From the Mouth of Sauron Date: 09-15-96 Issue: E-45 Note: all authors retain exclusive rights to their material. Reprinting is allowed for non-commercial game use only. The Mouth is edited by Brian Mason and Tom Walton. All correspondence can be sent to them at: Brian Mason - Tom Walton - Back issues of "From the Mouth of Sauron" and the general info files are available at via anonymous ftp. First Word ========== Well, it has been awhile since our last issue, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to pass along my views of the FA 1000 scenario which Tom and I are playtesting in games 2 and 1, respectively. The game itself is very different. It is set in a period where the Reunited Kingdom of Elessar has been split into two parts. In addition to the two players of the "Two Kingdoms" there are 23 other players positions which can be Free, Dark, or Neutral. Winning is basically done in the same manner, except there are, of course, no Ring Victories. The Two Kingdoms win by remaining unconquered a long time (the exact mechanics of this are difficult to explain within the context of an editorial). There are some major differences. First of all, it is possible for Free and Dark players to work cooperatively (they can have tolerant relations), and for like alliances to attack each other (they can have disliked relations) with emmies, agents or even armies. This "free wheeling" aspect of them game issomewhat refreshing. Some exceedingly wise player suggested that alliances (Free, Dark, and Neutral) be abandoned altogether, and it just be a "dog eat dog" world. This marvelous suggestion was shouted down. Another significant difference is that NEUTRAL is a legitimate alliance. It is possible to win as a neutral, and a neutral who does not join one of the other (Free or Dark) by turn 12 is stuck as neutral until the end of the game. The Two Kingdoms have some unique advantages. They start off on turn one with a "recon-like" map of each players capital, can ramp up to maximum characters as fast as they want, have the ability to manipulate market prices, and build roads. The also start off a good bit more powerful than the other 23 positions. Other differences are that the artifact numbers are reshuffled for each game, and you can move your nation map. Possibly the most significant difference is that you design your own position. The exact mechanics of this are difficult to explain, but suffice it to say that it involves significant advance planning, and that you define the character of your nation determining such things as specific nation advantages, number of artifacts, whether or not you have hidden pop centers, size of your army, type of starting pop centers and characters, and location of your nation. This has many numerous and exciting possibilities and I am looking forward to playing in one of the first commercial releases of the game. Many people who play in the playtest games have developed strategies, and I won't bore you with discussing them here. There are many possible "upcoming" mouth articles which I could see, most along the lines of optimizing startups. I went so far as to suggest that the 1650 and 2950 scenarios be retooled to allow limited nation design (thus allowing you to move about half your pop centers and name a few of your pop centers), but this was shot down. Nevertheless, I feel confident that those of you who play the FA 1000 scenario will agree that this sort of change to the other scenarios is needed and will help re-invigorate them. And now, after the manner of "Siskel and Ebert" I'll go so far as to offer an endorsement and give it a big thumbs up. Brian Mason Miscellaneous ============= Check It Out ============ CBZACH's Middle-Earth Play-By-Mail info Page Find Riddles, Encounters , Startup info, & Artifacts list for both 1650 & 2950. Download Software such as MEMAP by Ian Keane, & Middle Earth Play by Mail Combat Calculator written by Holger Eichmann, plus other programs Find links to other MEPBM Sites. Carl B Zachary From Paul Erik Lundstrom ======================== I've got some questions to the readers of the Mouth: If you have a company with several Nationalities in it - and one nation is taken out/quits, will that nation's characters stay in the company as deadweight?? Or do they get expelled, and stay on the spot they were at when the nation collapsed?? If a navy commander is assassinated or kidnaped, and no backup commander is present, we know that the troops will disapear - as well as the ships! Exit a navy, and probably a big asset for you nation. My question is, what happen if you try to retire Troops (425 order) and you retire them all?? Will the ships get anchored, or do they disapear??? Thanks for your time! From Tony Z =========== Some ME -PBM questions: I've seen references to characters getting extra abilities (i.e., you name a 30 emissary and he comes out with 30 emissary and an extra 10 agent or something). How likely is this to happen, and does using the Name Character (versus Name Emissary/Mage/Agent/Commander) have anything to do with the chances of what pops up? If I have an army with 100 HC and 100 HI (just for examples), with a commander and two subcommanders, can I have both subcommanders issue TroopMan on the same troop type (HC) or must they maneuver different troop types? What are the chances of various bonuses (stealth, challenge rank, etc.) for the various nations? ME 180 - An Unhappy Ending ========================== Fellow Gamers, ME 180 just ended. I had been in the game, but had a friend take it over (Jim Hill) when I had some personal problems last year. I still followed the game with interest and received an e-mail message from John Sassaman (which I have included below) which surprised and disturbed me. In this game there were massive DS drops in the first 10 turns or so and the FP had their way for a long time. The few DS players who stayed and a few Standby players pulled together and over the course of 2 years, turned the tide and were pushing the FP to the edges of Middle Earth. As you can see in John's letter to GSI, ME 180 ended with the Noldo and the Woodmen in two of the top 3 positions, even though the DS won. I had never even dreamed of interpretting the rule book in the manner GSI describes. I was just curious as to whether anyone else had ever experienced this and whether anyone else agreed with GSI's interpretation of their rule (other than the Noldo and Woodmen of game 180, of course). In my opinion, instead of the spoils going to the victors, this rule allows room for spoiling the victory!!!! The DS players should be rewarded for their excellent play and worthy triumph!!! Jim Drysdale JOHN'S MESSAGE TO ME: >>Dear GSI -- >> >>I am perplexed by my most recent turn in Middle Earth 180 (in which I play the Cloud Lord) and in hopes that you can explain the current state of affairs. >> >>The cover page of the turn proclaims that the game has been won. However, the top 3 positions are (in order) the Noldo Elves, the Fire King and the Woodmen. >> >>Since the Fire King, Cloud Lord, Dark Servant Dunlendings and Long Rider are still active, and the One Ring not found (despite my efforts to the contrary), I can only assume that the remaining Free People have dropped, frustrated by the destruction of their comrades and the recent turn of events that have been inflicted upon them. >> >>If this is true, why are the Noldo and the Woodmen listed as the top three positions? It seems to me (and the rulebook implies) that players who drop should earn zero points. In this game, that would leave the top three positions filled by the Fire King, Long Rider and Cloud Lord. >> >>Is my assessment correct? Can the Fire King, Long Rider and Cloud Lord players look forward to victory certificates and an announcement of their prowess at arms in the game newsletter? >> >>Please enlighten me. >> >>Thanks in advance! >> >>-- John Sassaman, Cloud Lord, ME 180 >> > GSI'S REPLY TO JOHN: >John, > >Please note that on the turn in which a game ends that ALL are viable to PLACE in 2 of the Top 3 positions (Second and/or Third position). If the players drop on the turn in which the game ends then and only then will they remain eligible to PLACE and only PLACE (Second and/or Third position). However, the victory point total indicates that the Noldo Elves were the Top nation but because they dropped or were eliminated they were >ineligible to receive First Place. > >Finally, the Fire King was the First Place Winner of Middle-earth PBM #180. >If you have any further questions please contact our office for assistance. > >Thanks, > >Harold/GSI > From Lawrence G. Tilley ======================= Now here's a point of interest. From a letter of Richard Devereux: "Incidentally, I don't understand why so many players use high-powered characters in artefact encounters. Do they think that the higher rank the character, the greater chance of success? Not so! The chances of getting the artefact are random regardless of the character's skills. If the guarding spirits are in a bad mood, a powerful character can get killed just as easily as a new one. Personally, I always use new emis, who can create camp at the same time as reacting to the encounter, thus improving the economy and their skills as thay go. If they die, they are much easier to replace that Akhorahil, for example (yet, I've seen him killed in an artefact encounter - ridiculous but true)." Richards assertion does rather tie in with the last issue of the "Mouth where someone was talking about character combat with dragons being random, and not comparable to challenge of a dragon. Opinions? Reply from Tom: character challenge ranks sometimes matter and sometimes don't, depending on the encounter and what one does with it. With regards to dragons, if you choose an option and that option results in combat, the character challenge rank has no effect on the outcome; however, if you *personally challenge* the dragon, the challenge rank determines whether the character lives or dies. As far as spirits go in artifact encounters, the challenge rank of the character is of primary importance. It's a straight fight between the character and the spirits. That means that it's possible that your character will be munched by bad luck, or that a particular poor character will pull victory out of thin air - just like in any other challenge combat. Take it from someone who's done this many, many times - it's better to have a go at the spirits with someone who can actually fight rather than a piss-poor emissary. The emissary is likely to die even if there aren't any wights present. From Andy Naylor ================ A while back I sent the following riddle to you asking for help with the answer. remarkable wonders that gleamed so bright yet kept for themselves out of everyones sight, used for storage for fortresses around not till the fourth would the beauty be found. I also posted it to and got the reply below which turned out to be correct (answer wanted I think was actually 'AGLAROND'). The riddle answer provided the artifact ungolrist +750 good combat weapon "I haven't seen this before, but it sounds like the "glittering caves" of Aglarond. They were behind the fortress of the Hornburg at Helm's Deep. They were used as a refuge and storehouse during the siege of Helm's Deep by Saruman's forces. Not until the Fourth Age did the Dwarves, alerted by Gimli, come to the caves and begin to work them" Also I have noticed that the 2950 info files has a Long Rider village at 4125. It should actually be at 4215. I have a friend playing the position and can confirm this. From Leo DiBenigno ================== I have some encounter info for your next issue of The Mouth: In MEPBM 2950 Game #57, I play The Dwarves. I immediately sent one of my characters to have the Dimrill Dale encounter at hex 2312. According to the 1650 encounter tables I should have expected between 15-30,000 gold units as a reward. Instead, my character (DIS - 20 Commander, 10 Mage) only received 6,000 gold. I'm wondering if the amount of gold received is a function of the ranks or if the amount has been lowered for the 2950 game. Any other Dwarves have similar experiences? From Ken Lee ============ To all ME player, Response to my ME stealth project isn't moving along as fast as I hoped. I am hoping to get at least 200 characters from each stealth nation to get a proper (?) results. So if you have played as the Woodmen, Sinda, Noldo, Dragon, Dog, Cloud or Ice, please send me the following..... No. of characters with stealth. How much stealth gain. Please, please, please don't forget to include all STARTUP, KILLED or RETIRED characters as they may have had stealth bonuses just as your active. Thank you. Also From Ken Lee ================= I was asked a question about the movement rule article which I wrote on MoS 44. I'm an Spanish player of MEPBM and I read your comment about movement in the issue 44 of From The Mouth Of Sauron (you know, that about armies forcing march move between days 1 and 14, and armies moving in a normal way move between days 2 and 13). I became very, very surprised and asked about it to the spanish game master Joan Pares. He answered me that it's not true in any way. As this fact is very important for my strategy as the Dark Lieutenants (I planned to use it to keep Eothraim armies stuck in Thuringwathost), I'd like to know how did you get to know it and if you have got confirmation from GSI or from any other source. My respond........ I don't know if the rules oversea is the same as the ones at Australia. Maybe the rules at Span have minor differenecs to the GSI (SFGA in Australia) rules. I think that the English rules have minor differences to the US (GSI) rules, or maybe (less chance) that your GM was wrong. OK, this is what led me to ask my GM about the rules..... Place : My army was on a mountain road hex vs SG was also on a mountain road hex. Food : My army have no food vs SG's army have food. Army : My army was a full cav army vs SG mix (with footmen) troops army. Movement : My army had normal movement vs SG force march. I was attempting to keep a SG army off my capital so I can try to assassinate his army commander off my capital since capture pop is before assassination. My army movement costed 4 (full cav without food) and SG movement was 6. Now, it would seem that I have won the movement combat, but guess what happen that next turn? A SG army appear on my capital and my army didn't move!? I have found out this was what happened from my GM...... Since a force marched army moves on Day 1 and a normal army moves on Day 2 we have both end our movement on DAY 5! That is - My army rest on (+ve) Day 1 + 4 days of movement = Day 5. SG's army moved on (-ve) Day 1 + 6 day of movement = Day 5. It was 50-50 and I have lost. I hope that was clear enough. Tom, just in case may I right? Say if I had force march as well, my army would have end on Day 3 or if I had food in the army but move normally I would have end on Day 3 also. But if I have had food AND force marched, I would have ended on Day 2. Jose, maybe you can ask your GM what would have happened if the above situtation had happen. Drop me a note about what he/she say. Another thing you may not know, in the OLD 1650 rule books. In the Move Army and Force March Army order (page 100), it states that an army moving normally without food have 9 movement point and an army force marching without food have 10 movement point, IT IS WRONG! You must add 4/3 to EVERY hex you move to. That is, if you have a full cav army moving through a bunch of plain road hex and you don't have food, then every move your army make will cost 2, so you will only move 6 plain road hexes not 9. Same goes with force march of course. Anyway, I hope that helped. FINAL NOTE - I still need more people to send me info for my stealth project. I can't do it on my own. PLEASE HELP. From Michael Thomas =================== Tom and Brian, Enclosed is a copy of some questions and suggestions that I sent to GSI and their responses to them. If this is something you would like to include into the MoS please feel free to do so. The lines preceded by ** are GSI's responses. Q: Are there any plans to hold a second Contest of champions for the 1650 scenario? ** GSI does plan, in the future, to host another Contest of Champions for the 1650 scenario however, we will be contacting our players at registration time. Now for the suggestions- a) An interesting addition to the WotW mag would be a Hall of Fame section. In this you could print things such as highest character ranks, VPs, kills etc... Also you could include a top 10 of players with the most wins. You could even run profiles of players, with their permission of course. ** The WotW magazine is structured with you the player in mind. All of the correspondence and the information it contains is submitted 100% by our players and occasionally we do provide such information but not as clear as you described in your letter. However, this is a wonderful idea and perhaps we may begin publishing player profiles, in future issues, but the other suggestions have been done before. (Tom's note: heck, we'll do it. We'll print anything! Assuming, of course, that *you* write it up.) b) I think that the middle earth games would be greatly enhanced by giving the players the option of sending a brief message to all players each turn. These messages would then be printed together and included within the normal turn printout. This would address, in my opinion, an area of weakness in your game. That being the lack of interaction in the majority of games between opponents. Having ongoing communication with your opponents really spices up the play and leads to an overall greater interest. I have played other PBM games that had this option so I will draw from my own experience. I was involved in a long turn ongoing battle with one individual in a fantasy style pbm war game. The barbs, threats and bragging he sent my way and my responses were the best thing about the entire game. My desire to defeat him went beyond winning the game and made my eventual victory over him much sweeter than it would have been over an opponent with whom I had no interaction. None of the opponents whom I've defeated in Middle Earth have inspired me in any way close to the way this fellow did. ** Players can communicate with others by sending their submissions via WotW or on 3x5 cards to other players in the game. You can send these cards to GSI addressed to the player in question and we will forward them on for you. I anticipate you might poopoo this idea based on certain concerns, so I will attempt to answer what I think they will be ahead of time. 1) There is already the Barbs and Brags column in WotW. True, but it does not suffice because it is printed only monthly and it requires a paid subscription. Most players do not subscribe so what's the point of sending a delicious barb in the direction of your opponent(s) when in all likelihood he won't even see it? In the game I am presently in there have been 2 posts in 15 turns, hardly anything to get excited about. ** WotW is a monthly publication but any and all players may send submissions in to it - not just subscribers, thanks... Note: I think GSI missed my point here, it doesn't matter whether or not you can submit to WotW. What matters is that if you do submit a post how many players in your game can you expect to actually see it. Generally not very many. 2) 3x5 cards are already allowed. These are really only useful for sending your address at game start. After that it is simply too much work to fill out 24 cards a turn. Also they are easy to ignore so communication fizzles. A message to an individual player that all players see is much more likely to inspire a response from your opponent. And once the verbal battle starts others jump in and things really get hopping! ** In the initial communications at the beginning of the game one can provide everyone with a means of direct contact which takes GSI out of the loop - so to speak. 3) Extra paper costs. In my turns on the page before the character portraits there is usually at least half a page blank. This new addition could fit in that space nicely. ** In your observation of the turn page this does NOT always occur for each printout because each turn is formatted differently but allowing players to communicate on their resultsheet is not a feature under consideration at this time. 4) Increased time to input the turns. This is true, however assuming a competent typist is entering the resultsheets the time increase should not be all that substantial. More importantly I believe this suggestion will increase the overall enjoyment of the games by the players (even those who don't submit anything). And hence will lead to people playing longer and this will increase the average revenue you generate from each player. It is my belief that this increase in revenue will more than make up for the time and paper concerns. ** Prior to examining the time factor involved we also must examine several other factors that play a significant role on the equation. First, what size limitations are there, the most efficient method of entering the information so that it goes to the correct player, is there additional cost involved, etc. All of these factors must be considered before we can even place the item on the table for consideration. In the event, aside from allowing the players to communicate via 3x5 cards and WotW, GSI has no intentions of making any changes in these areas at this time. My purpose for allowing this to be printed is not to criticize GSI for their responses, quite the contrary I thank them for their thorough and prompt response. I still do, however, feel that GSI is missing the boat. And I hope that any players reading this, who feel as I and my friends do, will make similar recommendations to GSI. News From the Net ================= ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: mepbm riddle/encounter Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 14:27:22 GMT Come on you experts out there, two questions; 1. How as a free person, can i get away from Turukulon the dragon ? 2. Help needed with the following riddle; A prince was he Last of the line of the third Untamable was he claimed to be Until the grey word bade him for battle gird. Two pints of lager for the first correct answer.Thanks in anticipation ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I concede that my reasoning was flawed and Shadowfax is a better answer to the riddle. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Schlemilly-dak-Dak, A Y!, Esq." ( Subject: 1650 NAvy POwer Date: 23 Jul 1996 12:21:01 GMT Ahh YEs Schemillie-dak........-Dak. Help me I have lost some info -dak-dak scenmillie. Please Send INfo on the Carldolan Startin Naval size and location. Ahh you are wise Shemeillie dak. dak.duh!!!!? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Todd Jenner ( Subject: ME-PBM 2950 Encounter Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 15:06:04 -0500 In my most recent turn, one of my characters ran into this encounter: Frodo [not his real name] was hastening to take cover from a sudden and unseasonal storm when he came across an overgrown (or perhaps hidden!) path. Daring the unexpected opportunity as a welcome respite from the foul weather, he followed the path, finding it to be both narrow and broken. After a brief but difficult trek, he was relieved to enter the small, hidden cave found at the path's end. To his surprise, the cave provided not only shelter but also an interesting discovery. In the center of the cave was an oblong block of dark stone, engulfed in a faint transparent blue light that covered the entire surface. Upon the stone ay something that did not shine, but attracted his attention nonetheless. The cave seemed almost to be calling him. He couldn't tell what it was, and certainly the item there was a powerful artifact, he thought, but how might one breach the possible protections? attack PHYSICALLY to drive off any guardians attack MAGICALLY to dispel any wards creep forward silently and REMOVE the item from the stone block leap forward and STEAL the item from the block WAIT and see if the light goes out declare your ALLEGIANCE say _____ (one word) FLEE Sorry for the length... I've found out a little from the Mouth of Sauron, but not much. My character is a lowly emissary, less than 25 challenge rank, and my nation is still Neutral. The only info on this encounter pertains to Dark Servants; MAGICALLY results in combat, WAIT in injury or death. I'm tending toward REMOVE or STEAL, but I might just chicken out and flee. Any advice, posted or e-mailed, is appreciated greatly. Oh, and what's a Druedain? It ain't in my _Complete Guide to Middle-earth_. (It's the name of the encounter, according to the Mouth.) Thanks in advance! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Scott C. Bahrke) Subject: ME-PBM Riddle Date: Sat, 27 Jul 96 15:46:21 GMT Hello, fellow gamers. I would like to offer another riddle from the 2950 game of ME PBM for your consideration. This thing all things devours, Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stone to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down. The answer seems as if it should be "time," but I am wary. Would GSI give such an easy riddle? Thanks for any thoughts you might offer. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from "Mitchell A. McCann" ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- How about "Water?" ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Scott C. Bahrke) ------------------------------------------------------------------- I thought about water, but do you think it fits as well as time. Time always does those things whereas water only sometimes does those things. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Tracy Scott ( ------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd lean towards time before water, it seems to fit better. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (John Sesody) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Time is indeed the answer to this riddle. Bilbo barely squeaks out the answer during his contest with Smeagol. In fact, he is trying to say 'Give me more time!', but all that comes out is 'Time!' This one is far easier than 'What do I have in my pockets?' :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from Patrick F. McGehearty (patrick@convex.COM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, GSI riddles include all of the riddles from "The Hobbit", including this one. Bilbo was almost stumped by this one, but got the answer when he squeaked "Time, time", trying to ask for more time to answer the riddle. Be glad you got one of the easy ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (Juris Baidins) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, GSI would give such an easy riddle. After all, some of the riddles have to be answerable by mere readers of Tolkien as opposed to "fanatics." (I am in the mere category). Some riddles are immediately obvious like the one whose answer is "one ring", others require remembering or reading about a side group like the Woses, others require an inquiry into this group and the worst require a posting to the Tolkien newsgroup to get an answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chapman) Subject: MEPBM 1650 dragon advice requested Date: 29 Jul 1996 08:38:50 GMT I'm playing a FP nation. I have had the dragon Klyaxar curled around one of my Towns for many turns. It is now at loyalty 7 with no fortification. I'd like to send a 50 Comm, 82 Health character there to put up a tower. According to the 1650 info, Klyaxar has distemper and attacks any allegiance for any reason. Is there any way I can build a tower there and have the character live? Any other options? TIA ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Al Capone ( Subject: I want Him DEAD !(mepbm) Date: 5 Aug 1996 10:51:11 GMT I have a 60 rank agent scouting a Major Town for a 30-35 rank agent. He has come up with no characters with agent ranks. The rule book says that the scout for characters order requires comparison of agent ranks. Is it likely that my agent has just failed to notice the presence of his target? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff Dobberpuhl ( Subject: MEpbm 2950: Caran-Carach encounter (The real posting) Date: Sun, 18 Aug 1996 09:12:01 -0500 Hi all. My character is a fellowship mage, with a mage level near 100. This mage had the following encounter: "Your mage began a short hunting trip to gather additional food for the journey. Besides, hunting always had a way of providing a feeling of great joy. As your mage travelled, your mage found few animals worth the hunt and had to travel farther out than intended. Suddenly, night fell and your mage turned to retrace his steps toward the camp. At least there was a full moon to guide your mage's way back. It was strange, though, that there had been such a scarcity of game. Uneasily, your mage became aware that the hunt had changed, and your mage had become the hunted. Quickly, your mage set up an ambush and waited. Within moments, a very large wolf stalked into the area. In the light of the moon, the Wolf seemed to have glowing eyes and a knowing smile. Slowly the Wolf's head turns and looks directly at your mage. ATTACK the Wolf. State your ALLEGIANCE STAND your ground Offer the Wolf FOOD Attempt to stay HIDDEN Say ___________ (Only one word) FLEE" I chose FOOD. As a result, the following happened: "Your mage slid some meat out of his bag and tossed it to the slavery Werewolf Caran-Carach, but the beast never took its eyes off of your mage. Slowly he began to emit a high pitched howl that set your mage's teeth on edge. The Werewolf looked up at the mage with a feral grin and slitted eyes from which peeked an unholy light. With a gutteral growl, he leaped, his teeth gleaming white in the moonlit darkness of the night. The Werewolf's strength was prodigious and his ferocity was that of a cornered wild beast. The mage fought with all the courage and spells your mage possessed, but he found it almost impossible to focus for the killing blow. As your mage's limbs grew tired, your mage's guard grew weaker, and suddenly, the Werewolf Caran-Carach was at your mage's throat, snarling in your mage's face and bearing the mage to the ground. As your mage fell, the mage twisted away from the lunging beast and cast one last spell. The magic sizzled and engulfed the body of the Werewolf, and, with an almost relieved look on its face, it crumpled and died. After the battle, a small chest was found. Inside was a scroll which burst into flames. As it burned, your mage found a new spell in your mage's memory! Gems and jewels were also found. They valued at about 17000 gold pieces and were sent to the capital!" My character also got +5 Mage and +5 challenge rank. The character did not lose 1 single health point. I am tossing this encounter out, because in all the encounter tables I've seen, I haven't seen any responses as to what happens from the FOOD result. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Quico Gil ( Subject: ME-PBM Fourth Age Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 15:01:45 +0200 Hi!!! I'm getting some dispersed informations from yet another scenario for ME-PBM. I know it's in the Fourth Age, but I would like to get some more information on that (which countries play, how they are distributed, if there are any changes in the rules, or things like these) Thank you ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (James Ghiloni) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it is actually quite exciting. They seem to have solved a lot of the problems from the first two scenarios. The main problem, to me, has been that all the information about the positions and artifacts, etc. is easily acquired so there is no sense of mystery or discovery about the game. Everybody locates the Ring of Wind immediately, everyone knows Ji Indur is a badass assassin, everyone knows where the Dragon Lord's Mordor mtown is located, etc. By placing the new scenario in the fourth age, they are able to change this. Players will customize their nations based on a point based system. You can pick your own name, allegiance, race, special abilities, pop center locations, armies, characters etc. They are going to randomize the names, numbers, and locations of artifacts, add new riddles encounters and NPCs. Neutrals can win as a Neutral, you can attack anyone regardless of allegiance, and there are new orders including Build Road, Move Map, and Influence Market. All games are also guaranteed to end by turn 52. [I'm getting all this from the Origins press release, BTW] IMHO, I think this will rule. I love the mechanics of the game and the setting, but have gotten bored with the same powers in the same places doing the same things every game. This will really shake things up. Jim PS> The scenario itself is based on the idea that Aragorn's kingdom splits again after 1000 years into north and south versions. Two players set these kingdoms up with a few more restrictions than the rest of the players, but I guess they will be a bit more powerful. Remant enclaves of dwarves, elves, orcs and trolls still exist to compete with the two kingdoms and other human kingdoms. ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from (William D. Belben) ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is what Chris at Allsorts sent me, the playtests should be well under way by now... William, New scenario details as follows: Press Release GSI is pleased to announce that it plans to begin playtesting its newest Middle-earth PBM scenario, Middle-earth PBM Fourth Age, circa 1000, on April 1, 1996 (our 15th year anniversary!). GSI is now accepting inquiries with regard to players (former and current) that are interested in playing in one of the playtest games. GSI plans on running at least two games via email (1-week turnaround), starting as soon after 4/1/96 as possible. All players will need to be able to accept our PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files in order to participate. Contact our office via email if you are not already receiving ME-PBM via email or have any questions in this regard. The Middle-earth PBM Fourth Age, circa 1000 scenario will offer players some very interesting and much-requested options. The premise is that the Reunited Kingdom (the realm established by King Elessar at the end of the Third Age) as split into the "Twin Kingdoms" - a North Kingdom and a South Kingdom (see sample timeline at end). Other fledgling Mannish nations (realms) are on the rise to contest the power and rule of these kingdoms, and isolated pockets of Elves and Dwarves (Free Peoples), and even enclaves of Orcs and Trolls (Dark Servants) could come forth to challenge the 1000 year rule of Men. Most Mannish nations (including the Kingdoms) will want to consider themselves Neutral at game start, but they are free to select any allegiance at the start that they wish. Thus, the game will allow for two players to each independently control one of the two Twin Kingdoms, and 23 other players to assume control of unspecified nations/realms. The 23 players would be allowed to define most aspects of their nations (including the nation's name and desired special nation abilities), population centres, armies and characters - including selection of their homeland on the map. The two Kingdoms will be more restrictive in their set-up, but some freedom will also be allowed in their respective set-ups. Players will have points to spend toward the design of the various aspects of their nations, with unused points being added as gold to their starting reserves. Magic will be somewhat less restrictive than found in the first two scenarios. Because the presence of Sauron, Gandalf, Elrond, etc. effectively justified this restriction in the first two scenarios, and there is no such presence in the Fourth Age, then it seems reasonable that more magic would be used. This will be particularly important since all artefact numbers will be scrambled (differently for each game) and players will know few, if any, of those numbers at game start. Only artefact research will reveal this information. Some new artefacts will be present also as the One Ring and other artefacts were lost to Middle-earth after the Third Age. Another important restriction of the first two scenarios will be eliminated in this scenario - namely, that no nation of the same allegiance was able to militarily attack each other. Because the presence of Sauron, Gandalf, Elrond, etc. effectively justified this restriction in the first two scenarios, and there is no such presence in the Fourth Age, then it seems reasonable to allow players the same latitude that today's nations share in this regard. Furthermore, since the allegiance (Good, Evil, Neutral) of today's nations is typically dependent on one's perspective and the leader at the time, it seems reasonable to allow the Twin Kingdoms the same flexibility and allow them to choose a course of Good or Evil as well. In such a context, the Free Peoples are viewed more as peoples that wish to see the return to the days prior to the dawning of the Fourth Age (where Men were simply one race (among many) occupying Middle-earth), and the Dark Servants as those wishing to see complete domination (Mannish or otherwise) - preferably by their own nation! The goal of the game (victory conditions for game end) will also be different from the first two scenarios - without the One Ring and with no clearly defined allegiances, this also makes sense. The goal of the 23 nations will be to see to the weakening of the two major powers - the Twin Kingdoms - and see that their allegiance emerges above all others. This goal will be complicated by the fact that many nations will need the help of the Twin Kingdoms (who uniquely will be able to build roads, manipulate the market, etc.) in order to ensure that their allegiance gains the upper the right time. Thus the immediate demise of the Twin Kingdoms will not always be desired. The goal of the Twin Kingdoms will be to survive - the longer they do so, the greater their chances for victory. Thus, the victory points for the Twin Kingdoms (if they remain Neutral) will be determined by the number of turns they survive, rather than the conventional method, which will apply to all other nations and a Twin Kingdom that chooses an allegiance. In any case, all games will end on turn 52 if they do not end sooner! Furthermore, the Neutral allegiance will now be able to win the game too! Players should be aware that these games will be playtest games and as such are not open to game reviews for general publication (magazines, email, etc.). That's all for now, Chris. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kristin Jacobsen ( Subject: Fourth Age MEPBM Date: 1 Sep 1996 03:18:21 GMT This message is regarding the Fourth Age Scenario. I attended a seminar at GenCon where the good folks at GSI discussed the Fourth Age Scenario in some detail. Since it will supposedly be available commercially within the next couple of months I won't go into too much detail except to say that it sounds wonderful. There are only two fixed positions: the halves of Aragorn's kingdom. Everyone else designs their realm from scratch. The cities have to be located fairly close to each other, but essentially you pick everything: cities, locations, characters, armies, special abilities, etcetera. Neutrals are a viable winning option, and if a neutral hasn't picked a side by turn 10 (?) they are locked into neutrality. Also, you can go to tolerant with the enemy, and disliked with your allies, meaning you can attack your allies and work with your enemies. Some new commands will also be available, including one that allows you to change the location of your map! The playtest is still going on, so none of this is written in stone, but I for one am waiting for this scenario to begin another MEPBM game. -- Allan Shampine ------------------------------------------------------------------- response from ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Draugnar) Subject: New MePBM Web Page Under Construction... Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 22:54:25 GMT Ladies and Gentlemen: Please point your WebBrowser (must be frames capable) to: I am beginning a new Web Page dedicated to the MePBM'er who wants access to the information fast and in a well organized manner. All I have in, so far, is a rough outline of the Table of Contents and the 1650 artifact information, but this should give you an idea of the direction in which this page is heading. You'll find a place to e-mail me with your comments and suggestions providing you browser handles e-mail. Please use that or respond to this message (both point here) with any comments, suggestion, or even problems (if some of my HTML is IE 3.0 specific and you are running Netscape Navigator, I want to know so I can fix it). This page works well in 800x600 or higher resolution. It should also work OK, but not as well, in 640x480 mode. My recommendation will be 800x600 or higher 16 color or better. I'll limit it to 16 colors for now, and only move up to 256 if I decide to add some kind of graphic images. I want this to be a fast page, so I'll probably keep graphics to a minimum. Thanks In Advance For Your Time, . . . . . . __ _ __ __ _ __ | ) ) | ) (_(_| | ) ) | ) | | Robert "Draugnar" Bolin ------------------------------------------------------------------- Post #11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Niels) Subject: NPC encounters in MEPBM Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 16:37:10 GMT Hello Net I am wondering whether anyone out the migt have some info on NPC movement. I would like to know if NPCs that interact with armies (Sauron, Gandalf, Galadriel, etc) moves to a new location in the _same_ turn as the encounter takes place or in the _following_ turn. If the first option is true NPCs must move _after_ army movement. Likewise NPCs will not be listed under a population center the turn after an encounter took place at that same population center. If on the other hand NPCs change location the turn _after_ the actual encounter took place, most NPCs will still be listed under the population center when you recieve your turn report. Then the questions remains of how long they stick around before they move on? Do they move simultaneously with other characters ? If anyone has any experience with this please email me or post the reply to this newsgroup. ------------------------------------------------------------------- For Curiosity's Sake ==================== With apologies to my co-editor I just got through cleaning up my mailing list for "The Mouth" and here's what I found out... Total distributed by me 202 of these US Commercial (incl. ci$ and aol) 125 US Educational 27 US Military 2 US Government 1 Canada 13 UK 10 OZ 7 Spain 5 Germany 3 Denmark 3 Sweeden 2 Norway 1 Belgium 1 Japan 1 Russia 1 ... not that anyone else really cares. Might through these stats in the next issue (for curiosity sake if nothing else). Tom's note: lacking Brian's motivation, I haven't done a similar scan of my own mailing list. However, from memory alone the proportions look fairly similar. Last Word ========= Well, so much for spending my oodles of extra time putting out Mouth issues. It turns out, fellow gamers, that I enjoy the unemployed/self-employed life *far* too much - days fly by barely noticed while the Mouth sits idly on the back-burner, doing much of nothing. Hmmm....the sun has once again decided to bless my deck. Time for me to go, I think. Until next issue, Tom