Starting with the Las Vegas Face to Face Game in Summer 2019, and then again during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 & 2021, Middle-earth Games offered a series on games with a rewards system where players could spent points to customize their own nation.
For a current list of rewards, please contact Middle-earth Games.
But as an example, below is the rewards system used in Game 918, an All-Neutrals 3rd Age 1650 game that began in March 2021.
Each nation is given 100 points to pick from the rewards listed below.
(10 points each, maximum of four Minor Rewards)
- A nation that can name at 40, Commanders, Emissaries or Mages as an SNA, begins with an additional character of that class at their capital. [NOTE from Clint: Several players attempted to name 40 characters that they don’t have the SNA for, it’s only for those with that SNA.] Nation number, name, sex, skill and capital hex
- An unfortified starting population centre receives a tower. Nation number and name of PC
- A nation starts with an additional 15,000 gold. Nation number
- A designated army/navy starts with an additional 250 LC. Nation number and army commander
- A starting non-champion character gets an additional +10 to a non Agent/Stealth starting skill (Commander, Emissary, Mage) that they have that is at 50 or less. If you select a Mage, you’ll get an additional random spell. Reminder: Non-Champion only. Nation number, character name and skill [Spells gained are 412, 416 or some other spell if unknown]
- A starting village or camp is upgraded one level to a village or a town. Nation number and name of PC
- Remove two Harbours / Ports from PCs you control. Nation number and name of PCs
- 4 PCs gain 20 Loyalty. Nation number and name of PCs
- A nation names a 30 Rank class character that starts at their capital. Nation number, name, sex, skill and capital hex
(30 points each, maximum of two Major Rewards)
- Start with 10 war machines in a designated army. Nation number and army commander
- A starting tower is upgraded to a fort. This cannot be a tower created with another Reward. Nation number and name of PC
- A starting non-champion character gets +10 to any non Agent/Stealth skill (Commander, Emissary, Mage) whether they start with it or not, if +10 Mage you gain an additional spell. Nation number, character name and skill [Spells gained are 412, 416 or some other spell if unknown]
- A designated army / navy starts with an additional 250 HC. Nation number and name of army commander
- A starting town is upgraded to a major town and gets loyalty increased. Nation number and name of PC
- Remove four Harbours / Ports from PCs you control. Nation number and name of PCs
- 4 PCs gain 40 Loyalty. Nation number and name of PCs