lack of coordination, are appallingly common, and are a leading cause of brain hemorrhage among long-term MEPBMers. Even if youre really busy, at least send a message that says: Sorry gang, my dog died, my wife ran away with the plumber, all 6 kids got the bubonic plague, and they found toxic waste in the swimming pool. No report this turn, but I'm sending in orders, and if they delay my trial on the embezzling charges I'll be back with you next turn. Oops, I think the furnace is on fire again -- gotta run. It'll save your teammates endless stress, worry, and the expense of hiring someone to kill you when they think you've dropped without telling them. 2. To avoid stupid catastrophes. If you're playing the Ice King, and you and the Cloud Lord both raid Minas Tirith the same turn, and Ji Indur turns your best agent into a cooling pile of orc yummies, don't blame me. I warned you. 3. To avoid embarassing duplication of effort. There's nothing more revealing than for your 2000 HC ST/ST army to show up at the same strategically worthless enemy village/tower as your ally's 500 naked HI. It reminds your teammates that you're playing for the WIN this time, just when you hoped they'd forgotten. Plus if he destroys it you don't get the pop center. Better to coordinate and tell him that his army is *badly needed* elsewhere. 4. To be able to pull off really cool stuff that you couldn't do alone. Maybe together you and an ally have enough troops to torch an enemy capital. Maybe together you can make a curses squad. Maybe the Elves could spare an agent to keep you from losing your fifth army in a row to agents. Nah, that's too much to ask. But try anyway. Frustration builds character, and you could probably use it. 5. To help people who really need it. If youve got some commodities but can't recruit at the moment, mention it so someone who can make use of them can get them. And if you're down to your last gold piece and the huge' enemy cav army is a turn away and an ally's turn report says he located the Ring of Wind and Cloak of the Abyss on enemy characters at or near' your capital, tell someone you've got a problem. The Blind Sorceror will probably have some urgent artifact hunting to attend to, and the Cloud Lord will be mounting a 9 agent capital raid on Rhudaur, but what the heck. At least a few turns later when the Free are rampaging through Mordor you'll be able to say "Gee, guys, I can't spare any troops right now" with a clear conscience, and gloat virtuously while the smoke from Urlurtsu Nurn spirals lazily into the sky. 6. To educate teammates. One of the pleasures of ME-PBM is that it's a team game. Especially if there are newbies on your team, your turn reports can be a great source of information on being an effective player. If you are an effective player. If you're not, don't tell anyone you read this article, at least until you shape up. I don't want people to think you got your idiotic ideas from me. I had the good fortune to play my first couple of games on teams with really good, experienced players, and learned a lot watching what they did. And now Im writing articles about ME-PBM as if I really know what I'm doing. Oh, if the guys who used to call me "that annoying fool" in their turn reports could see me now! 7. To learn something yourself. In my Cloud Lord game I somehow got the goofy notion that kidnap comes before assassination, and managed to lose 2 agents and the Cloak of the Abyss to Elves before I figured it out. This was particularly embarassing because I made the same mistake 2 turns in a row. If I'd just written in my turn report "and Erennis will kidnap Tharudan -- hope it happens before he kidnaps me" one of the experienced players on my team would probably have written back "You moron, try assassinating. You'll never go first if you kidnap (order 620) and he assassinates (order 615)." And then not only would we have nailed that pointy-eared creep, but I would have had the additional pleasure of plotting revenge against my teammate for the public humiliation through the rest of the game. 8. To ask permission to do things that affect others. If you're going to put down a camp on someone elses map, it's a courtesy to tell them so they don't send an army to expunge an enemy incursion. If you're planning to send a character to the other side of the board via an ally's pop center so she can guard along the way, tell them. That way they don't kill your agent figuring "Flowerface" has to be a Dark Servant. Look, you decided to play with these people. 9. To tell people things they might need to know. One time I was talking on the phone trying to get some notion of what in the world was going on in a very strange game, and asked my teammate what was going on with his position. He innocently replied "What do you want to know?" What I really wanted to reply was "YOU INCREDIBLE IDIOT, IF I KNEW WHAT I WANTED TO KNOW I WOULDN'T HAVE TO ASK YOU! I WANT TO KNOW THE NAMES AND POSITIONS OF ALL THE ENEMY CHARACTERS AND POP CENTERS AND WHERE ALL THE ARTIFACTS ARE, BUT I'D SETTLE FOR WHAT ARMIES ARE CLOSING IN ON MY FEW REMAINING POP CENTERS AND WHETHER ANYONE BUT ME AND ABOUT 3 OTHERS ARE EVEN CONSCIOUS, BUT I GUESS THAT'S TOO MUCH TO ASK. DIE, DIE DIE!" But being a slave to the ingrained habits of a lifetime, I remained polite. I asked a few feeble, despairing questions and hung up. And the doctor wonders why I'm always asking to have my medication increased. Lord, folks, you never know what will be valuable to someone out there. So try, try to give your teammates a reasonably complete picture of what's going on. 10. To entertain and edify your fellow players. Life is misery enough, heaven knows. Its a great comfort to the Northmen player when Din Ohtar's eradicated his last commander and Lomelinde's cleaned out the treasury for the sixth turn in a row to know that Elrond blew Murazor away and Tharudan just assassinated Uvatha. It reminds him, that though his life is drab and wretched, somewhere there is music, and joy, and laughter: and he isn't getting any of it. Don't suffer alone -- your whole team can share your agony. And conversely, when you have a success, let others know. Make scathing comments about the intellect, morals, and personal hygiene of the other team. They aren't reading it. Or maybe they are if there's a real good Internet hacker in the bunch, and then they deserve the insults even more. ----- The Report I've seen lots of good report formats from experienced MEPBMers. And some really wretched ones too. There's one guy, I swear, who includes every detail (gold thefts to the penny, production details on new camps, what the portrait of the character who killed his agent in PC looked like...) except the ones the rest of us need to know. Thats all right, accidents happen, especially if they're carefully planned. Pay attention to the reports of people who give you the information you need to play well, and imitate them. The one below is the one I've developed and like. Feel free to use, modify, borrow, or despise it. Report Format Summary Statement Military Characters Messages Economy Plans I use the summary statement to set the tone for the rest of the report and to convey anything I want to make sure my denser teammates see. It's a courtesy to your readers to give them a hint so they can get the aspirin ready. Examples: "We continue to rampage. Morannon lies in ruins, and short ugly ponyriders have entered Mordor, where property values are dropping like axed orcs. Details at 11." (I play the dwarves in ME 2950:17 and call myself the Short Ugly People. Just latent racism, I guess.) "Runts 4, Cloud Lord zip."(ditto) "The flames of Metriath lit the night sky as Ashdurbuk Zalg laughed with glee (a truly repulsive sound). One down, nine to go." "Oh, Elbereth, how I hate curses squads." "Does anyone know where I can recruit a reliable dragon? Must work cheap." "I hope someone else can defend the Gap of Rohan." "If anyone's got a good emissary and some gold, I know where you can pick up some new characters." The military report should cover what your armies are doing and what the enemy is doing to you, militarily. Make sure to cover enemy and friendly map icons. I also put pop center changes to my map in this section unless they're of no interest to others, e.g. your own camps on your map and not on anyone else's. When you report battles make sure you mention who was with the enemy army and what artifacts they had. Maybe the Elves will get around to sending assassins after them sometime. Maybe Elrond will lose a personal challenge with a new emissary. The character report is for all your non-military nation actions; the stuff your agents, emissaries, and mages do to discomfit the enemy. If they do anything at all to discomfit the enemy instead of serving as training dummies for Cloud Lord agents and marauding curses squads. In addition to the obvious stuff (kidnappings, influencing away enemy pop centers, artifact location and retrieval), mention scouting results, unknown characters or NPCs in your pop centers, and the like. Tell people if you've been able to put down camps. I generally try to squeeze every bit of glory and pathos I can out of this section. If the enemy assassins are cutting down my people like ripe wheat, I try to make my character-rich teammates feel responsible. If I've finally trained an agent up to be able to take a stab at assassination, and nail a newly-named emissary, I make sure to dramatize the awesome strategic significance of this bold action. Also, every couple of turns, make sure you detail the names and skill ranks of the characters you've got fighting the character wars. I know it seems far-fetched, but other players sometimes try to formulate grand strategy and coordinate efforts between positions, and need to know what resources are available. If this is a novel concept to you, you might want to change games. Try Parcheesi. Or Snakes and Ladders. But don't get into a game with my 3 year old -- she's a shark at Snakes and Ladders. List all the nation messages that anyone else might be able to use. Leave out dragons dropping loyalty in your pop centers and detailed accounts of gold theft, but leave in anything that mentions a name, even if it's a known teammate. It helps to know that the enemy probably hasn't gotten that message. Leave in rumors about gold and commoditiy transport -- those may be clues about the enemy economic state and military plans. Under economy I generally list my tax rate/surplus or deficit/reserves in a simple format: 99%/-83K/1.2K in reserve (meaning a tax rate of 99%, a deficit of 83,000, and 1200 in reserve. This would be bad.) Then include any other economic information that others might find useful. Thank teammates who send you gold, commodities, etc., even if you plan to backstab them in the endgame. The Plans section often has to be delayed until the members of your team who actually have lives (as opposed to living for THE GAME) get around to submitting turn reports, sometimes as much as 2, 3, even FOUR hours after the turns are sent out. Delays, delays, always delays. Sluggards. But eventually you should get your teammates turn reports so you can make intelligent (well, informed, anyway) decisions on your next moves. At some point then you should get around to telling people what you plan to do, if only to keep the rotten neutrals (OK, OK, newly enlighted allies) from getting in the way of your armies. Again. And to make sure your best agent doesn't go somewhere she shouldn't and get assassinated by your friends' the Elves. Again. ----- Assorted Things to Remember Just four more points and you can go do something useful with your time. First, write you turn reports for the ignorant, since that's who's reading them. Don't assume all your teammates remember that Ignatz is your c10a20 who's carrying the Ring of Wind and got cursed to 1 health last turn and is probably doubled by the Eothraim. They won't. If your 3000 mitril/mithril heavy cavalry army just destroyed the enemy camp of Dwarf Bread Here, mention a hex number, even if you told people where this massive strategic danger was last turn. Please. Don't assume your teammates can keep track of all the characters and armies and pop centers for all 10 or 12 or 15 positions in your allegiance. Second, NAME NAMES. Tell your teammates the names of enemy characters and of yours. If you decide it's too much trouble, see above about Ji Indur and orc yummies. Third, speculate about the other team. Try to figure out what they're up to in the short and long term. Try to figure out who's ready to crumble and who needs more softening up. Most of all, try to anticipate their next move. Bounce your ideas off your teammates. If nothing else presents itself, speculate about their twisted psychology. (That's the fifth Cloud Lord agent I've captured stealing there. What in the world is he thinking of? What in the world is he thinking with?) Finally, read your teammate's turn reports, no matter how painful it is. Answer their questions. Ask them questions if things aren't clear. Tell them if they're doing something imbecilic, like trying to kidnap an enemy super agent instead of assassinating. Maybe, in time, you'll get them trained to minimal competency, so you don't have to play under a pseudonym any more. And think how proud your mother will be then. ME-PBM is a wonderfully complex game. Twenty-five players, up to twenty-one characters per player. Nobody knows as much as everybody; but each player can draw on the collective knowledge only if they communicate. The basic tool of communication in PBM is the turn report. Learn to write them well, and use them effectively, and win. Unless you're the Dragon Lord; but even then you can make your piteous whining lots more annoying. ----- Coming Attractions In part 2 of this series, I'll provide a turn report I wrote during ME 168 where I played the Witch-King. Well, I won't provide the actual turn report which I long ago deleted from my E-mail, but I'll look at the turnsheet and rewrite it. And it'll be perfect. Because I'll spend hours and hours writing and rewriting and polishing every line so that everything you read until the end of your miserable life will seem a pale, dessicated imitation of the shining perfection of that magnificent turn report. Or something like that. On an Autralian Game ==================== From Ken Lee Game 2 in Australia is still going at turn 30. The end does not seem near the end at all. Here is an account of what happened in the first 20 turn in the point of view of the Sinda Elves. Remember, this was my and everyone's in this game first game. None of us had the information from the net and no-one know anything. Turn 1. No idea what was going on, the Dragon Lord make a quick move to my village at 2915 and to 2610. Army at stirking distance of my two towns. Created no new character except for a commander. Recuited no troops. A Witch King army moving south to 2405. Turn 2. The Dragon Lord seem to have missed a turn. His army did not move or attack. The Witch King captured 2405 but did not continue to move. The Woodmen got aggressive and head toward the Goblin Gate himself. Turn 3. The Dragon Lord attack 2915 and moved to 2709. Finally figured out that I should move my armies to stop the Dragon Lord. Moved Tharudan to find out who the hell is Enna San Sarab? The Witch King move towards the Woodmen's capital. Turn 4 - 6. Both the Witch King and Dragon Lord must have dropped. Either one moved and attack. Contact with Northmen, Southern Gondor, Woodmen, Arthedain and Cardolan.Took advandage of the lack of action by the Dragon Lord and defeated his armies with the aid of the Northmen and the Eothraim. Finally, got the net info. Still no new character created. Defeated Enna San Sarab and save the Chiefain's lost son. Turn 7 - 9. Only three more characters were created. Long Rider started to attack the Northmen. Use my navy to circle the Sea of Rhun. Head a navy toward the QA's MT with SG and the Corsairs. Encountered and defeated the Werewolf Caran-Carach. Turn 10 - 12. Fall of Dol Guldur. Caught the Long Rider's Navy and Pced and won against its commander. Gave the ships to SG. Looking for the Ring of the Wind but was taken by the Witch King one turn before me. Starting to create a force against the south while the Woodmen attack to west. The Duns and Rhu have both seem to have dropped, but so have the Arthedain. Turn 13 - 16. Things looking good. NG is being play again. The Ice King and Dog Lord have seem to drop. Mordor wide open for the taking. Witch King have only one MT left after some very major assault. Turn 17. Things changes. The market begin to go crazy. Food selling at 3, Mithril at 325 and mounts at 23. Both the Cardolan and Woodmen decides to drop when the Witch King is almost dead. Turn 18 - 20. Cardolan was picked up by my brother. The Witch King fights back (big time). Since turn 20, all of what left of the DS (Withch, Long, Hara and East) have launch an magor assult but is always fought back. The market as I say have gone crazy. The market prices are.... 25 - leather, 59 - bronze, 177 - steel, 1214 mithril, 15 food, 138 timber and 195 mounts. and there is almost no way to stop the price going up. I was thinking, is there any nation which can 'Conjure Food' without an artifact? I'm sure no-one can in 1650. Anyway, I think 'Conjure Food' is a good spell to have if you have problems with gold. Market price for food normally stay on 1 and 2. So if the market selling price for food is 1. A 30 point point mage can make 150 gold after his own expenses. If the market selling price is 2 instead then a 30 point mage will make 900 gold after his own expenses. 1 point of mage equal to 30 gold pieces your way, not bad if you have trouble balancing your with budget. Right now, Game 2 in Australia, food is selling at 15/unit. A 30 point mage will make 10650 gold pieces after expenses. That is like making 355 gold/mage point. WOW! Reunited Arnor: The Story Continues =================================== By Brian Mason and Tom Walton When we left off on our last article, we ended the review of our joint Arthedain/Cardolan game at turn 10 for Arthedain and turn 7 for Cardolan. A great deal of water has passed under the bridge since then (well, not the Tharbad bridge, admittedly), a good chunk of it less than pleasant. Here to bring your more of a game-in-progress are your kindly co-editors, bracing themselves to regale with tales of humiliation, defeat, and revenge. The current turn is 18 at the time of this writing, and simply out of a sense of self-preservation we won't bring you up to current events; but close enough for you to get a feel of where things are going (the word 'toilet' pops to mind). This makes many times (far too many) that we have been engaged in a game where the situation is grim and the prospect for victory less than Arlan Specter's chance for election. We seem to enjoy these hopeless situations when we aren't overrun by "Hivers" (but that's another story...) Cardolan: Overall Summary When I left off, Cardolan was doing fine in spite of an early special service turn that pretty much killed all the nifty pre-game planning I'd done. I'd raised a vast army, was pounding my enemies into dust, and generally having a ball pillaging across the countryside. There's nothing like a bit of honest mayhem to get my blood pumping. Arthedain: Overall Summary Things were not quite as rosy in the northlands. We had taken some rough shots from the Witch-king, and our economy was on life support, but we had managed to do some damage to the Witch-king as well. Unfortunately, our success had drawn the interest of some of the agent corp from Mordor. But more on that later... Turn 8 ------ Cardolan -------- Pelendur and somewhat more than 4,000 troops met Durkarian outside of Eldanar. Since Durkarian only had about 1,000 trolls at his disposal, the fight was somewhat one-sided; the Witch-King's forces were creamed in the battle, along with the town - which I burned to the ground. 'CaptPop' is for wimps. Rhudaur decided to join in the fun by intercepting Pelendur's victorious army at the ruins Eldanar with 2,100 unwashed barbarians. While a bit annoying because it pinned my army, it was a good opportunity blow away a chunk of enemy forces at minimal cost. Elsewhere, I'd managed to gather another 3,500 troops at 1711 in preparation for the Grand Invasion of the homeland of the traitorous Rhudaurim scumbags. Imagine turning on their own kin like that.... Having learned the hard way that my emmies weren't going to be able to create camps, I pulled them all back to my own pop centers and started doing 'InfYours' to raise their skill scores. Yet another commander and emissary were named, the latter to bolster the meager efforts of those I'd already created. No sense in cutting back on the corps after already investing as much as I had. Turn 9 ------ Cardolan -------- Suffice to say that Pelendur walloped Arfanhil but good. Losses amounted to 700 guys, compared to the 2,100 we put to the sword. Not bad, not bad. Unfortunately, Pelendur was just settling down to yet another victory party when a large army under Marendil appeared to make life difficult. Such is the fate of heroes. The army invading Rhudaur was put under the command of Roelstra, Hallas's son, and moved to 1909. Recruiting continued unabated in the princedom of Cardolan, helped by the cheerful efforts of my emissaries (and press gangs). Other than that, not much was happening in my neck of the woods. Turn 10 ------- Cardolan -------- Contrary to expectations, Pelendur was defeated - just barely - by Marendil's half-naked savages. Marendil was aided by the fact that his army outnumbered Pelendur's by a goodly amount of troops. Bummer. Roelstra's army crashed into three small Rhudaurian forces while trying to leave 1909. At this point I took a moment to gloat over my impending victory and the subsequent invasion of Rhudaur that was sure to follow. Victory was one sweet step away. That is, until I learned that one of those small armies had a dragon in it. Have I told you how much I hate dragons lately? My one emissary I left in Dunland, hopping from degrading pop center to degrading pop center looking for *something* that wasn't enemy-occupied, ran into Throkmaw. Still hating dragons with a vengeance, it was somewhat ironic to realize that a stroke of pure luck put a weapon in my hands that would result in mutual annihilation at 1909. In the space of a single turn I'd gone from being just shy of crushing Rhudaur altogether to being utterly defeated by a damned dragon to pulling off a bloody, Pyrrhic draw. I was pissed. Really, really pissed. All of this careful planning and coordination - for nothing. It all boiled down to some goddamn random roll in the bowels of GSI's computer. Hell, I might as well of saved myself the fees for the last 10 turns. (More grumbling deleted in favor of saving bandwidth). Turn 11 ------- Cardolan -------- Needless to say I lost the entire army at 1909, and - curses! - destroyed two of the three Rhudaurian forces; but not the one with the dragon. Throkmaw went to Finduilas's new army at 1711, sealing the doom of just about all of my forces on the board. I had to send my dragon against Rhudaur's dragon and didn't have the wherewithall to mount another offensive on the heels of the next battle. Rhudaur would get a breather. The special service on turn 2 was really coming back to haunt me now, as the economy bottomed out. Had the dragon not appeared, I could've destroyed much of Rhudaur and captured the rest with the armies at hand, halting recruitment until the situation stabilized. As it was, I lost everything and my treasury zeroed out. And I'd accomplished virtually nothing other than doing the same to Rhudaur and burning a couple of towns in Angmar. Two towns in ten turns; not good, not good at all. Finduilas, being eminently unqualifed for command, handed her army off to Maegwen, who led Throkmaw and friends against the remainder of Rhudaur's army (complete with Itangast). They intercepted the enemy at 1710. An enemy army briefly appeared at the Dunnish capitol, did nothing, and left. I had no idea what they thought they were doing. Larach Duhnan still belonged to the Duns; I checked. Arthedain --------- Meanwhile... Elsewhere... Sarkar had met that pug-ugly commander, Ashdurbuk Zalg, at 0807. I had expected mutual destruction (which, quite frankly, was fine with me), but guess what Ashdurbuk had in his army. okay, I'm waiting... bzzz. Time's up. Yup, it was a dragon. Scorba toasted Sarkar's army and left Ashdurbuk relatively free to have some more fun. Marl Tarma had run into another army of the Witch-king at 1903 led by the Witch-king himself. I knew my army was superior this time, so I could plan on pulling Marl Tarma back to the capital to add more troops but guess what Murazor had in his army. O, isn't the tension just electric? Yup, another dratted worm. This time Culgor showed up to give me some fun. Scratch another army. Our sole remaining army, under Argeleb, threatened away Morkai bringing our total to two towns and a major town taken away. Now, normally, I'd never lower myself to threaten or capture an enemy pop center, but I needed the spot to get some food in the army for next turns fun. Fortunately, Cardolan passed control of a gold-bearing camp to me, improving our economy quite a bit. Ah, the thrill of living on the edge. Turn 12 ------- Cardolan -------- The two forces at 1710 destroyed each other, as expected. What wasn't expected was that Itangast had left Rhudaur's army - but Angurth had joined it! Gads, where was he getting all of these stupid dragons?? Brian was reporting similar sightings up north, with no end in sight. I quickly scraped together another 1900 troops and sent them to 1711, knowing I couldn't hurt Rhudaur but worrying that yet more dragons might be on the way. Rhudaur took the opportunity to march past me to 1712, apparently not caring whether or not I invaded. This worried me. I also wondered where the hell he was getting all the gold to finance these forces, since my scries showed that he was *creating* these armies, not splitting them. Sometimes it just isn't your year. Arthedain --------- A quiet turn up North. Ashdurbuk Zalg's army (now with two dragons, imagine my thrill) threatened away a town from me (tit for tat, I suppose). However, he decided to back off (to get more troops, I suppose), which is fine with me. I have nothing to stop him. In an action which would have much to say about the future, an assassination attempt was made on Argeleb. Thanks to a good subcommander/guard it failed. For now. Marl Tarma was challenged by Ren the Unclean. Great, more Nazgul in the neighborhood. Property values drop precipitously. Argeleb moved his army on to another Major Town of the Witch-king. Zarak-dum. No defense worth mentioning. Gentlemen, light your torches. Turn 13 ------- Cardolan -------- Pelendur resumed command of my expeditionary force and marched to 1909, hoping that Rhudaur would reverse course and follow him. No such luck. A large (???) enemy force ignored him completely and moved to Argond at 1514, defended by a newly raised militia of only 300 men. Goodbye, Argond. Bummer again. While tempted, I won't begin ranting over how Argond would *never* have been threatened if there weren't any damned dragons in the game. Or how I'd be taking Rhudaur's capitol at this point. Here's a clue for you. You can bet that War of the Ring doesn't have any dragons in it, nor will it ever. Nor balrogs, wizards, or random army-killers of any sort. You either win through skill or kiss your ass goodbye. Hmph. Arthedain --------- I don't know if I can add anymore to Tom's dragon ranting. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to stay in a game with a list of encounters. It needs a book-keeper. We weren't being beat by warriors, but by accountants (flames to /dev/null). Dancu had 1200 trolls defending Zarak-dum. It wasn't enough. Zarak-dum was torched. Murazor challenged Argeleb, and Murazor wasn't even in an army. Geez, they aren't even smart accountants! Turn 14 ------- Cardolan -------- Argond is torched by Arfanhil, but Pelendur makes it to Fennas Drunin (1910) meeting only another small Rhudaurim army. What's good for the goose...teach you to mess with me, enemy pig-dogs. You should've turned back and fought Pelendur when you had the chance. Agents show up in Cardolan and start stealing. Agh, just what I need. Yet another indication that every Freep east of the Misties is out. I begin recruiting like a madman again; damn the economy, damn the agents! I'm going down fighting! Arthedain --------- We threatened Amon Sul away from the Witch-king (big deal) and ran into an army of Rogrog at Morkai. We're trying desperately to rebuild our nation, but it's difficult. A new invading Witch-king army pops up at 1505. Oh, joy. Is it Ashdurbuk and his twin-dragon army. Turn 15 ------- Cardolan -------- Burn, baby, burn! Pelendur crushes the enemy (no dragons, thank the Valar) and roasts Rhudaur's backup capitol. A fair retribution for the loss of Argond. For some reason Rhudaur sits tight at the ruins of 1514, meaning that none of my pretty intercept marches catch him (I didn't expect him to pick his nose for the turn). I have *eight* armies on the map, seven recruiting (not bad for a broke Cardolan missing a town). Good news to leaven the bad: 4,000 elves march right past me unnoticed ("um, Brian, is that your army I see???"). They're on their way to munch on Rhudaur. It's good to see that our replacement elven player believes in raising - and using - troops. While things look irretrievably grim overall, at least they're brightening a bit in our corner of the world. I begin to plot another invasion of Rhudaur.... Arthedain --------- Argeleb munches on another army of the Witch-king. But the army does its job. It stops Argeleb, and his backup is killed. He is a sitting duck. Ashdurbuk goes to the unscathed village of Rood, and prepares to... scathe it. Conclusion ---------- Well, it appears that only three Freeps are still in the game: Cardolan, Arthedain, and the Noldo. Things look bad - very bad, our only hope being that a bunch of DS get bored and drop. We've discussed - half-heartedly, cuz we hate the tactic so much - building backups in other portions of Middle-Earth; but the consensus seems to be that we hold Reunited Arnor to the end. So be it. I don't think either of us are gonna like the end much. Especially since the entirety of our defeat is due to those blasted wyrms, the bloated, scaled, scum-sucking, sore-licking- (Transmission halted after devolving into unintelligible screams of rage.) The 2950 Info Files =================== Compiled by the tireless Brian Mason [Tom's note: during the, um, laborious editorial process of trying to get all the tables and data to even out, I opted for the looks good enough' method of doing things. That means that - depending on what you're using to read the Mouth - your columns could look downright sloppy. Still, you should be able to tell what items go in what columns without too much trouble. If you want a neat-looking copy that hasn't been mailed, cut, pasted, and converted, you'll have to wait until Brian posts the file to his ftp site.] The 2950 general info files were last published in "From the Mouth of Sauron" issue #34 last July. They are not as long as the 1650 general info files, as the two games share many common encounters, artifacts, etc. Before these files were added to our ftp site I wanted to give the readership the opportunity to correct errors and make additions (if you know of any). The current state of the files is included below. Middle-earth Play-by-Mail Miscellaneous Information - 2950 Scenario ================================================================== Compiled by Brian Mason; data provided by the 2950-22 crowd (thanks, friends!) 1. Nations The following section lists data for each nation: the special advantages given to each nation, a list of population centers, initial forces, and starting characters. 1.01 The Woodmen Special Advantages (1) Characters have a better chance of having stealth. (2) Characters may have bonuses to challenge rank. (3) All Scout/Recon orders are doubled in skill level. (4) Woodmen armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving. (5) Woodmen armies force marching only lose 1-2 morale points (2-5 points without food). | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 90 90 95 87 85 85| |severe | 92 92 92 97 90 87 87| |cold | 95 95 95 100 92 90 90| |cool | 97 97 97 102 95 92 92| |mild | 100 100 100 105 97 95 95| |warm | 97 97 97 102 95 92 92| |hot | 95 95 95 100 92 90 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Buhr Widufiras 2711 Major Town* Fort Carrock 2609 Village+ Maethelburg 2508 Major Town Tower Sairtheod 2712 Camp Sarn Lothduin 2613 Camp Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2711 40 100 100 2508 40 100 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Beneoracer 30 10 15 31 Beoraborn 40 10 10 15 44 Beorn 40 20 10 15 46 Bork 20 20 15 22 Bornbeneor 30 20 15 32 Breaga 20 20 15 22 Grimbeorn 40 20 15 43 Waulfa 30 10 10 34 1.02 The Northmen Special Advantages (1) New emissaries can have a skill rank of 40. (2) Receive a 20% gold adjustment to all buys and sells. (3) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. (4) Can build ships for 750 timber. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 82 80 77 77 80| |severe | 90 90 85 82 80 80 82| |cold | 92 92 87 85 82 82 85| |cool | 95 95 90 87 85 85 87| |mild | 100 100 95 92 90 90 92| |warm | 97 97 92 90 87 87 90| |hot | 95 95 90 87 85 85 87| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Dilgul 4217 Town Harbor Elgaer 4415 Town Esgaroth 3109 Town Tower Harbor Lest 4017 Village Shrel-kain 4013 Major Town* Fort Port Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3109 30 100 100 4013 40 100 100 4217 20 100 5W, 3T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Bain 40 40 Bard I 40 20 42 Girion II 30 10 20 34 Koldana 20 10 10 24 Kynoden 30 22 Marcatio 30 30 Montieff 40 20 Swithwulf 20 10 21 1.03 Riders of Rohan Special Advantages (1) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. (2) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (3) Armies may force march with no loss of morale points. (4) Mages may learn the lost "Conjure Mounts" spell. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 97 87 77 82 77 77| |severe | 90 100 90 80 85 80 80| |cold | 92 102 92 82 87 82 82| |cool | 95 105 95 85 90 85 85| |mild | 100 110 100 90 95 90 90| |warm | 100 110 100 90 95 90 90| |hot | 95 105 95 85 90 85 85| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Aldburg 2321 Village Tower Dunlostir 2220 Village Edoras 2321 Major Town* Castle Hornburg 2121 Town Fort Stowburg 2520 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2321 40 100 2220 30 200 2121 50 200 2520 40 100 100 2421 20 100 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Elfhelm 40 40 Elfhild 10 40 41 Eomer 30 45 199 Eomund 50 50 Eowyn 20 10 21 Erkenbrand 40 10 41 Theoden 50 30 93 181,208 Widfara 20 10 21 1.04 Dunadan Rangers Special Advantages (1) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. (2) Armies without food lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching) (3) Fortifications are built at 1/2 the listed timber cost. (4) New mages may start with a skil rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 92 90 85 85 82 85| |severe | 92 95 92 87 87 85 87| |cold | 95 97 95 90 90 87 90| |cool | 97 100 97 92 92 90 92| |mild | 100 102 100 95 95 92 95| |warm | 100 102 100 95 95 92 95| |hot | 95 97 95 90 90 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Amon Sul 1609 Camp Castle Bree 1409 Major Town* Tower Caras Celairnen 0907 Village Tower Culwic 0707 Village Tower Tarmabar 1109 Village Tower Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 1609 30 200 1409 40 100 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Arador 40 20 10 45 Aragorn II 50 10 20 20 10 136 5,36,38,195,213 Elboron 30 10 10 33 Elladan 50 20 20 15 68 93,106 Elrohir 50 20 20 15 68 91,107 Encalion 50 50 Halbarad 30 10 20 36 Meneldir II 30 30 1.05 Silvan Elves Special Advantages (1) Ships only cost 500 timber to construct. (2) New recruits start with a training rank of 25. (3) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (4) Armies lose only 1-2 morale points when marching with no food (2-5 points if force marching). | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 90 87 100 87 85 85| |severe | 95 92 90 102 90 87 87| |cold | 97 95 92 105 92 90 90| |cool | 100 97 95 107 95 92 92| |mild | 102 100 97 110 97 95 95| |warm | 102 100 97 110 97 95 95| |hot | 97 95 92 105 92 90 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Aradhyrnd 2908 Major Town*+ Fort Caras Amarth 2608 Village Tower Veber Fanuin 2915 Camp Galadbrynd 2709 Village Tower Rhubar 4413 Town Harbor Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2915 30 100 100 2908 50 100 200 4413 30 100 5W, 3T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Argaldor 30 15 30 Camthalion 30 15 30 Dorlas 30 30 20 37 Legolas 20 10 20 21 Lindal 10 20 15 17 Ohtar 50 10 20 51 Ringlin 50 30 50 35,64 Thranduil 60 30 20 78 55,121,122 1.06 Northern Gondor Special Advantages (1) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) Armies without food lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). (3) Fortifications are built at 50% of the listed timber cost. (4) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 92 87 85 85 82 85| |severe | 95 95 90 87 87 85 87| |cold | 97 97 92 90 90 87 90| |cool | 100 100 95 92 92 90 92| |mild | 102 102 97 95 95 92 95| |warm | 102 102 97 95 95 92 95| |hot | 97 97 92 90 90 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Bar-en-Tinnen 3026 Village Tower Henneth Annun 3023 Camp+ Imdorad 2622 Town Tower Minas Arthor 2926 Town Tower Minas Tirith 2924 City* Citadel Harbor Osgiliath 3024 Town Fort Harbor Pelargir 2927 Major Town Castle Port Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2926 40 500 200 2924 50 200 600 2927 50 500 12W, 8T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Anborn 10 20 10 20 Argirion 50 50 Baranor 40 40 Boromir 50 10 66 196 Denethor II 20 30 20 28 Ecthelion II 60 20 77 29, 204 Faramir 30 10 10 51 63, 123, 197 Goromil 50 50 1.07 Southern Gondor Special Advantages (1) New recruits start with a training rank of 20. (2) Armies without food lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching) (3) Fortifications are built at 50% of the listed timber cost. (4) New mages can start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 90 90 85 85 82 85| |severe | 92 92 92 87 87 85 87| |cold | 95 95 95 90 90 87 90| |cool | 97 97 97 92 92 90 92| |mild | 100 100 100 95 95 92 95| |warm | 100 100 100 95 95 92 95| |hot | 95 95 95 90 90 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Dol Amroth 2227 City* Fort Port Ethring 2425 Village Fanuilond 2628 Town Tower Harbor Linhir 2527 Major Town Fort Harbor Minas Brethil 2626 Village Tower Morthondost 2223 Town Fort Rendul 2225 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2628 50 200 300 6W, 4T 2527 60 100 100 300 2727 50 200 300 6W, 4T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Adrahil II 60 10 71 85 Angbor 50 50 Duinhir 50 50 Finduilas 30 15 Golasgil 20 20 23 Imrahil 50 30 86 191,206 Lothiriel 30 30 33 Morwen 20 30 32 1.08 The Dwarves Special Advantages (1) Heavy infantry recruits start with a training rank of 30. (2) Armies force march with no loss of morale points. (3) Fortifications are constructed at 50% of the listed timber cost. (4) All characters may Scout/Recon at a skill rank of 50 or better. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 95 100 85 92 92 105| |severe | 95 97 102 87 95 95 107| |cold | 97 100 105 90 97 97 110| |cool | 97 100 105 92 97 97 110| |mild | 97 100 105 95 97 97 110| |warm | 97 100 105 95 97 97 110| |hot | 95 97 102 90 95 95 107| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Azanulinbar-Dum 3707 Major Town* Fort Barak-shathur 3607 Village Tower Belegost 0812 Village Fort Kheled-nala 3916 Village Tower Noegrod 0606 Village Tower Zarak-dum 2004 Camp Tower Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3916 70 300 3707 40 200 200 0812 40 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Balin 70 70 Dain II 40 10 20 56 210,211 Dis 20 10 22 Gimli 20 10 10 24 212 Gloin 40 40 Groin 30 30 Thorin Oakenshield 60 10 10 78 83 Thrain 40 40 1.09 Sinda Elves Special Advantages (1) Ships only cost 500 timber to construct. (2) New recruits start with a training rank of 25. (3) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (4) Armies lose only 1-2 morale points when marching with no food (2-5 points if force marching). | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 90 87 100 87 85 85| |severe | 95 92 90 102 90 87 87| |cold | 97 95 92 105 92 90 90| |cool | 100 97 95 107 95 92 92| |mild | 102 100 97 110 97 95 95| |warm | 102 100 97 110 97 95 95| |hot | 97 95 92 105 92 90 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Amon Lind 2115 Village Castle Caras Galadhon 2514 Major Town+* Cerin Amroth 2413 Town+ Edhellond 2325 Town+ Harbor Nanduhirion 2314 Camp+ Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2514 60 100 2325 40 100 2W, 2T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Celeborn 60 10 20 20 66 Feamire 10 10 20 20 20 41 126 Galadriel 20 70 70 25 208 12,163,164 Galandeor 30 20 30 Helkama 20 50 25 70 135 Tathar 30 15 30 Taurnil 40 10 10 20 44 Tharudan 20 50 20 53 1.10 Noldo Elves Special Advantages (1) All new recruits have a training rank of 25. (2) Armies can force march with no loss of morale points. (3) All characters may Uncover Secrets with a skill rank of 40 or better. (4) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 95 92 90 97 90 87 87| |severe | 97 95 92 100 92 90 90| |cold | 100 97 95 102 95 92 92| |cool | 102 100 97 105 97 95 95| |mild | 102 100 97 105 97 95 95| |warm | 102 100 97 105 97 95 95| |hot | 97 95 92 100 92 90 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Elostirion 0810 Camp Forlond 0408 Town Fort Harbor Imladris 2209 Major Town+* Mithlond-East 0710 Town Fort Harbor Mithlond-West 0708 Town Fort Port Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2209 60 100 0708 40 100 2W,2T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Ascarnil 40 25 50 201 Cirdan 40 20 40 50 25 82 40,51,59 Elrond 40 60 70 35 162 11,41,90 Erestor 40 60 25 90 26 Galdor 60 20 60 Gildor 30 20 20 10 25 38 Glorfindel 60 30 40 25 97 8,89 Pelnimloth 10 20 21 1.11 The Witch-King Special Advantages (1) New commanders may start with a skill rank of 40. (2) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food only lose 1-2 morale points when force marching. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Fearful Hearts" spell. (4) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Hordes" spell. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 90 90 85 82 82 87| |severe | 92 92 92 87 85 85 90| |cold | 95 95 95 90 87 87 92| |cool | 97 97 97 92 90 90 95| |mild | 100 100 100 95 92 92 97| |warm | 97 97 97 92 90 90 95| |hot | 95 95 95 90 87 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Lag-angren 1502 Camp Lag-lach 2311 Camp Minas Morgul 3124 Major Town* Castle Mt. Gram 2006 Town Fort Mt. Gunabad 2305 Major Town Fort Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2006 50 100 200 2305 50 100 200 3124 10 400 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Anglach 50 50 Angulion 10 20 30 30 43 157 Ashdurgnul 20 50 53 Blogath 40 40 Bolg 50 95 67,68 Guarthoth 40 40 Murazor 40 40 70 30 138 28,48,52,75 82,86 Rogrog 50 65 65 1.12 Dragon Lord Special Advantages (1) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (2) Mages can learn the lost "Teleport" spell. (3) All Scout/Recon orders are doubled in skill rank. (4) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 morale points when force marching). Armies with food only lose 1-2 morale points when force marching. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 82 87 85 85 80 80 82| |severe | 85 90 87 87 82 82 85| |cold | 87 92 90 90 85 85 87| |cool | 90 95 92 92 87 87 90| |mild | 95 100 97 97 92 92 95| |warm | 95 100 97 97 92 92 95| |hot | 95 100 97 97 92 92 95| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Dol Guldur 2715 Major Town* Keep Goblin-Gate 2409 Village Fort Lug Ghurzun 3822 Major Town Tower Ongushar 2518 Camp Sarn Goriwing 2809 Village+ Fort Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2715 20 100 200 2409 20 400 2518 10 100 200 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Duran 60 20 20 30 67 Gashbuz 30 30 Grashukh 50 50 Khamul 30 30 30 40 30 106 62,150,153 Maben 20 50 82 154 Ogrod 40 50 99 Rogatha 30 30 Skauril 30 10 30 1.13 Dog Lord Special Advantages (1) All new recruits start with a training rank of 20. (2) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Mounts" spell. (4) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 92 87 80 85 82 85| |severe | 92 95 90 82 87 85 87| |cold | 95 97 92 85 90 87 90| |cool | 97 100 95 87 92 90 92| |mild | 102 105 100 92 97 95 97| |warm | 102 105 100 92 97 95 97| |hot | 102 105 100 92 97 95 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Lag-dagur 2921 Camp Lag-hundur 3321 Camp Lag-ulurikon 3421 Camp Morannon 3221 Major Town* Keep Ostigurth 2921 Major Town Castle Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3221 50 200 200 3624 40 200 2921 30 200 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Bulrakur 50 50 Daumdorut 30 30 Dendra Dwar 20 20 60 30 67 10,74,138 Gurthlug 30 20 32 160 Krusnak 30 20 30 41 2,43,148 Kruxtogg 30 30 Rashkuk 30 30 Tonn Varthkur 40 30 47 1.14 Cloud Lord Special Advantages (1) All Assassinate/Kidnap orders are +20 to skill rank. (2) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (3) All characters may Uncover Secrets at a skill rank of 40 or better. (4) New agents may start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 85 82 85 82 85| |severe | 90 90 87 85 87 85 87| |cold | 92 92 90 87 90 87 90| |cool | 95 95 92 90 92 90 92| |mild | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| |warm | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| |hot | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Barduath 3428 Major Town Carach Angren 3222 Camp Fort Kal Nargil 3630 Major Town* Castle Nurumurl 3528 Village Rul 3626 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3630 40 300 3222 20 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Araudagul 40 20 40 Errenis 30 20 23 Gulthum 10 20 21 Ji Indur 20 40 40 30 72 56,104,109 Lairathim 30 22 Shoglic 30 30 Uthlug 20 30 27 Zaken 30 22 1.15 Blind Sorcerer Special Advantages (1) Ships never suffer storms or are lost at sea. (2) Mages can learn the lost "Summon Storms" spell. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Hordes" spell. (4) All new mages may start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 87 85 80 85 80 85| |severe | 92 90 87 82 87 82 87| |cold | 95 92 90 85 90 85 90| |cool | 97 95 92 87 92 87 92| |mild | 102 100 97 92 97 92 97| |warm | 102 100 97 92 97 92 97| |hot | 102 100 97 92 97 92 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Burch Nurn 4025 Camp Tower Luglurak 3929 Major Town* Castle Harbor Orduga Aivaisa 4126 Camp Urlurtsu Nurn 3627 Major Town Virk Ulgath 3829 Camp Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3929 30 300 4025 20 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Akhorahil 20 20 60 30 80 73,66 Ethacali 10 40 42 Leardinoth 10 30 32 Magergoth 20 20 20 30 30 41 Naldurgarth 50 50 Storlaga 20 10 50 20 131 7,22,140 Uthcu? 30 30 Vulmek? 20 20 20 28 1.16 Ice King Special Advantages (1) Characters have a better chance of having Stealth. (2) New agents may start with a skill rank of 40. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Summon Storms" spell. (4) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 92 92 90 90 85 85 90| |severe | 95 95 92 92 87 87 92| |cold | 97 97 95 95 90 90 95| |cool | 97 97 95 95 90 90 95| |mild | 100 100 97 97 92 92 97| |warm | 100 100 97 97 92 92 97| |hot | 97 97 95 95 90 90 95| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Barad Perras 3123 Town Fort Durthang 3122 Major Town* Castle Katund-akul 3223 Camp Lag-orod 2214 Camp Lag-scara 3022 Camp+ Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3123 30 300 3122 30 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Abdahkil 30 30 Gaurhir 10 30 30 56 25 Gorthog 10 40 32 Hoarmurath 30 20 50 30 91 50,80,141 Kathog 40 50 20 Lugronk 30 10 31 Muranog 40 20 42 Ulzog 30 30 1.17 Quiet Avenger Special Advantages (1) All Scouts/Recons are doubled in skill rank. (2) All characters may 'Uncover Secrets' with a skill rank of 40 or better. (3) Emissaries may start with a skill rank of 40. (4) Commanders may start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 87 90 82 87 77 80| |severe | 92 90 92 85 90 80 82| |cold | 95 92 95 87 92 82 85| |cool | 97 95 97 90 95 85 87| |mild | 102 100 102 95 100 90 92| |warm | 105 102 105 97 102 92 95| |hot | 102 100 102 95 100 90 92| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Jug Rijesha 3533 Major Town Harbor Kul Dinbar 3335 Camp Tower Lugarlur 3034 Major Town Castle Harbor Tir Harn 3437 Camp Tower Wathduin 3234 Camp Tower Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3533 30 400 200 3034 30 500 5W, 3T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Adunaphel 30 30 40 30 66 97,143 Ashturg 30 10 31 Fuinur 30 20 20 37 Herumor 30 20 20 37 Malezar 10 10 40 43 78 Shebbin Vur 10 20 12 Thergor 30 22 Zokhad 10 20 17 1.18 Fire King Special Advantages (1) Armies are hired at no cost. (2) New armies have a morale of 40. (3) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points if force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. (4) Mages can learn the lost "Fanaticism" spell. (5) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Hordes" spell. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 87 82 87 80 85| |severe | 90 90 90 85 90 82 87| |cold | 92 92 92 87 92 85 90| |cool | 95 95 95 90 95 87 92| |mild | 100 100 100 95 100 92 97| |warm | 100 100 100 95 100 92 97| |hot | 100 100 100 95 100 92 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Barad Ungol 3424 Major Town* Castle Barad-wath 3426 Town Lag-digturmarr 3225 Camp Lag-vrasfotak 3327 Camp Lag-zajarzot 3324 Camp Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3426 50 400 3224 50 400 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Nazog 30 22 Ren the Unclean 20 20 50 30 73 54,111,112 Rozilan 20 30 32 Shagrat 30 30 Skargnakh 30 10 10 44 84 Uklurg 40 40 Uthmag 40 40 1.19 Long Rider Special Advantages (1) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) Mages can learn the lost "Conjure Mounts" spell. (3) All new recruits have a training rank of 20. (4) Armies can force march with no loss of morale points. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 92 87 77 85 80 85| |severe | 90 95 90 80 87 82 87| |cold | 92 97 92 82 90 85 90| |cool | 95 100 95 85 92 87 92| |mild | 100 105 100 90 97 92 97| |warm | 97 102 97 87 95 90 95| |hot | 97 102 97 87 95 90 95| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Buth Ovaisa 3017 Village Lagari Orath 4425 Village Olbamarl 3329 Major Town* Castle Orduga Harmal 4433 Village Tol Buruth 4125 Village+ Castle Harbor Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3017 30 200 400 4433 30 100 500 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Din Ohtar 30 20 10 30 50 78 Giordia 20 20 17 Hargrog 30 20 43 198,203 Lomelinde 30 10 48 71,72 Morlammen 30 30 Mornadak 30 30 Uvatha 60 20 20 30 78 53,79,92 Viosiol 30 30 1.20 Dark Lieutenants Special Advantages (1) New Commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) New Mages may have a skill rank of 40. (3) Mages can learn the lost "Fearful Hearts" spell. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 85 82 85 82 85| |severe | 90 90 87 85 87 85 87| |cold | 92 92 90 87 90 87 90| |cool | 95 95 92 90 92 90 92| |mild | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| |warm | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| |hot | 100 100 97 95 97 95 97| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Barad-dur 3423 Major Town* Castle Carvarad 3621 Camp Lag-lithlad 3323 Camp Minas Durlith 3622 Town Castle Thuringwathost 3120 Camp Tower Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 3423 40 300 3622 40 300 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Azgurath 40 40 Bolvag 20 50 10 73 46,117 Carrog 20 20 30 30 36 Celedhrig 30 30 50 138 155,156 Gothmog 70 30 95 118,119 Grishnak 40 40 Tormog 20 40 35 Urzahil 20 40 70 121 3,37,45,58 1.21 The Corsairs Special Advantages (1) Navies never suffer storms or are lost at sea. (2) Ships can be built for 750 timber (3) Characters may have bonuses to Challenge rank. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 87 85 82 85 80 77| |severe | 92 90 87 85 87 82 80| |cold | 95 92 90 87 90 85 82| |cool | 97 95 92 90 92 87 85| |mild | 102 100 97 95 97 92 90| |warm | 102 100 97 95 97 92 90| |hot | 100 97 95 92 95 90 87| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Ardumir 2039 Town Fort Harbor Caldur 2137 Town Fort Harbor Caras Tolfalas 2430 Town Tower Harbor Havens of Umbar 2438 Major Town* Castle Port Kas Shadoul 2734 Town Fort Harbor Methir 2730 Town Fort Harbor Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2438 30 400 9W, 6T 2438 30 600 9W, 6T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Allurac 30 30 Alukhor 10 20 17 Bragolmaite 20 10 37 202 Earnil II 30 30 37 Gedron 20 10 23 209 Sangarunya 50 30 53 Telkurhao 20 10 21 Vargaelas 40 40 1.22 Rhun Easterlings Special Advantages (1) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) Characters may have bonuses to their Challenge ranks. (3) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 92 85 80 85 77 77| |severe | 90 95 87 82 87 80 80| |cold | 92 97 90 85 90 82 82| |cool | 95 100 92 87 92 85 85| |mild | 100 105 97 92 97 90 90| |warm | 97 102 95 90 95 87 87| |hot | 97 102 95 90 95 87 87| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Askhiri 3220 Camp Ilanin 3713 Village Lar-Huz 3605 Village Mistrand 4318 Town Harbor Riavod 4014 Major Town* Fort Harbor Urah Lanna 3319 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 4014 40 200 200 3319 30 200 4318 30 600 8W, 4T Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Hesnef 30 10 31 Hurdriak 30 20 32 Huz III 40 10 30 45 Juganoth 30 30 Kav Makow III 20 20 23 Meonid Ito 30 30 Rof Paku 30 30 200 Usriev 30 30 1.23 The Dunlendings Special Advantages (1) Characters may have a bonus to Challenge rank. (2) All Scout/Recon orders are doubled in skill rank. (3) New agents may start with a skill rank of 40. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 87 92 85 85 85 92| |severe | 90 90 95 87 87 87 95| |cold | 92 92 97 90 90 90 97| |cool | 95 95 100 92 92 92 100| |mild | 100 100 105 97 97 97 105| |warm | 97 97 102 95 95 95 102| |hot | 95 95 100 92 92 92 100| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Angren 1720 Camp Cillien 1916 Camp Enedhir 1420 Village Freawul 1922 Major Town Larach Duhnan* 1817 Major Town Tower Wularan 1917 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 1817 40 300 300 1922 40 200 400 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Aonghas 40 10 41 Calmuad 10 30 16 Enion 60 60 Jeroibha 30 10 31 Sibroc 40 30 Solofhen 40 40 Tunghaib 50 65 24,137 Urdrek 40 10 41 1.24 White Wizard Special Advantages (1) Armies are hired at no cost. (2) New Men-at-Arms recruits have a training rank of 25. (3) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (4) Characters may have bonuses to Challenge rank. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 90 90 92 92 85 82 85| |severe | 92 92 95 95 87 85 87| |cold | 95 95 97 97 90 87 90| |cool | 97 97 100 100 92 90 92| |mild | 100 100 102 102 95 92 95| |warm | 100 100 102 102 95 92 95| |hot | 95 95 97 97 90 87 90| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks Angrenost 2119 Major Town* Citadel Arailt 1918 Village Tower Lag-sharak 2118 Camp Lag-thrugrim 2215 Camp Tower Nin-in-Eilph 1715 Camp Treforn 2017 Village Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 2119 30 800 1918 30 400 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Bill Ferny 10 20 12 Bugrug 40 40 Durbuhuk 20 10 22 Grima Wormtongue 30 15 Lugdush 30 22 Mauhir 30 30 Saruman the White 70 90 20 128 17, 30, 162 Ugluk 40 40 1.25 Khand Easterlings Special Advantages (1) New commanders may have a skill rank of 40. (2) Characters may have bonuses to their Challenge ranks. (3) Armies without food gain 1-2 morale points when stationary and lose 1-2 morale points when moving (2-5 points when force marching). Armies with food lose only 1-2 morale points when force marching. | | T E R R A I N | |climate|sho pla rou for des swa mou | |-------|----------------------------| |polar | 87 92 85 80 85 77 77| |severe | 90 95 87 82 87 80 80| |cold | 92 97 90 85 90 82 82| |cool | 95 100 92 87 92 85 85| |mild | 100 105 97 92 97 90 90| |warm | 97 102 95 90 95 87 87| |hot | 97 102 95 90 95 87 87| Population Centers Name Hex Size Fort. Docks An Karagmir 3538 Village Khand Amu 4228 Major Town Laorki 4430 Village Neburcha 4324 Camp Ovatharac 4335 Village Sturlurtsa Khand 4133 Major Town* Castle Initial Forces Hex Morale HC LC HI LI AR MA Ships 4133 30 200 200 4430 20 600 4228 20 200 Initial Characters Name Com Ag Em Ma St Chal Artifacts Avas of Igath 20 10 21 Curuband 30 30 Gorovod 10 40 41 Itana Ovan 30 30 Kionid II 20 20 22 Ovatha IV 60 75 76,146 Urdrath 10 30 32 Urig 20 20 22 2. Other Nation Data 2.01 Map Ranges Below are two sets of map ranges: those that detail what hexes are covered by the regional map of each individual nation, and those that detail 'blind' hexes (hexes that aren't on the regional map of any nation). Note that the blind hex ranges aren't complete, but can be filled out simply by overlaying the regional maps of each nation. For the regional maps, the numbers refer to map corners. The regional map of each nation is the same size. Nation ULeft URight LLeft LRight Woodmen 2405 3205 2417 3217 Northmen 3409 4209 3421 4221 Riders of Rohan 1915 2715 2727 1927 Dunadan Rangers 1003 1803 1015 1815 Silvan Elves 2505 3305 2517 3317 Northern Gondor 2319 3119 2331 3131 Southern Gondor 2023 2823 2035 2835 Dwarves 3105 3905 3117 3917 Sinda Elves 2309 3109 2321 3121 Noldo Elves 1405 2205 2217 1417 Witch-King 1501 2301 1513 2313 Dragon Lord 2607 3407 2619 3419 Dog Lord 2915 3715 2927 3727 Cloud Lord 3221 4021 3233 4033 Blind Sorcerer 3523 3535 4323 4335 Ice King 2717 3517 2729 3529 Quiet Avenger 2727 3527 2739 3539 Fire King 3119 3919 3131 3931 Long Rider 3017 3029 3817 3829 Dark Lieutenants 2915 3715 2927 3727 Corsairs 2027 2527 2039 2839 Rhun Easterlings 3309 4109 3321 4121 Dunlendings 1313 2113 1325 2125 White Wizard 1813 2613 1825 2625 Kh. Easterlings 3527 4327 3539 4339 2.02 Starting Nation Characters Nation Comm Agent Emis Mage Stealth Chal Woodmen Beneoracer 30 10 15 31 Beoraborn 40 10 10 15 44 Beorn 40 20 10 15 46 Bork 20 20 15 22 Bornebeneor 30 20 15 32 Braega 20 20 15 22 Grimbeorn 40 20 15 43 Waulfa 30 10 10 34 Totals 250 70 60 30 105 274 Northmen Bain 40 40 Bard I 40 20 42 Girion II 30 10 20 34 Koldana 20 10 10 24 Kynoden 30 22 Marcatio 30 30 Montieff 40 20 Swithwulf 20 10 21 Totals 150 60 80 40 233 Riders of Rohan Elfhelm 40 40 Elfhild 10 40 41 Eomer 30 45 Eomund 50 50 Eowyn 20 10 21 Erkenbrand 40 10 41 Theoden 50 30 88 Widfara 20 10 21 Totals 250 20 50 40 347 Dunadan Rangers Arador 40 20 10 45 Aragorn II 50 10 20 20 10 136 Elboron 30 10 10 33 Elladan 50 20 20 15 68 Elrohir 50 20 20 15 68 Encalion 50 50 Halbarad 30 10 20 36 Meneldir II 30 30 Totals 280 50 60 150 40 466 Silvan Elves Argaldor 30 15 30 Camthalion 30 15 30 Dorlas 30 30 20 37 Legolas 20 10 20 21 Lindal 10 20 15 17 Ohtar 50 10 20 51 Ringlin 50 20 50 Thranduil 60 30 20 78 Totals 230 30 40 80 145 324 Northern Gondor Anborn 10 20 10 15 Argirion 50 50 Baranor 40 40 Boromir 50 10 51 Denethor II 20 30 20 19 Ecthelion II 60 20 62 Faramir 30 10 10 32 Goromil 50 50 Totals 260 30 60 90 319 Southern Gondor Adrahil II 60 10 71 Angbor 50 50 Duinhir 50 50 Finduilas 30 15 Golasgil 20 20 23 Imrahil 50 30 86 Lothiriel 30 30 33 Morwen 20 30 32 Totals 230 20 120 60 360 Dwarves Balin 70 70 Dain II 40 10 20 56 Dis 20 10 22 Gimli 20 10 10 24 Gloin 40 40 Groin 30 30 Thorin Oakenshield 60 10 10 78 Thrain 40 40 Totals 320 30 30 20 360 Sinda Elves Celeborn 60 10 20 20 66 Feamire 10 10 20 20 20 41 Galadriel 20 70 70 25 213 Galandeor 30 30 30 Helkama 20 50 25 70 Tathar 30 15 30 Taurnil 40 10 10 20 44 Tharudan 20 50 20 53 Totals 210 50 90 220 175 547 Noldo Elves Ascarnil 40 25 50 Ciridan 40 20 40 50 25 87 Elrond 40 60 70 35 162 Erestor 40 60 25 90 Galdor 60 20 60 Gildor 30 20 20 10 25 38 Glorfindel 60 30 40 25 96 Pelnimloth 10 20 21 Totals 190 40 200 310 180 604 Witch-King Anglach 50 50 Angulion 10 20 30 30 43 Ashdurgnul 20 50 53 Blogath 40 40 Bolg 50 95 Guarthoth 40 40 Murazor 40 40 70 30 138 Rogrog 50 65 Totals 150 40 70 240 30 524 Dragon Lord Duran 60 20 20 30 67 Gashbuz 30 30 Grashukh 50 50 Khamul 30 30 30 40 30 106 Maben 20 50 82 Ogrod 40 52 Rogatha 30 30 Skauril 30 10 30 Totals 210 30 70 170 70 447 Dog Lord Bulrakur 50 50 Daumdorut 30 30 Dendra Dwar 20 20 60 30 67 Gurthlug 30 20 32 Krusnak 30 20 30 41 Kruxtogg 30 30 Rashkuk 30 30 Tonn Varthkur40 30 47 Totals 260 20 40 120 30 327 Cloud Lord Araudagul 40 20 40 Errenis 30 20 23 Gulthum 10 20 21 Ji Indur 20 40 40 30 72 Lairathim 30 22 Shoglic 30 30 Uthlug 20 30 27 Zaken 30 22 Totals 80 130 40 110 50 257 Blind Sorcerer Akhorahil 20 20 60 30 80 Ethacali 10 40 42 Leardinoth 10 30 32 Magergoth 20 20 20 30 30 41 Naldurgarth 50 50 Storlaga 20 10 50 20 131 Uthcu? 30 30 Vulmek? 20 20 20 28 Totals 130 50 40 280 80 434 Ice King Abdahkil 30 30 Gaurhir 10 30 30 56 Gorthog 10 40 32 Hoarmurath 30 20 50 30 91 Kathog 40 50 Lugronk 30 10 31 Muranog 40 20 42 Ulzog 30 30 Totals 140 70 30 150 60 362 Quiet Avenger Adunaphel 30 30 40 30 66 Ashturg 30 10 31 Fuinur 30 20 20 37 Herumor 30 20 20 37 Malezar 10 10 40 43 Shebbin Vur 10 20 12 Thergor 30 22 Zokhad 10 20 17 Totals 150 60 100 120 30 255 Fire King Nazog 30 22 Ren the Unclean 20 20 50 30 73 Rozilan 20 30 32 Shagrat 30 30 Skargnakh 30 10 10 44 Snaga 30 30 Uklurg 40 40 Uthmag 40 40 Totals 180 10 40 130 30 311 Long Rider Din Ohtar 30 20 10 30 50 Giordia 20 20 17 Hargrog 30 20 43 Lomelinde 30 10 48 Morlammen 30 30 Mornadak 30 30 Uvatha 60 20 20 30 78 Viosiol 30 30 Totals 120 120 60 80 60 326 The Dark Lieutenants Azgurath 40 40 Bolvag 20 50 10 73 Carrog 20 20 30 30 36 Celedhrin 30 30 50 138 Gothmog 70 30 95 Grishnak 40 40 Tormog 20 40 35 Urzahil 20 40 70 121 Totals 240 120 60 200 40 598 The Corsairs Allurac 30 30 Alukhor 10 20 17 Bragolmaite 20 10 37 Earnil II 30 30 37 Gedron 20 10 23 Sangarunya 50 30 53 Telkurhao 20 10 21 Vargaelas 40 40 Totals 220 40 30 40 258 Rhun Easterlings Hesnef 30 10 31 Hurdriak 30 20 32 Huz III 40 10 30 44 Juganoth 30 30 Kav Makow III20 20 22 Meonid Ito 30 30 Rof Paku 30 40 Usriev 30 30 Totals 180 30 60 60 259 Dunlendings Aonghas 40 10 41 Calmuad 10 30 16 Enion 60 60 Jeroibha 30 10 31 Sibroc 40 30 Solofhen 40 40 Tunghaib 50 50 Totals 130 70 30 90 268 White Wizard Bill Ferny 10 20 12 Bugrug 40 40 Durbuhuk 20 10 22 Grima Wormtongue 30 15 Lugdush 30 22 Mauhir 30 30 Saruman the White 70 90 20 128 Ugluk 40 40 Totals 140 50 100 100 20 329 Khand Easterlings Avas of Igath 20 10 21 Curuband 30 30 Gorovod 10 40 41 Itana Ovan 30 30 Kionid II 20 20 22 Ovatha IV 60 60 Urdrath 10 30 32 Urig 20 20 22 Totals 160 20 40 100 258 2.03 Starting Population Center Summary Hex Name Size Fort Harbor Hidden Capitol Owner 0408 Forlond Town Fort Harbor Noldo 0606 Noegrod Village Tower Dw. 0708 Mithlond-West Town Fort Port Noldo 0710 Mithlond-East Town Fort Harbor Noldo 0810 Elostirion Camp Noldo 0812 Belegost Village Fort Dw. 1420 Enedhir Village Duns 1502 Lag-angren Camp WK 1720 Angren Camp Duns 1715 Nin-in-Eilph Camp WW 1817 Larach Duhnan Major Town Tower Yes Duns 1916 Cillien Camp Duns 1917 Wularan Village Duns 1918 Arailt Village Tower WW 1922 Freawul Major Town Duns 2004 Zarak-dum Camp Tower Dw. 2006 Mt. Gram Town Fort WK 2017 Treforn Village WW 2039 Ardumir Town Fort Harbor Cor. 2115 Amon Lind Village Castle Sinda 2118 Lag-sharak Camp WW 2119 Angrenost Major Town Citadel Yes WW 2121 Hornburg Town Fort Rohan 2137 Caldur Town Fort Harbor Cor. 2209 Imladris Major Town Yes Yes Noldo 2214 Lag-orod Camp IK 2215 Lag-thrugrm Camp Tower WW 2220 Dunlostir Village Rohan 2223 Morthondost Town Fort SG 2225 Rendul Village SG 2227 Dol Amroth City Fort Port Yes SG 2305 Mt. Gunabad Major Town Fort WK 2311 Lag-lach Camp WK 2314 Nanduhirion Camp Yes Sinda 2321 Edoras Major Town Castle Yes Rohan 2325 Edhellond Town Harbor Yes Sinda 2409 Goblin-Gate Village Fort DrgL 2413 Cerin Amroth Town Yes Sinda 2421 Aldburg Village Tower Rohan 2425 Ethring Village SG 2430 Caras Tolfalas Town Tower Harbor Cor. 2438 Havens of Umbar Major Town Castle Port Cor. 2508 Maethelburg Major Town Tower Wood. 2514 Caras Galadhon Major Town Yes Yes Sinda 2518 Ongushar Camp DrgL 2520 Stowburg Village Rohan 2527 Linhir Major Town Fort Harbor SG 2608 Caras Amarth Village Tower Silvan 2609 Carrock Village Yes Wood. 2613 Sarn Lothduin Camp Wood. 2622 Imdorad Town Tower NG 2626 Minas Brethil Village Tower SG 2628 Fanuilond Town Tower Harbor SG 2709 Galadbrynd Village Tower Silvan 2711 Buhr Widufiras Major Town Fort Wood. 2712 Sairtheod Camp Wood. 2715 Dol Guldur Major Town Keep Yes DrgL 2730 Methir Town Fort Harbor Cor. 2738 Kas Shadoul Town Fort Harbor Cor. 2809 Sarn Goriwing Village Fort Yes DrgL 2908 Aradhyrnd Major Town Fort Yes Yes Silvan 2915 Ceber Fanuin Camp Silvan 2921 Lag-dagor Camp DgLo 2924 Minas Tirith City Citadel Harbor Yes NG 2926 Minas Arthor Town Tower NG 2927 Pelargir Major Town Castle Port NG 3017 Buth Ovaisa Village LR 3022 Lag-scara Camp Yes IK 3023 Henneth Annun Camp Yes NG 3024 Osgilath Town Fort NG 3026 Bar-en-Tinnen Village Tower NG 3034 Lugarlur Major Town Castle Harbor Yes QA 3109 Esgaroth Town Tower Harbor Nor. 3120 Thuringwathost Camp Tower DkLts 3122 Durthang Major Town Castle Yes IK 3123 Barad Perras Town Fort IK 3124 Minas Morgul Major Town Castle Yes WK 3220 Askhiri Camp RhEas 3221 Morannon Major Town Keep Yes DgLo 3222 Carach Angren Camp Fort Cloud 3223 Katund-akul Camp IK 3234 Wathduin Camp Tower QA 3319 Urah Lanna Village RhEas 3321 Lag-hundur Camp DgLo 3323 Lag-lithlad Camp DkLts 3329 Olbamarl Major Town Castle Yes LR 3335 Kul Dinbar Camp Tower QA 3421 Lag-ulurikon Camp DgLo 3423 Barad-dur Major Town Castle Yes DkLts 3428 Barduath Town Cloud 3437 Tir Harn Camp Tower QA 3528 Nurumurl Village Cloud 3533 Jug Rijesha Major Town Harbor QA 3538 An Karagmir Village Khand 3605 Lar-Huz Village RhEas 3607 Barak-shathur Village Tower Dw. 3621 Carvarad Camp DkLts 3622 Minas Durlith Town Castle DkLts 3624 Ostigurth Major Town Castle DgLo 3626 Rul Village Cloud 3627 Urlurtsu Nurn Major Town BS 3630 Kal Nargil Major Town Castle Yes Cloud 3707 Azanulinbar-Dum Major Town Fort Yes Dw. 3713 Ilanin Village RhEas 3822 Lug Ghurzun Major Town Tower DrgL 3829 Virk Ulgath Camp BS 3916 Kheled-nala Village Tower Dw. 3929 Luglurak Major Town Castle Harbor Yes BS 4013 Shrel-kain Major Town Fort Harbor Nor. 4014 Riavod Major Town Fort Harbor Yes RhEas 4017 Lest Village Nor. 4025 Burch Nurn Camp Tower BS 4125 Tol Buruth Village Castle Harbor Yes LR 4126 Orduga Aivaisa Camp BS 4133 Sturlurtsa KhandMajor Town Castle Yes Khand 4217 Dilgul Town Harbor Nor. 4228 Khand Amu Major Town Khand 4318 Mistrand Town Harbor RhEas 4324 Neburcha Camp Khand 4335 Ovatharac Village Khand 4413 Rhubar Town Harbor Silvan 4415 Elgaer Town Nor. 4425 Lagari Orath Village LR 4430 Laorki Village Khand 4433 Orduga Harmal Village LR 2.04 Abandoned Fortifications 1108 Fort 1407 Fort 1410 Tower 1411 Tower 1614 Fort 2013 Tower 2135 Fort 3107 Fort 3108 Tower 3. Artifact List 3.01 Command Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 5 Ring of Barahir +35 Command G Ran. 46 Robe of the Orc Priest +15 Command E Dk Lts. 56 Helm of the Mumak-King +25 Command N CL 58 Helm of the Dark +15 Command E Dk Lts. 65 Angbor +10 Command N WK 67 Ulukai +35 Command E WK 160 Collar of Command +30 Command N DgLo 207 Gulthalion +30 Command N 38 Silver Rod of Andun +25 Command G Ran. 140 Red Robes +20 Command N BS 159 Skull Helm +20 Command E DgLo 52 Morgul Plate +15 Command E WK 54 Helm of Sen Jay +15 Command FK 59 Gaerennon +15 Command N Noldo 206 Foam-Light Armor +15 Command N SG 208 Horse-Lord's Shield +15 Command N Rohan 66 Bracers of Chennaca +10 Command N BS 210 Boots of Iron +10 Command N Dw. 3.02 Agent Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 45 Cloak of the Abyss +40 Stealth N Dk Lts. 70 Ring of Binding +30 Agent E LR 64 Bracers of the Mist +30 Stealth N Silvan 44 Collohwesta +25 Stealth N 124 Robes of Aman +25 Stealth G Gand. 123 Wood-shadow +25 Stealth N NG 39 Miramarth +20 Agent E 43 Cloak of the Heaven +20 Agent N DgLo 173 Daecollo +20 Stealth N Daeron 213 Cloak of Valacirca +20 Stealth N Ran. 72 Cloak of Duvorn +20 Agent N LR 53 Listening Helm +10 Agent N LR 209 Rat Gauntlets +10 Agent N Cor. 211 Cloak of Protection +10 Agent N Dw. 55 Helm of Shadow +10 Stealth N Silvan 212 Cloak of Hiding +10 Stealth N Dw. 3.03 Emissary Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 157 Pectoral +30 Emissary N WK 37 Voice of the Dark Tower +20 Emissary E Dk Lts. 3.04 Miscellaneous Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 28 Palantir of Minas I Scry Area N WK 29 Palantir of Minas A Scry Area N NG 30 Palantir of Orthanc Scry Area N WW 32 Palantir of Elostir Scry Area N Noldo 40 Gaergil Open Seas as coast wateN Noldo 41 Mantle of Doriath hide a pop center G Noldo 120 Amulet of Sea Mast Open Sea as Coast N 3.05 Mage Artifacts # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 11 Vilya +50 Mage N Noldo 12 Nenya +50 Mage N Sinda 15 Tinculin +40 Mage N 163 Mirror of Galadriel +40 Mage G Sinda 7 Nazguaga +35 Mage E BS 26 Mallorn Staff +30 Mage N Noldo 35 Orb of Seeing +30 Mage N Silvan 154 Ring of Bleeding +30 Mage E DrgL 3 Ring of Iron Magic +30 Mage E Dk Lts. 48 Thologaer Ciry +30 Mage N WK 62 Dragon Helm and Armor +30 Mage E DrgLd 156 Maranya +30 Mage N DkLts. 2 Ring of Stargazing +25 Mage N DgLo 10 Wolor Priest Ring +25 Mage N DgLo 25 Staff of Bronze +25 Mage N IK 50 Ovir Crown +20 Mage N IK 71 Talisman of Absorpt +20 Mage E LR 63 Deepwood Bracelet +15 Mage N NG 51 Ossanna +15 Mage N Noldo 8 Lorglin +10 Mage N Noldo 20 Staff of the Serpen +10 Mage N IK 36 Bone Ring +10 Mage N Ran. 69 Corantir +10 Mage N 3.06 Good Combat Weapons # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 164 Tintelpe +1750 Combat G Sinda 181 Herugrim +1000 Combat G Rohan 121 Troll Slayer + 750 Combat G Silvan 122 Orc Slayer + 750 Combat G Silvan 126 Anarmacil + 750 Combat G Sinda 192 Maikarama + 750 Combat G 193 Raukambar + 750 Combat G 194 Darlachiel + 750 Combat G 195 Shards of Narsil + 750 Combat G Ran. 197 Forest Blade + 750 Combat G NG 199 Guthwine + 750 Combat G Rohan 91 Gordur + 500 Combat G Ran. 93 Gurthdur + 500 Combat G Ran. 201 Runya + 500 Combat G Noldo 3.07 Neutral Combat Weapons # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 155 Taurin +2000 Combat N DkLts. 162 Glosvagil +1500 Combat N WW 90 Helkaluin +1250 Combat N Noldo 89 Macrilomen +1000 Combat N Noldo 118 Skull Flail +1000 Combat N DkLts. 148 Sickle of the Heave +1000 Combat N DgLo 205 Sulhelka +1000 Combat N 24 Ghostbane + 750 Combat N Duns 74 War-dancer + 750 Combat N DgLo 76 Usriev + 750 Combat N Khand 82 Romoquenaro + 750 Combat N WK 83 Orcrist + 750 Combat N Dw. 109 Cloud Bow + 750 Combat N CL 117 Hatred Curse + 750 Combat N DkLts. 119 Moon-Axe + 750 Combat N DkLts. 135 Elenruth + 750 Combat N Sinda 137 Bloodrunner + 750 Combat N Duns 138 Air Cleaver + 750 Combat N DgLo 143 Night Piercer + 500 Combat N QA 153 Water-skimmer + 750 Combat N DrLd 191 Aercrist + 750 Combat N SG 196 Mighty Blade + 750 Combat N NG 202 Sword of Cleaving + 750 Combat N Cor. 204 Steward's Blade + 750 Combat N NG 17 Ring of Angrenost + 500 Combat N WW 73 Yellow Hammer + 500 Combat N BS 79 Stormless Bow + 500 Combat N LR 80 Snow Hammer + 500 Combat N IK 84 Ongrum + 500 Combat FK 85 Navorn + 500 Combat N SG 92 Horsetamer + 500 Combat N LR 106 Cubragol + 500 Combat N Ran. 107 Curaran + 500 Combat N Ran. 111 Believer's Bane + 500 Combat FK 112 Burning Bane + 500 Combat FK 138 Air-cleaver + 500 Combat N DgLo 141 Hue Changer + 500 Combat N IK 146 Horse-slayer + 500 Combat N Khand 200 Mace of the Huntsma + 500 Combat N RhEas 203 Spear of Following + 500 Combat N LR 3.08 Evil Combat Weapons # Artifact Name Known Properties Alignment Owner 22 Rauzgnagli +1750 Combat E BS 158 Thunder's Edge +1250 Combat E DgLo 75 Vasamacil + 750 Combat E WK 86 Nallagurth + 750 Combat E WK 97 Fire's Edge + 750 Combat E QA 104 Dawnsword + 750 Combat E CL 68 Thrakurghash + 500 Combat E WK 78 Sword of Soul Reducing + 500 Combat E QA 99 Elfhewer + 500 Combat E DrgL 150 Stinging Tongue + 500 Combat E DrLd 198 Flail of Horseslayi + 500 Combat E LR 3.09 Known Secondary Powers # Name Owner Align Secondary Power 15 Tinculin N Access to Spirit Mastery 24 Ghostbane Duns N can assist in encouters with undead 135 Elenruth Sinda N Allows access to Spirit Mastery 137 Bloodrunner Duns N can allow casting of Major Heal 194 Darlachiel G Allows access to the spell minor heal 4.0 Encounters In limited 2950 experience, encounters seem to mostly come from the same list as the 1650 game. However, at least two 2950 encounters have been seen which has not been seen in 1650 games (at least, not yet). 4.50 Mirror in Cave Description: the character finds a large dark mirror guarded by the skeleton of a giant humanoid near a door in a cave. Location: unknown. Options FP NN DS Touch Mirror & call out a name (ID) Touch Mirror & call out a place (HEX) Touch Mirror & call injured/killed injured/killed out an artifact (#) DESTROY the mirror OPEN the door's lock ATTACK the skeleton STEAL from skeleton FLEE escape escape escape 4.51 Druedain in a Cave Description: the character finds a cave with an oblong stone immersed in blue light. An object rests on the stone. Location: seen in and around Mordor so far. Options Free Peoples Neutrals Nations Dark Servants attack PHYSICALLY attack MAGICALLY combat REMOVE the item STEAL the item WAIT injured/killed Declare your ALLEGIANCE Say _________ FLEE 4.52 Orcs Attacking Village Description: the character comes upon a party of Orcs and Wolves attacking a village. Women are being held hostage while the farmers are being attacked. Options Free Peoples Neutrals Nations Dark Servants FREE the captives ATTACK the orcs combat/killed JOIN the orcs escape GO for help WATCH to see outcome FLEE Last Word ========= From Brian Mason Just a few brief comments. Included in this issue are the 2950 info files. I appreciate all of you "info hogs" or those currently in 2950 games to look them over before they become a set available for ftp access. Both the 2950 and 1650 info files change with time (I just finished adding about a dozen new riddles to the 1650 file), and they are evolving documents. I'm not going to include a new release with each issue of "From the Mouth of Sauron" but it is with those issues that I generally make changes. As always, corrections, additions, and deletions are gratefully accepted and encouraged. In bouncing about with netscape lately I've come across several web pages which you might find interesting. The two run by the largest distributors of me-pbm are quite nice, ours is rather spartan, but complete, and a couple run by players are also good. I suppose the danger with the plethora of general info files is that most of them start from a file (which originated with Tom's first set of data) and go from there. They can develop their own future from that point, and many of the general info files may indeed be different copies. Ours are updated following submissions to "From the Mouth of Sauron" and contain updates, but other than personal emails to Tom or myself contain no other data. In trying to maintain a canonical set of data I encourage all of you to share your information freely so that we may all profit and make the game better for all of us. For those of you who are interested, I list some me-pbm web sites below. GSI Home Page: Allsort's Home Page: "From the Mouth of Sauron": Jason Cody's MEPBM Page : Lucinda Gainey's 2950 Info: